Age of Engineering: Is it me or Do mobs Cheat in this pack?

Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by Rexarc, Dec 8, 2019.

  1. Rexarc

    Rexarc The Alchemist

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    Local Time:
    3:32 PM
    I can't count the amout of times mobs have spawned in well lit areas and/or Inside my well-lit 'base'. Hell, i got back from mining to find a pakc of skeletal horses literally in the center of my very well-lit Enderio spot. Sometimes it feels like mobspawns cheat in this pack, idk.
  2. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    2:32 PM
    Those do not follow normal spawning rules.

    Otherwise the mobs do follow the rules.
  3. Rexarc

    Rexarc The Alchemist

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    3:32 PM

    huh.. they don't? Didn't know that. any specific way they doo spawn or is it just random? AoE has the annoying skeleton horses = raid thing on it.
  4. Willshaper

    Willshaper Well-Known Member

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    9:32 PM
    When i played AoE, mobs did in fact not follow the spawning rules.

    They would randomly spawn anywhere, even if the area was properly lit up, and even after i used the EnderIO obelisk that prevents mob spawns.
  5. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    2:32 PM
    Try the IE powered lantern. Also fyi if you did not know, mobs will not spawn on carpets.
  6. Rexarc

    Rexarc The Alchemist

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    3:32 PM
    The Powered lantern works? cool, thx. can work off that. also didnt know bout carpets lol.
    BookerTheGeek likes this.
  7. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    Or slabs. I know we had issues with those horses before, maybe @Matryoshika fixed it before. I know we did something internally way back in 1.10 on the vanilla test.
  8. chosaito

    chosaito Active Member

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    Mobs are known cheaters. Everyone knows this.
  9. Matryoshika

    Matryoshika Well-Known Member

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    9:32 PM
    The skeletal horses are a real problem.
    Vanilla 1.10 minecraft has a bug that causes them to spawn. They are not meant to spawn as often and in the capacity that they are.
    I created GitHub: Matryoshika/DeadHorses over 3 years ago to clean up the skeletal horses a bit.
    Back then I couldn't find a way to stop them from spawning, so every now and again (roughly every 50s) that mod checks every loaded horse to see if it's being ridden by a skeleton. If so, remove most of them (default settings keeps 2 such horses in a 32 block radius)

    DeadHorses is currently on all of our 1.10 servers. Might venture back and see if I can't set it up to block them completely now. I was still a novice coder 3 years ago.

    As for other entities, those haven't been touched by any changes from our (MyM's) side.

    EntityControl still uses the old logic for 1.10, which hasn't been updated in close to 4 years.
    Due to holidays coming up, new (stressful) job and a few other projects that I'm currently working on, it might take some time before EntityControl for 1.10 is updated and working in our setups.

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