Done Problem with Thaumcraft research

Discussion in 'Direwolf20' started by Fraginox, Jul 4, 2019.

  1. Fraginox

    Fraginox New Member

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    8:13 AM
    Hello, I'm actually playing on the Direwolf20 server and I have a problem with Thaumcrafts researches : when I try to get the researches for things like Ichor armor or Infusion seeds it doesn't give me the research note and says me "You lack the required knowledge to understand this".
    I've done all the researches I could, when I use a Research note made from knowledge fragments it gives me back some knowledge fragments.
    Does someone know what's happening to me and can help me please ?

    Here's some screens:

    2019-07-04_12.11.50. 2019-07-04_12.12.03.

    P.S. : Sorry if my English is not very good i'm French.
  2. AyeItsKatieMC

    AyeItsKatieMC Well-Known Member

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    3:13 AM
    I could be completely wrong but last I checked the infused crops weren't fully implemented which could be why you can't get them
  3. p5k

    p5k Well-Known Member

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    Considering that the ichorcloth robes already show up, /iskamiunlocked probably says "yes", however, make sure to research everything else (including the hidden research).
    @Fraginox is this still an issue?
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2019
    HelloKittyPhone likes this.
  4. p5k

    p5k Well-Known Member

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    Since this thread has been inactive for quite a while now, I will mark this as solved

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