July Event Announcement!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by MineYourMind, Jul 13, 2019.

  1. MineYourMind

    MineYourMind Official MYM Bot

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    Introduction Hello everyone! As you all know, we are trying to host an event every month for the public to enjoy. May and June consisted of Pixelmon, this month will be something different.

    Break Out! That's right. A requested pack for an event is going to a server near you! We have been testing this in secrecy for a few weeks now and are excited to bring this to the public! This will be another 1.12 modpack and just like Pixelmon, will be lightweight compared to other 1.12 servers.

    What's the point of this? Glad you asked! Break Out is just that. You are stuck in a room made of wool and other materials and the point is to follow the questline and break out of your cell. The pack description will be posted below for those wanting to know more.

    How will this work? Simple. The first one to complete the pack on our server by achieving 100% completion of the quest book and show picture proof of it will be announced as the winner. Those who submit their quest book imagess to us will be subjected to in game quest book edits to confirm that they have in fact completed the quest book in its entirety to prevent players from using Singleplayer or past images.

    IP: breakoutevent.mym.li

    Rules Rules are simple.
    All MyM Rules apply
    1 member team only. Restricting this to 1 person teams slows the pace down a lot when compared to 2 man teams who were able to finish the pack in mere hours.
    Read the questbook carefully! It is full of information and tips on progressing.
    Submitted images must be of your questbook on the MyM server.
    Have fun!

    Break Out will start Monday, July 15th @10am EST and end on July 29th @10am EST. Why 10am you may ask? I work at noon so want to open it on time lol.

    Known issue: There is currently an issue with the item called Pick of Choice. This is required for progression at later points in the pack. I ask that any player who participates to make sure to read it carefully and use it correctly. The pick has a durabilty of 2 and should only be used to break the glass in your island. Upon joining, this will make more sense.
    I have spoken to the Pack Dev team about workarounds/fixing this outright. They have a fix in the process but making sure it works as intended is a lot of work and very time consuming.
    Should you have any questions or issues with the Pick of Choice, please do not hesitate to contact me on any MyM platform.

    Break Out Break Out! is an exciting new challenge pack designed to help players break out of their old vanilla ways and break in to the wild world of modded Minecraft! Although designed to be accessible to new players it should also provide a fun progression-based challenge to the more experienced who are looking for a light, fun new pack.

    You start alone and confused in a small padded room and have to break out layer by layer, teching up and expanding as you grow! A questbook guides the adventurer step by step through early challenges before leaving them to problem solve more independently as the pack progresses. Automation Kits encourage players to set up systems early instead of defaulting to manual labor. Learn the most popular mods and pick up the tools and techniques that will let you take on any pack, from kitchen sink to hardcore mode!

    This pack uses a deliberately restrained modlist to allow for fast load times, better play on less-than-stellar computers, and a less overwhelming experience. Void Island Control creates individual islands so this pack can be enjoyed solo or on a server, either alone or as part of a team. World type should be set to Void World.
    HelloKittyPhone and Slind like this.
  2. PotatoWithHat

    PotatoWithHat Lord of Giraffes

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  3. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    Nice. Are there plans to keep the server available after the event for playing ?
  4. PotatoWithHat

    PotatoWithHat Lord of Giraffes

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    but i can't play <.< the event will be exactly when I am offline for a week
  5. Peace7904

    Peace7904 Well-Known Member

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    As of right now, no.

    It is running for 2 weeks, hopefully you will be able to make it!
  6. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    Oh and you should definitely advertize the eventserver in the Break Out Discord. It might bring some new players to MyM.
  7. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    I hope I've enough time to break out when I get back home!
  8. PotatoWithHat

    PotatoWithHat Lord of Giraffes

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    Nope <.<
  9. Peace7904

    Peace7904 Well-Known Member

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    That is something I will have to discuss with the pack dev's to make sure it is ok with them before I do. Currently at work so it will have to wait a while.
  10. D47K

    D47K Well-Known Member

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    break out or break out speedrun?
  11. chaseB2

    chaseB2 Well-Known Member

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    Just normal breakout
  12. TheButterKing14

    TheButterKing14 Active Member

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    i wish i had wifi to join the event
  13. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    I don't get how the winner is determined. It should be with playtime and not "the first"
  14. D47K

    D47K Well-Known Member

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    that makes no sense, someone can spend 3 hours doing 1 quest line while another person completes 2 in 1 hour. You're telling me the person who only completes 1 quest line in 3 hours is more of a winner than someone who is ahead of them.
  15. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    What I am saying is that with the system peace describes someone who grinds for 48h straight and finishes on Wednesday would win against someone who can only play 4h each day and finishes after 7d ( = 28h)
    I obviously meant lowest playtime, not highest. :banghead:
  16. D47K

    D47K Well-Known Member

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    well then clearly the person is going to have to make most of those 4 hours. If you played the modpack, you can get to end game in 4 hours. I can't think of a single reason why someone who finishes a modpack first in a few days, loses to someone who takes a more than week to finish it.
  17. GreyWolf11

    GreyWolf11 Former Staffer

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    No what he means is the person to complete it in the LEAST amount of time, not FIRST. So if Sand finishes it on Thursday with 28hrs of playtime, and I beat it on Friday with 27hrs I would eb the winner, not him.
    So someone with no commitments wont easily beat someone with a 9-5 job
    Sandstroem and Zyrade like this.
  18. D47K

    D47K Well-Known Member

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    ahh I get it now, sorry for that. Maybe have 2 winners? First to finish and first to finish with the least play time?
  19. Peace7904

    Peace7904 Well-Known Member

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    Quick note for the event, the pack dev updated versions last night. The server is still running version 1.98. Your client will need to match this version to connect.
  20. JohnPaulIII

    JohnPaulIII Well-Known Member

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    Which version is that on Twitch? It gives me release 1.0 to 1.14.3, and then what it's calling "release forge-", which I'm guessing is the recent update.

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