Done Issue with End

Discussion in 'B-Team' started by Treminara, Jul 27, 2019.

  1. Treminara

    Treminara New Member

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    Local Time:
    2:46 PM
    Hi, t ~8:50 PM EST on 26 JUL19 I was in the end during a server restart. When I logged back in I immediately "fell out of the world" and lost all my possessions. Would not be as big of a deal but I recently lost my claim and all builds as I didn't log in frequently enough. Any help would be appreciated.
  2. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    2:46 PM
    We don't refund lost items so there isn't much we can do to help on that front. The falling through the world issue seems to be just a random issue that pops up now and then on b-team. Not sure if there is a flaw with the pack itself or not. So unfortunately there isn't anything staff can do to help you with this particular issue. Other than tell you that claims are deleted after fourteen days of inactivity, twenty-eight days if an absence is run by you or on your behalf, and this number of days goes up with patron perks so you can avoid deletion in the future. The bright side is B-Team is a bit of a fast pick up and take off so anything you lost you can probably replace within hours.
  3. TomboyEnthusiast

    TomboyEnthusiast Well-Known Member

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    2:46 PM
    Hey there,
    As Wyndman stated above, this is a situation where we cannot refund the items. You can read our No Refunds policy here.
    We are very sorry for your loss of items, and we wish you the best in recovery.
    As this should answer your question, I am going to make this as done.
    Kind regards,

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