Done Please fix/disable the fallback redirect

Discussion in 'StoneBlock 2' started by chaosblad3, Oct 1, 2019.

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  1. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    8:25 PM
    Whenever the SB2 server crashes and the back-end control server (I remember it was bungeecord back when I was an Admin, dunno if you still use that or if you use something different now) tries to move everyone over to the lobby server, for some reason it causes the client to completely freeze up (window greyed out, process listed as not responding in task manager) for several minutes and causes a bunch of generic error message spam in the top right of the screen that carries on for ages even after the client becomes responsive again.

    Having the fallback redirect is a nice idea in theory, but when the client literally freezes for longer than the server itself takes to restart, combined with the unnecessary error spam, it is actually just super counter-productive as it is currently.

    If you can figure out what is causing it and come up with a solution so that it actually works as intended, then great, but otherwise disabling it and just having peoples clients get disconnected and sent back to the multiplayer menu would be preferable as then they can just wait for the server to come back up and connect to it again, instead of having to wait however long it takes for the client to unfreeze first (I have a beefy computer with a 5ghz processor, I dread to think how long it freezes for people on lower end computers!).

    If I had to guess, it might be that the client is having to completely reload all textures/resource-packs when it is suddenly forced to connect to the vanilla lobby especially with the lobby server not actually being the same version of minecraft as the modpack is running on.
    HelloKittyPhone likes this.
  2. Slind

    Slind Founder

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  3. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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