Done Attunement Altar issue

Discussion in 'Interactions' started by Phantomdrake, Jun 28, 2019.

  1. Phantomdrake

    Phantomdrake Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    3:34 PM
    I have setup my attunement altar on my void island but i do not get the blue sparkles to place the spectral relays to make attuned crystals. Does this not work in the void world? Will it work in the overworld?
  2. Zyrade

    Zyrade Well-Known Member

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    2:34 AM
    Hey PhantomDrake,

    I haven't tried it in the void world, as I made my base in the over world. But I do know it works there just fine. My guess is that the void world does not have access to the constellations that power the attunement.

    Hope that helps!
  3. HanoverFist69

    HanoverFist69 Administrator

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    Local Time:
    11:34 PM
    Hello Phantomdrake,

    Along with what Zyrade mentioned, the attunement altar has an issue where it just doesn't like some chunks (seems most chunks). This plagued Enigmatica 2. So try moving it around and see if you can find a spot where it will work (in the Overworld).

    One suggestion would be to use AS's tools, flares, etc to find a spot of high starlight. If the AS tools are recognizing that spot as having high starlight then it should also mean the altar will work - in theory.

    Let us know if you can get it working.

  4. Phantomdrake

    Phantomdrake Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    3:34 PM
    I built it in the over world and it works. thanks for the help.

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