Shanghaied [Survival Questing Pack]

Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by SirJAH888, Sep 29, 2018.

  1. Cubelex_YT

    Cubelex_YT The steampunker Lord

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    1:23 AM
    This looks cool, i would play it.
  2. SirJAH888

    SirJAH888 New Member

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    8:23 AM
    Hi guys. Just wanted to let you know I've finally got the latest update finished. It will be the last update unless someone finds a problem that needs to be rectified. Hopefully won't happen as we've spent a lot of time trying to get it right.

    I'm including a spoiler for anyone interested in seeing the latest changes.

    1: Fixed the flatlands fishing quest that asked for a spider kill but would only register after a creeper was killed instead. Interesting that no one seemed to notice.

    2: I noticed a glitch with the farming station where it kept harvesting the special crops before they had fully ripened preventing them from ever producing crops. As the harvester doesn't even recognise the new crops my only option was to change the farming station quest into something different and drastically reduce the number of crops required for the consume quests.

    3: Removed the Farming station quest and replaced it with a new easier quest. The reason I added the new quest rather than just changing the existing requirements is so that anyone who had previously completed the Farming station quest would have the new quest available which now gives cotton seeds so players can get started on growing cotton sooner for future quests.

    4: Decided the sky platform with a water surface didn't really work as intended so split them into two seperate biomes. The skyplatform now has a void below it instead of water. It has some floating sky islands around it for players to build out onto and use. The water aspect has now become the Waterworld which is accessible from the Template menu. Players start their games inside an active volcano that's floating on the ocean. Same quests as before except for the island location ones. They have been replaced with generic quests that guide you towards your goal but with no actual location so that both new quests can work with the same quest. Existing sky platform saves will still work but the two previous island location quests will need to be redone if the originals were previously completed. On the positive side you'll get rewarded. Also made the slime dirt and grass on the islands virtually indestructible to compensate for having a void below. Also changed its hardness to make it undesirable to harvest.

    5: Removed optional rewards from First Blood and Ore-inspiring so players don't hold up their quest progress while waiting to decide which vital reward they should choose.

    6: The previous optional carrot or potato choice is now an automatic reward for completing one of the 'Fertile' quests, meaning players now only need to obtain either one to get the other.

    7: Added wheat seeds as rewards in two intermediate quests to help players to complete the Fertile quest that rewards them with a carrot for those players that only manage get a potato.

    8: Changed the key detection in the 'Zzzzzz....' quest to a fish consume so the information about beds and sleeping bags remains on view when it opens.

    9: Removed Autopackager mod along with its quest and ALL requirements to make compressed cobblestone blocks. Also removed the 'Free cobblestone' quest that required making an Item transfer node now that cobblestone isn't going to be required in large amounts.

    10: Removed defunct ash dust, dragon key and silumin alloy since existing saved games will now tell you about the missing autopackager anyway. Also changed recipe for making TNT from ash dust to coal powder. Ash clouds now make coal powder instead of ash dust.

    11: Changed previous silumin recipes into other materials as we didn't really need this extra layer of crafting.

    12: Split the Alloy Smelter/conduits quest into two separate quests to replace the now defunct Auto Packager quest. The new quests are set to detect so players who have already completed the old quests won't have to repeat them.

    13: Changed sieve from Spruce to Birch and added free spruce and rubber saplings to early Aether quests so players can make jabba barrels which can remove the requirement of hanging or smelting ore berries.

    14: Moved the Jabba barrel quest to the Supply and Demand page as it now becomes available much sooner.

    15: Moved the elevator quest to the vacated Jabba barrel location.

    16: Changed Travel Anchor recipe and removed its quest but added information about it to the elevator quest to let players decide whether they want to have them.

    17: Changed the ender chest quest into a Salvage chest quest as not everyone will want an expensive ender chest but the salvage chest is mostly blast proof, and much easier to make. Ender Chests are now mentioned in the Filing Cabinet quest.

    18: Swapped the piston for a basic gear in the Industrial wizz recipe so players can make it sooner. Also changed the basic gear recipe from bronze ingots to porcelain clay.

    19: Changed the Luggage recipe from divergent gears to basic gears.

    20: Changed the Slicing wizz recipe to use a copper handle so it can be made sooner in the flatlands.

    21: Removed the dual 'seed risk' quests now that only the exotic seed needs to be sifted. Moved the accompanying safari net quest to the vacated 'free cobblestone' quest location.

    22: Added new slab called DarkGlow for players to use around their fertile soil farms and trees in the new Water World biome so they can have them flat without having to use candles to stop mobs spawning on them. It looks identical to darkwood slabs so it blends in for anyone wanting a certain uniformity with their builds. NB: They only give off enough light to remove spawn possibility from directly connected adjacent blocks.

    23: Made bloodwood slabs opaque to prevent light penetration for oreberry farm creation in the waterworld/skyplatform much earlier. Changed an early quest to let players know about this new feature.

    24: Reduced the amount of dried fruit required for the Dried and Applied quest.

    25: Halved the amount of bloodwood leaves required for 'Shear Ability' quest.

    26: Made new worlds with random seeds to give previous players something new to challenge them.

    27: Added ability to bleach flame string into regular string by hanging it on a drying rack. This is primarily aimed at helping Waterworld/skyplatform players as they'll have greater access to heatscar spiders early in their games.

    28: Changed the requirements for the Smash 'n Grab quest to allow it to be completed sooner.

    29: Added brown and red mushrooms as possible drops from Lucky Dips.

    30: Added alternative recipe for turning magma cream into sulfur using a SAG mill.

    31: Added alternative way to get flint from shards using an Alloy Smelter.

    32: Added new recipe to give golden amber more use.

    33: Moved life crystals, empty canister, necrotic bone and enderman head recipes to the Slice'N'Splice to make it more useful. NB: All these recipes now use different materials than before.

    34: Changed the ardite and cobalt consume quests into detection now that they have more uses in recipes.

    35: Removed making obsidian powder in Alloy Smelter now that its not strictly needed until after a SAG mill has been made. SAG mill already had obsidian powder recipe that gives a greater amount of powder.

    36: Added recipe for smelting unused Flint and Steel's back into steel ingots using Alloy Smelter. Based on my receiving multiple F&S's that just take up space in chests. This also works on the unbreaking ones.

    37: Decided the dart shooter should get more use before players can make better weapons so I swapped the shortbow for a dart shooter and now give darts instead of arrows for completing certain quests.

    38: Changed the shortbow swap quest for an arrow swap quest to get darts.

    39 Added a recipe for making the Phoenix dart blower to compensate for players not being able to use continuum orbs to try to obtain one.

    40: Removed crafting exploit of obtaining sticks or oak slabs using mixed materials.

    41: Gave custom items sands and sandstones opaque status in hopes it will prevent them glitching and letting light through even though the default is meant to do that anyway. Its so frustrating when you set up an ore berry farm under the sand and its working fine until an unknown block glitches and lets light through preventing your ore from growing.

    42: Added alternative way to get an early acorn seed, giving the player more options when choosing how to progress in the early stages of their game.

    43: Moved making a crucible to earlier quests to alert players that might not be aware of them, so they can start making lava much sooner.

    44: Gave waterworld/skyplatform their own 'Safari' quest to compensate for the extra difficulty of getting rare mobs in the limited spawn area. Also changed wording in original quest that mentions a prize that was no longer given as a reward.

    45: Added new information in the disclaimer to reflect any changes that relate to it.

    That's all folks......... Cheers...
    KeiranHalcyon89 and Sandstroem like this.
  3. SirJAH888

    SirJAH888 New Member

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    Me again. Well its happened. Someone found a problem with the update. ME! I got to thinking about how we have to wait sooooooo long to get a mattock to plant those customitems crops. I mean by the time you can make recipes using them, you're all set up with the vanilla crops and are able to survive quite reasonably without them. Their only use then is to find hidden recipes. So I decided to do something about it. Rather than ramping up the difficulty, I decided it would be better if we could plant our crops much much earlier.

    Now as you will probably be aware, hoes are nerfed in this pack and I didn't want to change that and I also didn't want to hand out a mattock that can be used as a weapon and axe, so I made my own hoe. this presented another problem. What happens when it wears out? Do I make a repeating quest to get more? Nah, that seemed daft. So I came up with a solution, an everlasting hoe that doesn't take damage. After all, it can only be used to till the soil and I personally get bugged when I'm trying to get some crops planted at dusk and the mattock breaks and I'd forgotten to bring material to repair it and have to wait until the next day.

    Although this might be enough for some people to make an update, its not for me, so I worked on some other aspects that I thought would improve the flow of the game, like giving players more than one way to get a pickaxe so they can choose their own route towards getting one.

    Then there was the alloy smelter. It always bugged me that there were multiple recipes to make the same item, so I changed that. It also bugged me why we could make bronze, but couldn't make alumite, duralium or manyullyn. We can now, or at least will be able to in the impending 2.0.5 update.!

    But wait, theres more, and I'm including a SPOILER of the other changes in case anyone is still following this thread. I haven't put it on the minecraft forum yet and might not, just announce when its a done deal. This sneak preview is just for MyM followers.....

    1: Replaced the Ore-Inspiring quest with a new one that gives a new everlasting hoe along with bokchoy seeds [New Crop] to enable planting of crops much earlier. This gives players far more freedom to choose how they want to progress. NB: Players on existing saves who have started or already completed the original Ore-Inspiring quest, will need to do it again. I've done it this way to enable them to get the hoe and seeds regardless of how far they've advanced into their game.

    2: Added optional free pickaxes to the Dungeon Desires and Killing Desire quests so players can obtain a pickaxe regardless of whether they concentrate on completing killing quests or searching for key fragments. NB: I haven't replaced these quests as players who have already completed or started them would be at too big a disadvantage trying to find even more fragments. Anyone who has already completed both quests should be advanced enough to make their own tools anyway. Also made mention of where to find the pickaxes in the 'FORGING AHEAD' quest which open much sooner now. NB: Formerly called 'TOOLS OF THE TRADE'.

    3: Changed the line up of the quests that came off the FIRST BLOOD quest so that all four are available for completion once its finished rather than having to complete the first two before the others open.

    4: Removed the barrier that hid the extra 6 early quests in the waterworld/sky platform quests so all are showing as soon as the player enters the Nether.

    5: Replaced barley with Lemon grass to add more variety. NB: Any previous recipes that had barley in their name have been removed. Also added lemon grass as alternate recipe for making hay bales.

    6: Replaced icy sands in the Ice Plains with red sand which is more useful than the sands from the other two flatlands worlds. Retained the mesa sandstone names to allow existing Mesa saves to still be playable.

    7: Expanded the use of essence berries by introducing spice which is made using them.

    8: Removed azantian alloy and replaced the only 2 recipes that used it with other existing materials.

    9: Added Alumite, Duralium and Manyullyn as recipes for Alloy Smelter.

    10: Removed the multiple smelting of the same recipe in the Alloy smelter to simplify making those recipes.

    11: Added optional reward of clay bucket of water in the Offworld Adventure quest.

    12: Moved cotton seeds to Smash n'Grab quest so players can start growing cotton sooner.

    13: Replaced original Smash n'Grab quest so players who have already completed this quest can still get cotton seeds.

    14: Replaced the watering can quest with a new Hang Glider quest.

    15: Removed slate blocks and replaced them with a recipe to make flint from shards.

    16: Now give lily pads as rewards in the 2 fishing quests and added an additional recipe using it.

    17: Added regular cactus growing in the Savanna as its a dry world.

    18: Re-introduced the harvester/farming station quests for players to grow bulk amounts of regular crops.

    19: Added bulk crop hand ins adjacent to harvester/farming station quests.

    20: Changed the Custom menu and HQM book images now that no biome has an all red sand surface.

    I'd be interested in hearing your opinions on whether I should go ahead an implement this latest update. I'm currently testing it out and finding being able to plant crops much earlier has given me more of an incentive to make that kitchen wizz. The difficulty is still similar, especially at the beginning, but it does give me more to do earlier than it did before.

    Last edited: Nov 22, 2018
  4. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    1:23 AM
    Haha, I knew it. You always get one good idea, then you rework half of the pack.

    Haven't had much interest in mc lately, but will start a new map on the weekend. Which one is the most fun?

    I was always drawn to the original land based ones, but maybe I should give the other ones a go.
  5. SirJAH888

    SirJAH888 New Member

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    8:23 AM
    I must admit the land based are easier, simply because you don't have to build a platform. Even the Waterworld needs platforms to build on, but at least you don't die if you fall off it. I would choose it over the Sky Platform, but if you want a land based one then I'd recommend the Mesa world as it will no longer exist in the update but will still be playable using the 2.0.5 update. Bear in mind the quests that will have to be repeated if you do them before the update though. Another option would be to PM me either here if that's possible or the original FTB and I'll send you a link to download the update.
  6. SirJAH888

    SirJAH888 New Member

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    8:23 AM
    Hi everyone. Thought I'd better let you know how the impending update is coming along as its taking longer than I originally anticipated, mainly due to my discovering more stuff to help with the flow of the pack. I'm including an updated update so to speak for anyone interested in checking out the changes.

    1: Replaced the Ore-Inspiring quest with a new one that gives a new everlasting hoe along with bokchoy seeds [New Crop] to enable planting of crops much earlier. This gives players far more freedom to choose how they want to progress.

    2: Added optional free pickaxes to the Dungeon Desires and Killing Desire quests so players can obtain a pickaxe regardless of whether they concentrate on completing killing quests or searching for key fragments. Also made mention of where to find the pickaxes in the 'FORGING AHEAD' quest which now opens much sooner.

    3: Added 3 extra levels to Tinker tools and weapons which includes one extra level up. Also renamed some of the level ups to better highlight when a significant plateau is reached.

    4: Added Alumite, Duralium and Manyullyn as recipes for Alloy Smelter.

    5: Removed the multiple smelting of the same recipe in the Alloy smelter to simplify making those recipes.

    6: Changed SAG recipe that turned cobblestone into sand to make gravel instead. This now effectively lets players use a SAG mill to convert cobblestone all the way to dust in the same way they can using hammers.

    7: Added SAG recipes to recycle stone and cobblestone slabs into stones.

    8: Removed azantian alloy and divergent gear and replaced the few recipes that used them with other existing materials.

    9: Removed slate blocks and replaced them with a recipe to make flint from shards.

    10: Introduced recipes to make a Quest Delivery System using any of the 9 custom crops and replaced the hand of specific customitems crops with the QDS, allowing players to choose which crops they want to hand in.

    11: Created new repeatable bulk hand in of crops that can be automated using a farming station or harvester and added a new page in the disclaimer outlining their pros and cons for anyone considering automation. NB: The quest also contains a qty of QDS to maintain an ongoing use for customitems crops.

    12: Changed the Happy Trails quest to a seed bank quest to give players an actual use for all the seeds they'll wind up getting, including customitems seeds.

    13: Re-installed the autopackager as it can automatically pack customitems crops and seeds respectively into the QDs and multi purpose seed bag as well as the regular seeds for the Seed Bank quests. Theres no quest requirement to make one but I've made mention of it in the Seed Bank quest.

    14: Replaced barley with Lemon grass to add more variety. NB: Any previous recipes that had barley in their name have been removed. Also added lemon grass as alternate recipe for making hay bales.

    15: Expanded the use of essence berries by introducing spice which is made using them.

    16: Added optional reward of clay bucket of water in the Offworld Adventure quest.

    17: Altered the "GRASS AT LAST" quest to make it more useful for the changed conditions and renamed it FINGER LICKIN' CHICKEN.

    18: Altered the regular furnace quest to a more useful Block Breaker quest that can produce free cobblestone from a cobblestone generator.

    19: Replaced the watering can quest with a new Hang Glider quest.

    20: Replaced original Smash n'Grab quest with new one that gives cotton seeds so players can start growing cotton sooner. This allows players who have already completed this quest to still get cotton seeds. Also changed making woven cloth from cotton back to 9 pieces to add value to its alternative recipe.

    21: Removed the lunch bag aspect from the luggage quest and made a separate quest for it.

    22: Removed the lolly bag made from golden amber. Mixed lollies are now made in a single recipe. Golden amber has been included in the silky cloth recipe to expand its use.

    23: Added alternative ways to make candles and glue.

    24: Added new quests to allow players to get an oreberry they might not have been able to get via the Lucky Dips.

    25: Each land based biome now has a unique type of natura berry bush available to find 'somewhere' in the world. They also have a limited number of recipes that can be made from them.

    26: Added regular cactus growing in the Savanna as its the only remaining dry world.

    27: Replaced icy sands in the Ice Plains with red sand which is more useful than the sands from the other two flatlands worlds. Retained the mesa sandstone names to allow existing Mesa saves to still be playable.

    28: Changed the line up of the quests that came off the FIRST BLOOD quest so that all four are available for independent completion rather than having to complete the first two before the others open.

    29: Removed the barrier that hid the extra 6 early quests in the waterworld/sky platform quests so all are showing as soon as the player enters the Nether.

    30: Removed the consume part of the Flimsy Beginnings and Fishing Frenzy quests to allow them to be done sooner.

    31: Brought back a recipe for empty glass bottles, but it now requires using an Alloy smelter.

    32: Changed the soul vial recipe so it now requires the Slice'N Splice.

    33: Added two new quests on the Vacation Elation page relating to translucent block making.

    34: Replaced glowstone slabs with enlightened ones which are more blast resistant.

    35: Changed the Custom menu and HQM book images now that no biome has an all red sand surface.

    This should be it but I keep having more ideas and its driving me nuts..........
  7. SirJAH888

    SirJAH888 New Member

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    8:23 AM
    Well its finally done. I've just released version 2.o.5 with its now 40 plus changes. This is absolutely the final change as I've now moved on to an unexpected sequel that will slot between this pack and Shanghaied Again which will be released eventually. In the meantime I'm working on a variation of this pack which includes Enviromine. Yea, I can hear the groans but this won't include all the nasty stuff, just the things I think will make the pack more interesting without having the late game grind. Oh, and YES I have found a way to automate getting camel packs which i explain in detail in one of the quests. Without that possibility water just becomes a grinding nuisance. Its still in early development but I already have a working prototype that I'm testing out. I had thoughts of updating the original with this pack but decided against it as it would probably be too radical a move for many players. For anyone interested it will be called Shanghaied Nightmare.

    Anyway as usual I'm including a Spoiler of the changes. There are actually many more minor ones that haven't been listed but I think the ones listed should give you an idea of where the pack has progressed.

    1: Replaced the Ore-Inspiring quest with a new one that gives a new everlasting hoe along with bokchoy seeds [New Crop] to enable planting of crops much earlier. This gives players far more freedom to choose how they want to progress.

    2: Added optional free pickaxes to the Dungeon Desires and Killing Desire quests so players can obtain a pickaxe regardless of whether they concentrate on completing killing quests or searching for key fragments. Also made mention of where to find the pickaxes in the 'FORGING AHEAD' quest which now opens much sooner.

    3: Added 3 extra levels to Tinker tools and weapons which includes one extra level up. Also renamed some of the level ups to better highlight when a significant plateau is reached.

    4: Added Alumite, Duralium and Manyullyn as recipes for Alloy Smelter.

    5: Removed the multiple smelting of the same recipe in the Alloy smelter to simplify making those recipes.

    6: Changed SAG recipe that turned cobblestone into sand to make gravel instead. This now effectively lets players use a SAG mill to convert cobblestone all the way to dust in the same way they can using hammers.

    7: Added SAG recipes to recycle stone and cobblestone slabs into stones.

    8: Removed azantian alloy and divergent gear and replaced the few recipes that used them with other existing materials.

    9: Removed slate blocks and replaced them with a recipe to make flint from shards.

    10: Introduced recipes to make a Quest Delivery System using any of the 9 custom crops and replaced the hand in of specific customitems crops with the QDS, allowing players to choose which crops they want to hand in.

    11: Created new repeatable bulk hand in of crops that can be automated using a farming station or harvester and added a new page in the disclaimer outlining their pros and cons for anyone considering automation. NB: The quest also contains a qty of QDS to maintain an ongoing use for customitems crops.

    12: Changed the repeatable Happy Trails quest to a seed bank quest to give players an actual use for all the seeds they'll wind up getting, including customitems seeds.

    13: Installed the excompressum mod to primarily enable auto sifting and packaging. Additional benefits are being able to 'spawn' animals in any environment and being able to extract water from leaves using wooden crucibles. NB: Had to remove special gravel drops from customitems as it prevented hammers making sand from gravel.

    14: Replaced barley with Lemon grass to add more variety. NB: Any previous recipes that had barley in their name have been removed. Also added lemon grass as alternate recipe for making hay bales.

    15: Expanded the use of essence berries by introducing spice which is made using them.

    16: Added optional reward of clay bucket of water in the Offworld Adventure quest.

    17: Altered the "GRASS AT LAST" quest to make it more useful for the changed conditions and renamed it BAITING THE TRAP.

    18: Altered the regular furnace quest to a more useful Block Breaker quest that can produce free cobblestone from a cobblestone generator.

    19: Replaced the watering can quest with a new Hang Glider quest.

    20: Replaced original Smash n'Grab quest with new one that gives cotton seeds so players can start growing cotton sooner. This allows players who have already completed this quest to still get cotton seeds. Also changed making woven cloth from cotton back to 9 pieces to add value to its alternative recipe.

    21: Removed the lunch bag aspect from the luggage quest and made a separate quest for it.

    22: Removed the lolly bag made from golden amber. Mixed lollies are now made in a single recipe. Golden amber has been included in the silky cloth recipe to expand its use.

    23: Created recipes to make candy canes and candy corn which are used in the mixed lollies recipe.

    24: Created alternative recipes for making the red and yellow dye used in the candy corn recipe for biomes that can't supply them.

    25: Added alternative ways to make candles and glue.

    26: Added new quests to allow players to get an oreberry they might not have been able to get via the Lucky Dips.

    27: Each land based biome now has a unique type of natura berry bush available to find 'somewhere' in the world. They also have a limited number of recipes that can be made from them. The sky and waterworld are now offered a choice of just one of the three varieties from the flatlands for completing the Wax On quest.

    28: Added regular cactus growing in the Savanna as its the only remaining dry world.

    29: Replaced icy sands in the Ice Plains with red sand which is more useful than the sands from the other two flatlands worlds. Retained the mesa sandstone names to allow existing Mesa saves to still be playable.

    30: Changed the line up of the quests that came off the FIRST BLOOD quest so that all four are available for independent completion rather than having to complete the first two before the others open.

    31: Removed the barrier that hid some extra early quests in the waterworld/sky platform quests so all are showing as soon as the player enters the Nether.

    32: Removed the consume part of the Flimsy Beginnings and Fishing Frenzy quests to allow them to be done sooner.

    33: Brought back a recipe for empty glass bottles, but it now requires using an Alloy smelter.

    34: Changed the soul vial recipe so it now requires the Slice'N Splice.

    35: Added two new quests on the Vacation Elation page relating to translucent block making.

    36: Replaced glowstone slabs with enlightened ones which are more blast resistant.

    37: Reduced the resistance, hardness and mining level of prismarine now that it only serves as a barrier between bedrock and the surface.

    38: Changed recipe for poprocks to come from SAG mill. It also has chance to drop ice shards that can be used in other existing recipes.

    39: Added ambrosium shards as an alternative option for all recipes that normally require regular torches.

    40: Changed the Custom menu and HQM book images now that no biome has an all red sand surface.

    NB: Although you can still play saved games from all but the Ice Plains worlds, some food recipes have been replaced with new ones. Also when you start up a saved game, it will tell you there are a number of missing blocks/items and ask if you want to continue. You must answer yes to play your old save if you want to play it using version 2.0.5
  8. SirJAH888

    SirJAH888 New Member

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    8:23 AM
    Hi everyone. Its taken around 9 months but I've finally managed to give birth to a brand new sequel to Shanghaied. Its called Shanghaied Nightmare and although it does have some of the features of the original, its different in many many ways that would take too long to explain. I'm still using Technic as the only current site to download the game so assuming you have a technic launcher, you can load it up and type shanghaied in the search bar and it will now present you with 2 choices.

    There's also a brand new web site at Technic that has more information about what you can expect from the sequel. Hopefully anyone who is still following this thread will at least try the new pack as I for one think its better than the original and it also flows along much faster with less grind.

    I'd really be interested in hearing your opinions on the sequel. Images etc will eventually follow but for now I thought I'd just announce its arrival and see what happens from there.

  9. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    1:23 AM
    I can only repeat myself. If you haven't played a shanghaied pack, you missed out on one of the best quest packs in existence.
  10. SirJAH888

    SirJAH888 New Member

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    8:23 AM
    Actually Sandstroem, its now been relegated to the 2nd best...........

    I don't think I'm exaggerating when I say this new pack is better than than the original. Its taken a long time but I'm really happy with the end result.

    EDIT: Sorry I forgot my manners thru all the excitement. Thank you for your wonderful endorsement of the original pack. It means a lot that you think so highly of it and I hope you take the time to download and try the new pack. I'd certainly like to hear how you think it stacks up against the original shanghaied.

    One more thing to anyone who hasn't tried the original, its still available if you get the urge to try it out....
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2019
  11. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    1:23 AM
    So shanghaied nightmare is based on "shanghaied again" which elder testplayed a while ago or did you completely toss that out?
  12. SirJAH888

    SirJAH888 New Member

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    Its actually completely different from Shanghaied Again which will eventually become the third installment of the series.

    I stumbled across a mod called the wastelands that is a kind of flat world but has all the biomes of a regular world. This along with a new dimension I hadn't seen before plus few other ideas that were not included in Shanghaied Again, inspired me to make this sequel ahead of Shanghaied Again which was always intended to the the final pack for shanghaied.

    No one apart from me, myself and I have played this version. SirJAH occasionally expresses an interest in trying it out but that is as far as it goes. Yes, I realise I'm actually on the forum as SirJAH but that is another story. Perhaps I'm schizophrenic after all. Who knows. One day I'll sit myself down and give myself a darn good talking to.

    I tried really hard to make it as different from the previous Shanghaied as well as the upcoming Shanghaied Again. There will be some crossovers but that is unavoidable considering some of the mods are the same.
  13. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    1:23 AM
    Unfortunately you are just hurting the pack by sticking to technic. Their search system is even worse than twitch. I know you work with particular mod versions, but consider changing the newer packs so they work on twitch. Also start using newer mc versions.

    I don't really like to criticize like that, but your packs have always suffered in recognition basically since Ftb launcher got abandoned and since Ftb forum died. There are packs out there that can't even compete but get played by popular youtubers because modpack devs made some decisions which are more based on marketing strategies than on modpack quality.
    Cubelex_YT likes this.
  14. SirJAH888

    SirJAH888 New Member

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    I know. I did try putting it on Twitch but they don't support some of the vital mods the pack uses. I also looked into upgrading the version of minecraft but again some of the vital mods are no longer even being made and I wasn't able to find a suitable replacement for them. I did manage to upgrade to the latest version of Forge for the 1.7.10 pack and I removed many mods in an attempt to make it compatible but to date Technic is still the only way I can get it published. I did ask others if they knew a way to get it on Curse previously and so far no one has come forward with a solution.

    Anyway, now that this latest pack is finished, I can dedicate more time to seeing if I can update to a later version that either supports the mods I need, or at least offers viable alternatives. I've used Customitems extensively and it is only supported up to version 1.7.10. There is another mod called custom stuff that is version 1.12 that might work but that version is probably too old by now. Who knows what I'll do next. To be honest I've really enjoyed making and playing this pack and if I can find enough of what I need to update it to a later version that will be accepted on Twitch or whatever system happens to become the new 'must use' platform, then I'll probably have a crack at making a new shanghaied pack.

    Oh, and I don't consider you are criticizing by pointing out an obvious flaw with having the pack on Technic. I knew that when I placed it there but I thought that some of the people who have followed the pack deserve to at least have somewhere they can go to try out the new pack. Its better than not giving them any option at all. Thanks again for all the support and advice you've provided, I really appreciate it.

    Cubelex_YT likes this.
  15. NotChiken

    NotChiken Well-Known Member

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    They need to add this pack to mym
  16. SirJAH888

    SirJAH888 New Member

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    Well they didn't with the previous pack so I expect they won't with this one. Besides, I'm now working on a compilation pack updated to 1.12.2 that will be accepted on Twitch. Its a work in progress but this time I'm developing it on Twitch with only their approved packs so once its completed it should be accepted.
    Sandstroem likes this.
  17. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    Shanghaied patron Server.
    @wyndman make it happen
  18. SirJAH888

    SirJAH888 New Member

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    I'm trying but it won't be the same. Ruins can't be used due to the way its implemented. I've looked at Recurrent Complex as an alternative but that's going to take an awful lot of work which I'm not sure I want to undertake. On the positive side, there's now more mods I can use that weren't around in 1.7.10 so it'll give me a chance to experiment and see what I can come up with. I'd like to continue using ezwastelands which I used in Shanghaied Nightmare but the author has increased the surface modelling which isn't as good as it was before if I decide to go with Recurrent Complex. Small issue but I'm bound to come across more along the way. Ah, time will tell. I'll keep you posted....
  19. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    Sorry Sandy I've been so busy between work and my classes! Is it ironic I work at a school and still take classes?
  20. SirJAH888

    SirJAH888 New Member

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    Hi again Sandstroem. I'd like to thank you for prompting me to try one last time to get Shanghaied Nightmare onto the Curse Launcher. We decided to approach it differently this time and opened a new project and only downloaded the latest versions of mods used in our pack. The exceptions were HQM 4.33 as its the last version they made that still lets you have locked quests that are truly locked and modtweaker as the latest version requires crafttweaker instead of minetweaker and it did't like some of the already altered recipes.

    We had to abandon tubestuff that we had used for its block breaker and change quite a number of quests to suit but we eventually got it done and submitted it the other day. Today I'm pleased to announce they have approved it and its live.

    Updating to 1.12.2 which is the logical next upgrade at this time would have taken much longer as some of the vital mods we've used aren't available . I might do a compilation type pack using 1.12.2 later on depending on whether I can come up with a decent scenario that is different enough from the original packs. In the meantime I might look into reviving the original Shanghaied 'Aetherfied' and see if I can convert it to the Curse Launcher.

    Anyway, thanks again for all your input and encouragement. the new website is at:

    Last edited: Oct 19, 2019
    wyndman likes this.

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