Done Flux Point disconnections?

Discussion in 'Revelation' started by Photon_Wolfsky, Nov 4, 2019.

  1. Photon_Wolfsky

    Photon_Wolfsky Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    11:19 AM
    Is there a bug with Flux Points (the plugs seem to be fine) being disconnected randomly? I've been trying to use my Ender Dragon Woot farm for awhile now (it's 3000 ticks per dragon, so it requires a lot of time), and I decided it's just more efficient to run it while I'm offline doing schoolwork or when I'm not home. But I've noticed that Flux Points immediately disconnect from the connected blocks and stop delivering power the moment I disconnect... even with gold block chunkloaders. I've gone through about 400000 chuckloader tickets just on this issue (I wasn't sure the first time, and now I'm definitely sure the second time).

    Do Flux Points just simply not work with chunkloaders? And if that's the case, why do Flux Plugs stay connected just fine? It's really frustrating, as I can't really just AFK for 3000 ticks every single Ender Dragon kill I get from my farm. And since Dragon Woot farms use in the millions of RF, using enderIO conduits would just be slow and inefficient, but it seems like that's what I'm going to have to do until I figure out this Flux Point issue.

    Addition: I forgot to mention originally that I have encountered Flux Point disconnections even while I'm online and within 1-2 chunks of the affected Flux Points (this has happened with online chunkloaders as well). While online, it is more random and doesn't happen too often. I also double checked the Flux Plugs and Points on my RF storage and they seem to be fine. It's only the Flux Points in different chunks than my RF storage, which makes this a bit more confusing to me.
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2019
  2. HanoverFist69

    HanoverFist69 Administrator

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    Local Time:
    11:19 AM
    Hello Photo_Wolfsky,

    This is a common annoyance with Flux Networks. Usually you have to check them all when you logon and make sure they're working and on the right network. I always limit the number I use and put mine in an easy to reach location because of that.

    My suggestion, reconfigure a bit so it's easier to deal with this bug. Cut down on the number you are using. Place it near the door so its easy to check when you come in. It wont be colored if its offline so there is a visual indicator if its not working. I usually have one FP per room and run conduits out from there. It's not too hard to check 3-4 plugs when you logon with that setup.

    As for whether they will work while offline with a gold chunk loader. I'm going to beep @Column01 and see if he'll look at code for us and give a definitive answer on if we can make them work with gold chunk loaders or not. My guess is the answer is No, because this mod does things weird and that's why the gold loaders aren't working on them in the first place. But we'll see.

  3. Photon_Wolfsky

    Photon_Wolfsky Well-Known Member

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    11:19 AM
    Thanks for letting me know that the problem isn't just something I'm facing. At least that lets me know I should start looking for other solutions. I just found it a bit odd how the Plugs and Points in my RF storage chunk stay fine with both online and offline chunkloaders, but any outside the same chunk as the RF storage disconnect. I wonder if that gives any help. I haven't tested it, but I might move that Woot farm to the same chunk as my RF storage and see if the Point disconnects (because I only really have 10 max between both plugs and points). I have a point on my storage block that receives just fine and never disconnects, so it's just a little weird how this issue is choosing which parts to bug out on.

    If anything, I'll just reorganize and use Cryo flux ducts... unless those have offline chunkloader issues, too (never used them so I don't know)
  4. TomboyEnthusiast

    TomboyEnthusiast Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    2:19 PM
    I don't see why it shouldn't work with chunk loaders but there may be other issues underlying with a mod interaction or an interaction with sponge that causes this. Unfortunately, it is extremely difficult (and time-consuming) to test variables like this and if we did find the cause, we likely could not fix it for the server (mod author would need to update the mod and then it would need to be updated for the modpack too)

    It has checks to unload the plugs on chunk unload but those only happen if it is SP. It also appears the mod may have chunk loading of its own built-in which could easily be the cause of issues here.

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