Implemented Omnifactory Endgame Items List

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by Willshaper, Aug 20, 2019.

  1. Willshaper

    Willshaper Well-Known Member

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    The Omnifactory server launched around 1½ week ago now, but there is no endgame list, and the market is enabled, meaning that basically anything and everything on there can be traded at the moment.

    I'd like some clarification from staff as to what exactly we are allowed to trade, but would also like to add what i think should be considered endgame after having played the pack for roughly 300 hours total.

    Here is what i would allow to be traded:

    • Vanilla Minecraft items
    • Low Voltage tier items; Basic Wiremill, Basic Compressor, LV CEF 4x/16x, Conductive Iron Cable etc. This won't allow players to get boosted directly to LV, as they still must create a way to generate and transfer RF themselves, the CEF only converts RF to EU.
    • Overworld gen items; All Overworld generated items, such as Ores, Wood, Dirt, Stone etc.
    • Dungeon Loot; All dungeon loot EXCEPT for ZPM (And other extreme endgame items that spawns that i may not know about) The reason for this is that the pack is Lost Cities by default, meaning that dungeon loot is widely available, and can basically be considered as normal worldgen items.

    What you should NOT be allowed to trade:

    • Anything above the basic tier
    • Circuits, not even Primitive Circuits, even though they are needed to make the basic machines. These are an essential part of almost anything you create, and the player should have to make these themselves.
    • Any liquid except for Water and Lava (Omnifactory is extremely liquid reliant)
    sp33draft and Fireforce like this.
  2. dragon87tamer

    dragon87tamer Well-Known Member

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    I agree with this. +1 / upvote :D from me.
    Something needs to be done, or ppl will start trading endgame items through the market
    Fireforce likes this.
  3. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    Voting against this.
    Its tradition it seems to release packs and only make an endgame items list at least after 4-8 weeks later. Its to early for an endgame item list.

    Grey isnt an admin anymore, so we cant rely on him copy-pasting another endgame list into the forums. Also im certain nobody can replace him, its just to much effort!
    sp33draft and Willshaper like this.
  4. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    With overworld you mean also fw, right?
    There is also some oil in the world gen, I would allow that, not sure how useful that is.

    But same time as you suggest to limit to lv, people are suggesting kits with hv. Weird world
  5. Willshaper

    Willshaper Well-Known Member

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    Yes, farmworld is included, obviously :p

    Raw oil could be added i guess, as that's also a normal worldgen item. By liquids i mostly just meant any liquid that's requires any sort of processing to obtain.

    Well, the kits basically ignore any kind of endgame item list, nothing we can do about that :p

    But good luck to people that wanna start out with HV items. I think they forget that they require 2krf/t for every single machine they run, and if the machine runs out of power, it just stops, unlike machines from other mods that just go slower.
  6. dragon87tamer

    dragon87tamer Well-Known Member

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    Kits and endgame items are 2 different things... Kits are purchased with IRL money!! endgame items are traded ingame (hopefully not ;) )

    But at the same time, an endgame list is defo needed. And as stated before i totally agree with the list!! Dont forget we have around 20 players(roughly) most of the time online, and if everyone starts selling stuff on the market thats endgame (MV or higher) people who know nothing about greg tech, arent gunna have a great time figuring things out.

    We need an endgame item list and this fits it perfectly!!
    Fireforce likes this.
  7. tonalom

    tonalom Well-Known Member

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    I have already started creating a draft of what the endgame items list for Omnifactory should look like, and my idea is quite similiar to this. I was thinking of something similiar to that of Divine Journey. The market is disabled there and any items that are not world gen are considered endgame. The similiarities between the packs being they are both progression based questing packs. I haven't had the chance to play the pack properly though, so I'd like to see what the players think.
    Fireforce likes this.
  8. tonalom

    tonalom Well-Known Member

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    dragon87tamer and Willshaper like this.
  9. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    An actual non copy pasted endgame items list. Im impressed tonalom. If grey was still around im sure he just copy pasted the PO3 or E2E list and be done with it.
    sp33draft and Sandstroem like this.
  10. Somnioblivio

    Somnioblivio Mad-Titan Thanos

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    I'd like to discuss a snippet of chat i just witnessed and offer a viewpoint if i may.
    The chat (i pulled out the relevant comments for ease of reading):
    What we saw was a simple friendly LOW LEVEL trade dialogue. Whats more, based on the guidance given, the rules disallow people from crafting readily available items as a fun way of supporting each other in VERY small, non-pack-jumping ways.

    The benefits of allowing this are that it promotes the ideals of playing on a multiplayer server.
    The drawbacks of disallowing this level of trade is that it makes it much so that we are all just simply sharing a chat service and TPS.

    I propose that we change the "endgame" rules first item to allow simple items crafted in a 3x3 crafting grid from world resources as this will allow a modicum of community exchange and interaction with no real gain on either side, but a boon to the camaraderie of the player base who are actually allowed to play with one another.

    i know this wall of text might seem like a lot but this rule just feels overboard to me. I'm happy to follow the rules as they are, i just think we can do better, for the betterment of the community writ large.

    now, im buckled in, bring the inevitable hate on why im wrong here... ;)

    Edit: Not trying to cast shade on Tonalom, i really appreciate the work you have put into the server!
    Fireforce, tonalom and dragon87tamer like this.
  11. tonalom

    tonalom Well-Known Member

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    I appreciate the feedback. My last comment on this thread asked for the opinion of the people on what should be considered endgame. As I never received any answers or opinions, I proceeded with the list, discussed it with some of the other higher-ups and posted it. I realize that the whole snad thing is a bit silly, but if we start making exceptions for one item, we'll have to start making them for everything else as well. That being said, I have now started playing the pack, and am starting to get a better perception of what should be considered as endgame and what shouldn't. If you give me some time, and hopefully a few more opinions/feedback, I'd be happy to make certain changes to the list.

    Would also like to apologize for my bluntness in the screenshot above. Bad excuse, I know, but I was juggling a few other things at the same time, and wanted to sort out the discussion in chat as fast as possible.
    Somnioblivio likes this.
  12. Somnioblivio

    Somnioblivio Mad-Titan Thanos

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    Tonalom, I dont think that your demeanor was bad at all, i just saw an admin sticking to the guidelines laid down, which was appropriate. As a leader, often you will feel like you are in the cross-hairs (i lead a team of 20 people in my profession, believe me, i feel it on a daily basis) but what i hope you get out of this is that I was, in no way attacking you or your demeanor, but rather I was challenging the rules (for the purpose of the community)

    This is why i my proposal didn't ask for a change to the rule for a single item but instead said:

    This has the benefit of not being just some arbitrary allowance for a certain item, but does allow for some semblance of trade. Players will know if they are breaking the rules and the playerbase has a great way of policing each-other... with some pseudo-mods lurking about in almost every player list who have no qualms about calling foul on rule-breakers.

    I appreciate you taking the time to respond ^.^ I'm only looking out for MyM just like you!

    Also, as an aside: the lag spikes are back >.>

  13. tonalom

    tonalom Well-Known Member

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    MyM is on the professional side of my life, I took this as constructive criticism. I'm not upset, though I do feel as if I could have worded myself better. Either way, I appreciate the concern.

    To give you better insight what I'm looking at right now, here is the document I work on:
    Donator kits are NOT allowed for trading!
    -All omnicoins (This includes: Pennies, Nickels, Quarters and Dollars)
    -All ores that can only be obtained through microminers and omnicoins
    -All dungeon loot that conflicts with any other points on the list
    -All creative items
    Gregtech CE" (Large mod, needs own section)
    -Circuits of any type
    -Anything above basic tiered machinery and items, and their products
    -All liquids
    Extra Utilities 2:
    -All generators
    -Opinium cores
    Ender IO:
    -All gears past infinity bimetal
    -All machinery
    -Capacitors of any tier
    -Stellar and end steel ingots (blocks and nuggets obv.), tools and armour
    -Energy conduits above conductive iron tier and ender fluid conduits
    Thermal Expansion and Foundation:
    -All machinery
    -All liquids
    -Watering cans, satchels and flux capacitors above hardened tier
    Draconic Evolution:
    -All items!
    Simply Jetpacks 2:
    -Any jetpack above leadstone tier
    -All thrusters above leadstone tier
    Deep Mob Learning:
    -Glitch hearts
    -All data models
    Any item that provides creative flight!
    Any feedback on this list would be greatly appreciated!

    As for the lag spikes. We have gone around fixing what can be fixed at the moment, and what we've been left with are the inevitable lag spikes that occur when a 1.12 server reaches a substantial amount of players (It does not help that this modpack relies heavily on oredictionary and ae2 autocrafting either). We can run around taking down the odd lag makers, but lag spikes aren't as easy to solve.
    Somnioblivio likes this.
  14. Somnioblivio

    Somnioblivio Mad-Titan Thanos

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    I like this a lot more! I reformatted it a little so its easier to read. I think this is a lot more friendly for young players while still not giving them much of a headstart. I think if one were to receive every item not listed on this, they would be about 3-5% through the pack.
    Fireforce likes this.
  15. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    In this special case it makes a lot of sense for tonalom to stick to the guidelines. With special I mean the fact that a mod was involved in the trade, so whether it was a creative energy cell or just some snad, he had to kill this trade right from the start.

    Having said that, it was always a unwritten rule that trading in private is not punished. After the trade was shut down, nobody would have cared if someone had offered some snad to cazbar. We all have traded our fair share of endgame stuff in private.
    I would however not encourage to go around and open random messages to people offering them stuff they didn't ask for, that can heavily backfire.
    Fireforce likes this.

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