New May Event Update!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by MineYourMind, May 8, 2019.

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  1. MineYourMind

    MineYourMind Official MYM Bot

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    Local Time:
    11:04 PM
    May Event Update!

    Hello fellow MyM’s! Now since no details were given in the initial event post, we feel it is finally time to shed some light on the event! Below will be a list of battle rules for the server and a little insight on what to do!

    When you first join, you will start in the spawn dome. There you will have to travel to the spawning area where you will have to fight a Slind NPC. Upon winning, he will drop 12 masterballs, guarantee that any Pokémon is captured with them. During the event if you follow the pathway heading west from spawn you will be led to a dome filled with Pokémon available for your capturing. With 12 Pokémon captured, you will be able to create 2 teams of six to use during the event. All the gyms, and final arenas are on the paths, marked with beacons. Each gym has their own flare or test you must go through before being able to battle the leader!

    To fight the Elite 4 you need all 8 badges that are obtained through defeating each leader. Make sure not to lose them as we need them before you can challenge one of us! Each of the Elites are one of the members of the Event team using their own unique flair. When you beat all 4 of us you can face the Champion!

    Rules for the gym and Elite:
    • No One Hit KO moves (These include Fissure, Sheer Cold, and Horn Drill)
    • Not more than one Pokémon can be put to sleep at a time (No dream eater builds you sneaky butts!)
    • No items from your bags can be used (EX: Healing items)
    • Baton Pass is banned from usage
    • No infinite battle Pokémon (EX: Toxic stall Umbreon)

    If you get a Pokémon with a OHKO move your able to replace it by the spawn with the Move Relearner’s! Your Pokémon can also get items to help them in battle at the shady market next door to the shop…
    Goodluck to the ones attending and we hope to see you there!

    With the announcement of this event, everyone has shown a good interest in this month's event. We have discussed internally should there be a great turnout, we would like to see some more future Pixelmon events! Maybe even a survival style tournament. Who knows where this could take us!

    As many of you know, in previous events we asked you all to submit a form of entry. We used this to monitor who was attending, how many players/staff, etc. For this event, we are NOT requiring any form for signing up at all. We want anyone and everyone to come on and try your best! Keep in mind, it might not be easy..

    Time for event currently stand with the start of the event on Thursday, May 9th @ 12pm EST and ends on Sunday, May 12th @ 12pm EST.

    Here is the original post announcing this event!

    Big thank you to everyone who helped set this event up, including our MyM Build Team making the event look gorgeous! @Lirael @chaseB2 @Punane @Snackumzs @CanadaBunny Big Thanks to them!

    We are looking forward to seeing you there!

    ~ MyM Event Team
    Last edited by a moderator: May 9, 2019
  2. CanadaBunny

    CanadaBunny Well-Known Member

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    6:04 PM
    chaseB2 and Punane like this.
  3. Peace7904

    Peace7904 Well-Known Member

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    6:04 PM
    Event is live! Check it out on our Launcher!!
  4. RomaDaddy

    RomaDaddy Well-Known Member

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    6:04 PM
    Should have named it something other than Pixelmon, I have 2-3 copies of the same name from over the years. Took me a few to figure out which one I needed to launch, lol.
  5. GreyWolf11

    GreyWolf11 Former Staffer

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    6:04 PM
    The pack the server's running is on our Launcher :p
  6. Peace7904

    Peace7904 Well-Known Member

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    6:04 PM
    He means we should have named it something other than Pixelmon lol. Didn't think about that part
  7. RomaDaddy

    RomaDaddy Well-Known Member

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    6:04 PM
    Yea lol, my MYM Launcher folder is filled with packs from over the years i am too lazy to remove.
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