Feedback Change server rules - read the post

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by deepcage, Jul 5, 2019.

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  1. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    So ive been playing Galactic Science for about a week now... Trading is rampant. So is begging for stuff and people not reading the rules nor being aware of the site rules and the endgame items list.

    Please include in the Ingame rules:
    • A link to the mym website rules (not hidden under the green [More] word). An actual link please!
      99% of the players dont even know they can click on that.
    • A link per pack to the respective Endgame Items list topic on these forums.
    I keep reminding people ingame and all i get is grief, grief and more verbal grief. Please enforce your own rules or accept that people are ignorant of them and they will trade and break rules by the bundle.

    Well it appears even i did not read the rules properly. I just read them again, and again and a third time to make sure i didn't miss anything... Guess what... i missed something:

    I mean i had to read the rules several times before i even saw that. Im fairly certain im not the only one who misses that. You put a whole field of text in peoples faces and then the important part is all the way at the bottom. Most dont even read to the bottom...
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2019
  2. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

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    I suggest adding a short quiz to / rules and its passing allows you to play instead of quickly type / rules, / rules 2 and / acceptrules to play.

    I know this would be tedious to 9yo kids but... RULES ARE RULES!
  3. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    While i like this idea a lot, its probably not so easily implemented. Would require some serious coding. Don't think staff wanna do that. But i agree, most people don't even read the rules and just go /rules /rules 2 and /acceptrules just so they can skip al that text to play the game.

    Also some rules just don't make sense on some packs... no spreading of blood or syringes or tome of sharing... that's not even in GS. if you copy-paste rules, at least do some edititing.
    Fireforce likes this.
  4. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

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    I know it will be hard to code/implement via chat/commands but I just giving idea how to solve it. I remember one server my friend made you must pass through "rules tutorial" but it was made by signs

    You can share syringes of mob blood for RFTools Spawner in Galactic so it's kinda valid even if its not common to use it.(best source of enderman heads and pearls imho)

    Fireforce likes this.
  5. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    I am a bit torn on this. While it is actually easy to implement a quiz type system to the rules plugin, at a certain point, you actually discourage new players to join the server. Getting responses like "It is to complicated" or "This is tedious, why do I have to do this?" and player's will go to a different network. There is a reason why other networks don't have it complicated. What happens when you don't follow the rules? You are subject to get punished.
    I will let others voice their opinions though.
    McDwarf and SergiKuro like this.
  6. Rebelborn

    Rebelborn Well-Known Member

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    on a server i played one time. ther was a bedrock chamber u spawned inside of, ther was one signe to clik to open the rule web page. when this was done u got teleported to the next chamber, ther it was som more signes to click. asking key questions from the rules and if u did the quiz wrong u died and after 3 wrong u got kicked whit a message to read the rules and try again. it was all done in 1 min
  7. Fortunata

    Fortunata Patron Tier 3

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    I think changing anything would be a waste of time. Even knowing the Rules, people will continue begging and trading Endgame Items.
    That's people. They knowingly risk getting punished for breaking these rules.
    And Aidoneus is right in my opinion, you can't get to complicated nor can you act to strict. You loose players.
    I personally don't really care, what Items they trade. I don't play for the competition, i play for other reasons.
    As long as they don't disturb other members gameplay by breaking the rules, i wouldn't even consider reporting it.
    But that's just me. ;)
    ggkhs, chaseB2 and Rebelborn like this.
  8. Willshaper

    Willshaper Well-Known Member

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    I'm against any way of making the process harder. Have played on servers that did it before, and i really don't like it.

    Having a complicated rules quiz or similar would most likely make me quit the server immediately.

    If people decide to not follow the rules, punish em. Easy as that.
    chaseB2 and McDwarf like this.
  9. McDwarf

    McDwarf Well-Known Member

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    I think adding a Rules Quiz would effect the activity of the server big time.. a lot would quit before even getting to the end of it..
    Willshaper likes this.
  10. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    Another idea: let people trade what they want
  11. Fireforce

    Fireforce Patron Tier 3

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    I don't agree gs was designed to be a hard grind there for you will need to automate early its very easy to get what you need

    Iam for no trade rule on the server
  12. McDwarf

    McDwarf Well-Known Member

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    if we remove the Rules about what we can trade den there won't be an end goal. sounds a bot boring too me...
  13. AyeItsKatieMC

    AyeItsKatieMC Well-Known Member

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    Personally I agree with what Fireforce said the whole point of the no trading of end game items rule is so people that just join can't get there hands on something like draconic armor or a infinity sword before they earn it. I've seen it take the fun out of a pack as well. I also agree that we should at least have some form of quiz to test if they've actually read the rules or not
  14. Zyrade

    Zyrade Well-Known Member

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    I've been part of a server that used a quiz based system. While it weeded out a lot of potential troublemakers, it also ended up losing a number of other people in part to various reasons. And found that often if they joined with friends, they didn't bother to read the rules anyhow and just got the answers from the first person who went through it, which sadly defeated the purpose in the first place.

    You could bypass that by doing a randomization in the quiz, but depending on how you would code it into the game, could have a potential to be a lot of extra work.
  15. Fireforce

    Fireforce Patron Tier 3

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    Well it could be a red text in chat and whit some incentive added like a right answer you get 10 or more tokens... Tho said random quiz would needed to be slightly altered pr server... Iam not a codeing man so I have no idea how much such quiz would take
  16. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    Don't make it too complicated. People can't even figure out how to make a crafting table on rg, so you expect them to do some complicated quiz?

    We want new players. They keep the network alive. So when I suggested to get rid of trading rules, I wasn't entirely serious. But hinting at the fact that we need to get all those sticks out of our butts and be more lenient towards new players and not scare them off.
    WurgerSD, Fireforce and Willshaper like this.
  17. vintern

    vintern Well-Known Member

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    People generally prefer simplicity over complexity.

    Like for example:
    Do you always read the terms of conditions before accepting them? I know a lot of people don't and a lot of people who try to do so usually give up right when they are being presented a huge 10 page text.

    MyM is complex enough in my opinion. Don't go out and make things even more complex. Just having too many features available on the server is enough to increase the complexity aspect in a negative way regardless of how well optimized everything is.

    On the other hand:
    Something that i also have noticed is how the staff members on MyM are lacking in terms of presence in-game.

    The staff members are either never there or they are online but hiding under /vanish 50% of the time not engaging in what's going on. As most issues seems to occur when staff are absent, increasing the visibility and presence could provide with some great effects.
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2019
  18. AyeItsKatieMC

    AyeItsKatieMC Well-Known Member

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    As vintern said I also believe increasing staff presence on the server would cut down on rule breakers. I've seen this done successfully on multiple server networks. I've seen a factions server go from 90% hackers down to about the occasional hacker just from staff increasing their presence on the server. A player will take a warning more seriously if it comes from a staff member rather then a player
  19. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    Staff aren't playing vanished, if you can't see us it's because we're doing something :). I totally agree that we need to maintain a greater presence on all of our packs, but..

    1. We all live in different time zones, so you might not see us!
    2. We have responsibilities to the network outside of just playing.
    3. We have responsibilities outside the network as well.
    Now, from my own perspective I try and show up on the modpacks I want to play on. I'll also play where I don't want to, but feel like they need love. I'll always participate on the launch of new servers to try and ensure it goes smoothly. I try and maintain a presence on patron servers, both as a patron tier 3 and as a senior staff member.
    This is balanced by the fact I've a family, obligations to my master's degree program in the form of fieldwork and homework. I also have research obligations, and client obligations. I don't think seeing a red name should be like a unicorn spotting, but the truth is we're all juggling here. This filters down to the senior mods moderators too! There are more of them, but there may never be enough to provide 24/7/365 coverage. No matter how much it pains us to admit it.

    As for deepcage's suggestion I'm all for making the link go back to the website it enables us to go further on depth with rules.
    Fireforce likes this.
  20. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    Having read all the replies, i think i have a better idea on my initial suggestion.

    Have the rules ALL IN 1 PLACE!

    Remove all the ingame rules. Just implement a clickable in game link to the website rules. Include in those rules ON THE SITE the link to the endgame items forums and make a rule that they are required to read the endgame items list for their pack... or else... (something along those lines). When they accept them in game, that should cover it all.

    Also the "ignorance is no excuse" rule is nonsense because you have no idea how much ignorance is out there... Literally everyone who joins the network is ignorant of the rules because they don't care!

    Now its in game rules. Website rules and the forums and even sometimes more rules hidden in the forums (like the sprinklers topic on Po2K).

    This is the current situation:
    Player advertises public trading/endgame items
    Veteran players: No public trading. Didn't you read the rules?
    Player: Yea, i did. Says nothing about trading or endgame items.
    Veteran players: Did you read the site rules?
    Player: Site rules? No... ingame rules are all the rules. I agreed to ingame rules, not some stupid site.
    Veteran players: Directs people to site rules.
    Player: Ok, so no endgame items, i can trade whatever i want, leave me alone now please.
    Veteran players: Directs people to endgame items forum topic via direct link.
    Player: The list is stupid. Engages in discussion with other players who did not make the rules. Blah blah blah. Long discussion ensues, alot of frustration. No winners.

    At this point the player generally still ignores the rules and endgame items list and continues public trading.
    someone has to attract staff attention via discord. because nobody is online all the time (cant rly expect that either).

    Staff: Bad... no do!
    Player does it again.
    Staff: What did i just tell you?
    Player does it again.
    Official warning (yea that helps).
    Player does it again.
    2nd official warning or possibly a mute... yea you showed em...
    It takes too damn long for staff to actually punish someone for breaking the rules. Theres leniency and there is a lack of enforcement, i call this the latter.

    Get my drift? people know they get away with it and so nobody cares. Be stricter! Other networks ban for minor infractions for a day or more!

    @chugga_fan chime in will ya, i know you have a different view on this. Voice your opinions m8!
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2019
    Datsaltysnek and Fireforce like this.
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