Implemented Flux Nets

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by Flux_Adept, Sep 5, 2019.

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  1. Flux_Adept

    Flux_Adept Active Member

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    I have found in the time that I have spent playing modded that its almost required to be able to have 2 flux networks to easily route power around your base using a draconic energy core. The limit? is set to 1 per player at the moment (I believe) and I feel like it would make things easier on people if we could have a second flux net per player.
  2. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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    What modpack are you playing? There's countless other energy transfer methods available, such as Ender IO conduits and Dimensional Transceivers, which are quite good at their job. There's also Thermal Expansion (Plus the other Thermal mods) which add all manners of energy pipes. Draconic Evolution also has it's own kind of wireless energy transfer that I personally use in late-game setups in tandem with Dimensional Transceivers. I'd advise trying these other methods, and exploring other options.
  3. Flux_Adept

    Flux_Adept Active Member

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    when youre trying to transfer millions of RF/t those options do not cut it over very long distances. and im on Beyond. Flux networks are one of the only transfer systems that allow you to transfer and almost limitless amount of energy per tick.
  4. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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    I don't remember the exact transfer rate of Dimensional Transceivers, but the great thing about them is? If one isn't enough, make two. If two isn't enough, make 4, etc. etc.
    [doublepost=1567812030][/doublepost]You can exponentialize their I/O rate by just adding more to the network.
  5. Flux_Adept

    Flux_Adept Active Member

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    Ender IO things cause lots of lag. why would i make 1000 dimensional transcievers when 1 flux plug/point can transfer that much.
  6. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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    Flux Networks have been known to glitch out and lose networks. And plus, I've never had lag issues using Dimensional Transceivers, and one base had a ton of them all in one chunk before.
  7. Flux_Adept

    Flux_Adept Active Member

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    the only problems ive ever had with flux nets are the reason im requesting this. im not having any issues because i have a friend playing with me, im just making a suggestion for the staff to think about because there are people who play by themselves.
  8. AyeItsKatieMC

    AyeItsKatieMC Well-Known Member

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    You can have flux points and flux plugs on the same network I don't see what the problem is here just don't set the network to private and everyone on your team can access it
  9. Flux_Adept

    Flux_Adept Active Member

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    the problem is that sometimes when you add too many connections things get confused in the system. and you will have the network not sending power because its trying to send it too many places. I know how to set it up properly. just sometimes things don't work out and having a second network alleviates any chances of this happening. you have one network for inputting energy into the storage device (draconic core) and one network for pulling out of the storage device. im not having any issues. im just trying to be thoughtful and help out people who don't have a friend that they play with. :/ last time I bring up an issue though, I feel like you guys are just trying to put me down and make me feel stupid.
  10. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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    That's not what's happening, we're just trying to show you alternate methods to accomplish the same goal.
  11. Flux_Adept

    Flux_Adept Active Member

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    I guess I don't understand what the suggestion board is for then. I thought it was here to suggest things to staff to take into consideration, not try and get feedback to solve a problem. I don't have an issue, im just noticing something that could be problematic for someone who doesn't have a friend to play with.
  12. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    I am sorry. I am going through these suggestions and looking at them. What is limiting you? I am fairly sure that we didn't limit the networks.
  13. HanoverFist69

    HanoverFist69 Administrator

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    Ok, I found the issue here. When you go to create a new network it won't let you until you choose a different name. Once I put in a different name I was able to make more networks.

    Let me know if that helps.
    GreyWolf11 likes this.
  14. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    Fixed a while back.
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