Done Minecraft java process stays in background

Discussion in 'Other' started by Pollux3737, Jul 17, 2019.

  1. Pollux3737

    Pollux3737 Active Member

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    7:08 PM
    Hello everyone,

    I'm currently playing on FTB Interaction via the MyM launcher and I'm having this weird behaviour :
    When I close the game (whether I go bacj in the main menu to click "quit game", or alt+f4 or close the window), the java process stays here, with its ~8GB of memory. To turn it down, I have to either manually remove the process or close the log window thing (the launcher console I guess) that pops up whenever I launch the game. And at this point, the launcher pops up again and I have to close it again.

    It's not a game-breaking bug, but it's still kind of annoying. If there is any config I can modify to correct that, it'd be great!

    Technical details : I'm running on a Windows 7 machine, launching FTB Interactions only modified with Optifine + shader pack. The configs in the launcher are roughly the same, except for allocated RAM which I pumped up to 8GB

    Thanks in advance!
  2. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    Local Time:
    7:08 PM
    I'm aware of this and experiencing it too, a workaround is to kill the Java process with the task manager.
    It only happens in 1.12 with some packs, I'm not sure if a mod is causing it or log spam in the log window.
    LadyRen13 and GreyWolf11 like this.
  3. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    7:08 PM
    If you at any point get annoyed with the task manager / kill process thing, you can write a simple .bat file to kill the process based on its process ID. which you can find in the task manager :)

    the command should be like this:
    TASKKILL /PID 8380 /F
    In my case my java app that runs the game (and thus consumes the memory) is process ID 8380, hence the number in the command. You should replace this number by the ProcessID of your Java app.
    wyndman likes this.
  4. TomboyEnthusiast

    TomboyEnthusiast Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    2:08 PM
    As SW said it's something that's been plaguing 1.10+ packs (I noticed it as early as DW 1.10 in ~2016).
    I think it has to do with log spam but I cannot be certain.

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