Challenging Pack without God and Fly

Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by knoxz, Nov 13, 2019.

  1. knoxz

    knoxz Well-Known Member

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    will there be a Modpack Pack that is based on exploration and challenging Mobs like "Dungeons, Dragons and Space Shuttles" without God and Fly? I played this pack in Singleplayer and after a week I was like 10% done. My first method of traveling was a tamed Gryphon. Playing this Packs with Fly and Godmode, takes 80% of the fun because there is no thrill. How can people feel any kind of accomplishments, when you finish a exploration pack within weeks, when it would take 10 times as long if there would actually be a challenge?

    Now if someone says, "You don't have to use it." I am going to slap you! I tried this once.
    I after hours of playing on a weekend, found a dungeon, that wasnt looted on the 2nd day. I battled my way through it, just to have someone fly past me ignoring all the mobs and looting the stuff on the lower levels.
    He then asked me, why I dont have god/fly enabled............. o_O:banghead:

    You can still have kits for resources or a little jump start and make money from them, those give you only an advantage of maybe a few hours and they don't ignore a big junk of the creators efforts to make the pack challenging! Or make the server patron only and make money there. In my opionion, God or Fly don't have a place on an exploration modpack like DD&SS!

    TLDR: Will there be a challenging Exploration Modpack Server without Fly and God in the near future? :)

  2. Willshaper

    Willshaper Well-Known Member

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    I completely agree with your post.

    But from all the staff posts i have seen, it's extremely unlikely that we will ever get a server with those perks being disabled.

    What i did instead, is get Aidoneus to specifically disable all those commands for myself, globally. Additionally, i throw/give away every single kit that i receive in-game. This way i can enjoy all those hard grindy modpacks, as they are intended.
  3. 1ne_8ight_7even

    1ne_8ight_7even 06.04❤️

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    Hi good evening :)

    I agree with you. But what are the people doing with the Tier 5 premium rank?
    They paid 80 Euro / USD for it. It makes no sense to switch off these perks, even though they have these rights.
    The server might get a big shit-storm if they knock out a very popular modpack without these perks.

  4. Willshaper

    Willshaper Well-Known Member

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    Often the very popular servers get 2 nodes.

    Make 2 nodes, one with perks and one without. Players that wanna play with their perks can go on N1, and people who want the pure experience can join N2.
    1ne_8ight_7even likes this.
  5. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    I am pretty sure a legacy tier 5 does not give me the right to have those perks on any server.

    If a server has certain perks disabled, then it has certain perks disabled. Tier 5 can cry as much as they want.

    We had Nero. Nero was focused on pvp. God was disabled there.

    I think civ the same, no God there.
    Willshaper likes this.
  6. knoxz

    knoxz Well-Known Member

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    CIV and Nero? Never heard of them.
    Perks are changed right now are they? You are not allowed to a single person perks on a server. So even if you are tier 5, by default you dont have god / fly on a new server.
    If people buy kits, it goes to everyone. Same for fly / god. This was implemented to not offend the Minecraft TOS or am I wrong?

    Doesn't bring back the fun if everyone else is using god / fly.
    I want to show of my accomplishments I worked for and be proud. Not be the only one stuck in the stone age, because I like a challenge. :(
  7. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    You don't have to use it.
    1ne_8ight_7even likes this.
  8. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    It actually does, this is how it was sold, and to change it again might wreck havoc with the EULA. I'm not sure we want to go ahead and tell someone no you can't use what you paid for and have the theory tested that legacy meant legacy. This was addressed in one of those FAQs from Mojang when it first became an issue where it was stated that if you paid for it you keep it. So if you don't want to use it that's fine, if you choose to have us disable it for you that's within your rights too. The grey is when we arbitrarily decide to do it, it might fly on a patron server as it is not publicly accessible, but on a public server...
  9. 1ne_8ight_7even

    1ne_8ight_7even 06.04❤️

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    yeah, u are totally right. I mean, we paid 80€ for that. So...why should anyone forbid us to use these rights?
  10. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    This doesn't make sense at all. I could then as well ask that I can have my kits on an event server.

    The legacy tiers were made for normal servers. We had servers before where God was disabled due to them being focused on pvp.

    I am not saying that we need those servers or that I want to force people not to use their perks. But the statement that we cannot disable perks for a specific server is just pure nonsense.
  11. 1ne_8ight_7even

    1ne_8ight_7even 06.04❤️

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    Sir, That is your opinion! Just let the others play this modpack the way they want it.
    You also have the right to use these commands.
    Just because you don't like these two commands, it doesn't have to be blocked for everyone now.

    Like the shop says : "All our tiers and kits are designed to make the life of our sponsors a bit easier in order to give a reason for sponsoring. We are not a fan of pay2win but have to pay our bills, which is why we don't sell op perks like creative on survival servers and why perks like godmode don't work on pvp servers. The kits are designed to save about 3-4 hours of playtime to gather the basics but don't give any end game content. " [...]

    Its all fair and balanced :)
  12. knoxz

    knoxz Well-Known Member

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    Some things never change... @Sandstroem always gets me! :kiss:

    *Slap*! :dead:

    Why would I play with out god / fly on a server where everyone else just clears the overworld resources within the first hours before even starting to build a base? I have more fun playing alone then.

    The one server, I had the most fun on in 15 years of Minecraft was the first PVP *Everything allowed* server we had.
    I got my based nuked twice. After that we moved our base to the Witchery Sleep Dimension. We went to sleep and farmed all the mats to make a portal which took us days. We created ME-Subnetworks and hide our Drives at some remote location. We had OpenComputer Security which killed people when they came close to ours base, Forcefields and and and...
    The best defense was to hide!
    We also destroyed a lot of bases. ;)
    There was a huge community on those servers.

    When I joined the network back in 2014 I did my fair share for the network. The whole voting system is based on my code if it wasnt replaced by now for example. On the servers I am still displayed as DEV and I also got complimentary Patron Status. I also bought rank 2 at some point to help the network before patron was implemented.
    I dont want to forbid anyone anything. I just would be really estatic if there was a server with them disabled once in a while. :)
    Why not make 2 server instances and have people choose? Less workload as a single server on popular modpacks. There were 2-3 Nodes on some of them in the past. Why not disable it for one of them? Anyone who cant play without them, can use them. Everyone who wants a challenge and play with likeminded people can.
  13. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    If you had actually read my post then you would have seen that I don't want to force anything on anyone.
    And thanks for quoting that we disable God on pvp servers, that actually saved me some work
  14. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    We don't in order to prevent a split of the community. You have to remember a second node takes resources both physical, and intangible resources such as staff time. From my own perspective as a player I'd just assume keep what I paid for and make the decision, as a human my time is already so limited that not having access to the things I paid for doesn't appeal to me, as a staff member I see it as a headache to deal with two nodes.
    1ne_8ight_7even likes this.
  15. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    I think what knoxz is asking for is a server where pvp is also enabled because then the God discussion becomes pointless since it can be disabled.
  16. knoxz

    knoxz Well-Known Member

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    Well, not nessearly. I would also love dd&ss without God and fly. Those just break 90% of most challenging mod packs. Kits are fine.
  17. Hillgrove

    Hillgrove Active Member

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    I can only second what Knoxz is saying. When I play Minecraft I want to play it like the devs intended the modpack to be played. So I would not use God-mode and Fly etc.

    That does mean my experience of a modpack is worse than it would have been, because everyone that uses these abilities would have looted everything on the server way before I unlock the ability to do so.

    So saying: "just don't use it", makes me playing on a MyM server all the more unlikely and I'd find another network that does not hand out P2W (which I deem Fly and God mode to be).
  18. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    Then you are mistaken, no one is handing out god or fly. If you were a Tier 5 donor you have access to the commands you donated for, those follow you from now until we turn the lights off as that was the "contract" you signed when you donated. You have access to turn them on and off at a whim, the same goes for someone purchasing a server upgrade, we don't force you into that condition you have to activate it.

    I won't buy a Ferrari because it can drive faster than my Honda which I consider pay to win.
  19. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    I get your point. But the rule stated here was that we don't disable God on servers that are not pvp, but disable it on pvp server. So in order to find the path of least resistance and shut up people that don't want their perks removed, you declare a server as a pvp server. Problem solved.
  20. Hillgrove

    Hillgrove Active Member

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    You misunderstand Wynd :)

    What I'm saying is that my experience on a server is worse if people with God and Fly has ravaged and looted everything within an acceptable radius.

    In that I'm not mistaken. And if there were no God or Fly commands accessible to people that have payed for them, then this topic wouldn't exist.

    I'm not saying "take away their powers and break your promise".. I'm only saying how having people like that on a server I play on, diminishes my experience on said server.

    Luckily it seems Regrowth is relatively pristine atm and everyone is having a good time.

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