Done Crash on logg in

Discussion in 'Forever Stranded' started by totalmanic11, Aug 10, 2019.

  1. totalmanic11

    totalmanic11 Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    2:47 AM
    Since yesterday i cant logg in the standed server anymore. When i start the game and click on the mym server adres i logg in and during the loading it crashes. I added the report to this message.

    I already tried force update, delete and reinstall and even used twitch instead the mym launcher. but i keeps crashing. I ques because i am already playing forever stranded for a couple days and other games longer that its something in my base causing it.

    Attached Files:

  2. HanoverFist69

    HanoverFist69 Administrator

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    6:47 PM
    Hello totalmanic11.

    Looks like a duct was causing you issues. I checked the area and moved you to the spawn. Can you try logging in again? Should be ok now.

  3. totalmanic11

    totalmanic11 Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    2:47 AM
    It crashed again. The report is a little bit shorter. Last time there where suddenly a couple guardians flying in my base, the didnt were there before. Is it possible that that caused the issue? Didnt had that problem of crashing before and didnt had those suddenly in my base
    [doublepost=1565598322,1565597390][/doublepost]I logged in a couple times more, one time i didnt crash within a second, so typed /spawn, so my base wouldnt get loaded. Then i opened the logging file and had that on one half of the screen and the game on the other, went to the game and noticed this:

    Time: 12-8-19 10:12
    Description: Tessellating CCL block in world

    at java.nio.Buffer.checkIndex(Unknown Source)
    at java.nio.DirectByteBuffer.putFloat(Unknown Source)
    at net.minecraft.client.renderer.VertexBuffer.func_187315_a(
    at codechicken.lib.render.CCRenderState.writeVert(
    at codechicken.lib.render.CCRenderState.render(
    at codechicken.lib.render.CCModel.render(
    at codechicken.lib.render.CCModel.render(
    at cofh.thermaldynamics.render.RenderDuct.renderBase(
    at cofh.thermaldynamics.render.RenderDuct.renderBlock(
    at codechicken.lib.render.block.BlockRenderingRegistry.renderBlock(
    at codechicken.lib.render.block.CCBlockRendererDispatcher.func_175018_a(
    at net.minecraft.client.renderer.chunk.RenderChunk.func_178581_b(
    at net.minecraft.client.renderer.chunk.ChunkRenderWorker.func_178474_a(SourceFile:100)
    at Source)

    A detailed walkthrough of the error, its code path and all known details is as follows:

    -- Head --
    Thread: Client thread
    at java.nio.Buffer.checkIndex(Unknown Source)
    at java.nio.DirectByteBuffer.putFloat(Unknown Source)
    at net.minecraft.client.renderer.VertexBuffer.func_187315_a(
    at codechicken.lib.render.CCRenderState.writeVert(
    at codechicken.lib.render.CCRenderState.render(
    at codechicken.lib.render.CCModel.render(
    at codechicken.lib.render.CCModel.render(
    at cofh.thermaldynamics.render.RenderDuct.renderBase(
    at cofh.thermaldynamics.render.RenderDuct.renderBlock(
    at codechicken.lib.render.block.BlockRenderingRegistry.renderBlock(

    -- Block being tessellated --
    Block type: ID #2753 (tile.cofh.duct // cofh.thermaldynamics.block.BlockDuct)
    Block data value: 2 / 0x2 / 0b0010
    Block location: World: (3328,61,-3878), Chunk: (at 0,3,10 in 208,-243; contains blocks 3328,0,-3888 to 3343,255,-3873), Region: (6,-8; contains chunks 192,-256 to 223,-225, blocks 3072,0,-4096 to 3583,255,-3585)
    at codechicken.lib.render.block.CCBlockRendererDispatcher.func_175018_a(

    -- Affected level --
    Level name: MpServer
    All players: 1 total; [EntityPlayerSP['totalmanic11'/3664, l='MpServer', x=3336,32, y=68,00, z=-3840,25]]
    Chunk stats: MultiplayerChunkCache: 81, 81
    Level seed: 0
    Level generator: ID 01 - flat, ver 0. Features enabled: false
    Level generator options:
    Level spawn location: World: (266,99,250), Chunk: (at 10,6,10 in 16,15; contains blocks 256,0,240 to 271,255,255), Region: (0,0; contains chunks 0,0 to 31,31, blocks 0,0,0 to 511,255,511)
    Level time: 1483661658 game time, 1425530748 day time
    Level dimension: 0
    Level storage version: 0x00000 - Unknown?
    Level weather: Rain time: 0 (now: false), thunder time: 0 (now: false)
    Level game mode: Game mode: survival (ID 0). Hardcore: false. Cheats: false
    Forced entities: 6 total; [EntityPlayerSP['totalmanic11'/3664, l='MpServer', x=3336,32, y=68,00, z=-3840,25], EntityItem['item.tile.lever'/3720, l='MpServer', x=3329,64, y=54,00, z=-3881,83], EntitySheep['Sheep'/3721, l='MpServer', x=3327,07, y=64,00, z=-3861,93], EntitySheep['Sheep'/3722, l='MpServer', x=3327,21, y=64,00, z=-3859,12], EntitySheep['Sheep'/3707, l='MpServer', x=3328,50, y=64,00, z=-3861,24], EntityGuardian['Guardian'/399, l='MpServer', x=3318,67, y=55,20, z=-3885,15]]
    Retry entities: 0 total; []
    Server brand: ungeecord (git:BungeeCord-Bootstrap:1.14-SNAPSHOT:d7d72df:unknown)
    Server type: Non-integrated multiplayer server
    at net.minecraft.client.multiplayer.WorldClient.func_72914_a(
    at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_71396_d(
    at Source)

    Is it possible that it is the block located at 3328, 61, -3878 is causing the issue? No clue what it is, but looking at the location it looks like a AE thing

    Attached Files:

  4. jaari

    jaari Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    2:47 AM
    Duct located at the same location as previous crash it appears.
  5. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    2:47 AM
  6. bigbluu722

    bigbluu722 Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    8:47 PM
    I've went ahead and removed the block, let us know if this fixes the issue.

  7. totalmanic11

    totalmanic11 Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    2:47 AM
    it worked but i tested if it was the item or block that is causing it, its the block. Maybe in combination that i got killed by the last guardian of the group who suddenly appeared in my base. So if a mod can remove again that thermal conduct at 3328, 61, -3878 then i wont build anything anymore in that block and the issue should be solved :)
  8. HanoverFist69

    HanoverFist69 Administrator

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    6:47 PM
    I removed that duct and checked your island. Seems to be ok now.

    Let us know if you have any further issues.


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