Hub Tree Parkour

Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by KoniEneo, Dec 22, 2019.

  1. KoniEneo

    KoniEneo Well Known?

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    Local Time:
    2:32 PM
    Sooo after reaching the top of the tree, is there anything else? Are the hours I put in meaningless? Endlessly jumping and falling and jumping again for a higher view seems... Lackluster lol
  2. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    It is about the journey, not the destination.
    PotatoWithHat, p5k and Timmypwn like this.
  3. KoniEneo

    KoniEneo Well Known?

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    Gersh darn it. What's up with the stuff under the hub then?
    Timmypwn likes this.
  4. 1ne_8ight_7even

    1ne_8ight_7even 06.04❤️

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    11:32 PM
    I mean, in the hub is a small jump and run game.
    But, why did they removed the NPC at the top?
  5. KoniEneo

    KoniEneo Well Known?

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    2:32 PM
    UPDATE: I found the underground entrance but it is disabled because I cannot use levers?
  6. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member

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    The Hub server has been reset and reconfigured so many times that a lot of the old stuff is missing/broken, like Eine just mentioned, the reward for reaching the top of the tree used to be that there was an NPC at the top who if you right clicked on would be set to copy your skin until someone else reached the top and claimed the spot.

    As for the secret stuff under the island, the entrance you found with the lever is actually the fake one (I believe the intention was that people who knew the real way to get inside could watch and laugh at the noobs trying to find the right angle to flip the lever), but unfortunately the real entrance doesn't work either as the redstone got broken at some point, but involved pressing a button on the side of the island and then quickly making it to a specific spot near a tree where a grass block would be pulled back to reveal a drop.

    There's a few different rooms down there including a staff bathroom and lounge and bar area, and some rooms with a bunch of heads of old staff members from when that area was originally built.

    HelloKittyPhone likes this.
  7. KoniEneo

    KoniEneo Well Known?

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    2:32 PM
    Ahhh was wondering what that button was for as well, Thanks man!

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