Implemented Cows hate me (or they're just buggy)?

Discussion in 'B-Team' started by JacaRoe, Sep 21, 2014.

  1. JacaRoe

    JacaRoe Well-Known Member

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    10:54 AM
    Ben and I have been trying to figure this out for days, posting here per his suggestion, and copied direct from my ticket, with an update:

    /tppos 721 62 500

    I don't know if this is a bug or a glitch, but I wondered if someone could tell me if there was a particular reason that about 20-24 of my cows (including mooshrooms) and sheep in that location were chain slaughtered. I don't mean they despawned, but it was as if someone was invisible, killing them off. Even leaving leather/beef/mutton/wool behind (for the six or so that I watched die). I then took one of the mooshrooms I had in a safari net, loosed it in that pen, and it immediately died. Not despawned, but took damage, mooed, and keeled over dead for absolutely no reason, leaving a steak and leather behind. This space is at least 6-8 blocks tall, and the pen about 20x20, so they didn't suffocate. There was nothing/nobody around them when they died. The turf is plain grass blocks, and they had survived there just fine for weeks. It was just in a matter of a day that I lost them all. I'm mostly just looking for a reason for the deaths so that I don't lose any more....

    Update 9/21:
    Replenished the supply of mooshrooms with about 6 from the autospawner. Reproduced several, sheared a couple to cows. Reproduced a few of those. Had about 8 cows and 12 mooshrooms over a period of a few days (took all the sheep out of that pen completely). All was good up until yesterday. Today, they're all gone again. Just the cows this time, just the one area (I even switched things around, took up and replaced a layer of dirt, to make sure no blocks were ghosting mobs). I don't understand it. I've got the autospawer, so it's not a huge deal, I can always respawn and slaughter as needed. It's just kind of annoying to have some unknown, unseen force killing off my barnyard. Thanks for any clue you can provide!
  2. Mijikai

    Mijikai Well-Known Member

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    This situation is really strange, because there isn't a grinder.. there isn't any suffocation, and it's really, really a weird situation.
    If anyone could shed some light on why this is happening, or suggestions as to how we can prevent the cows from dying, that would be brilliant thanks.

    JacaRoe likes this.
  3. kriss0612

    kriss0612 Ex-Staff Member

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    It sounds kind of creepy, I mean, imagine this kind of situation IRL... Anyways, I hope that the problem will be fixed, as I too would like to know what could be causing this weird situation :)
    JacaRoe likes this.
  4. Caitiii

    Caitiii Active Member

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    Sounds like you've got a plague going!

    What an odd situation. I hope it gets resolved for you soon! And yes, I am also curious as to what the reason for these strange slaughters is.. ^^
    JacaRoe likes this.
  5. kriss0612

    kriss0612 Ex-Staff Member

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    I mean, what you are describing is almost as if tho someone is flying around invisibly and killing your animals, but I dont think thats the case, because I dont believe an admin could do something like that, and as of my knowledge moderators dont have the power to do /vanish or any other "God" commands like that
    JacaRoe likes this.
  6. Mijikai

    Mijikai Well-Known Member

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    lol, I'm always in /god on PvE ._.
    I always forget to turn it off.
    + we have vanish, but only for situations we need it for.
    JacaRoe likes this.
  7. Caitiii

    Caitiii Active Member

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    I would also hope none of the MyM staff would do such a thing and I highly doubt that's the case xD
    JacaRoe likes this.
  8. JacaRoe

    JacaRoe Well-Known Member

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    ALIENS!! Yes, I agree with that assessment. lol

    Ben had suggested that maybe there was some global animal issue which led a mod/admin to kill them, and it affected me by proxy. But that theory was dispelled by the sudden death of the cow upon releasing it from the safari net. Then there was also the second mass disappearance, which - unlike the first - I didn't witness any of. It has me stymied. But it's (apparently) reproducible, so maybe someone somewhere can get to the bottom of it.[DOUBLEPOST=1411314018,1411313659][/DOUBLEPOST]
    I doubt that too. In fact, the thought never even crossed my mind. I trust that no MyM staff would either grief anybody like that, and I doubt that we would be a big enough target for anyone else to even notice us there, much less grief like that. Besides, the barnyard is indoors, and int he middle of several different levels of our build, so it wouldn't be the easiest to get to without overriding claims.

    Unlike the horse pen we kept outside, to have someone wander by, open the gate and let the horses out (I remedied that by putting the horse pen underground behind doors as well), it's just not an obvious enough target. Even so, why just the cows this time, in that specific location? We have two adjacent pens with chickens and sheep now and if someone wanted to be a dick, they would wipe them all out, I would think.

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