Decided Against Spawners

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by Gherkin, Jan 1, 2020.

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  1. Gherkin

    Gherkin Oliver (Wobby)

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    Local Time:
    12:30 AM
    Okay so it well known that spawners are buggy. They randomly stop working and will only start spawning mobs again after a restart although I have just come back on after a restart and they still aren't spawning. There are only 6 players online. Most of these players won't be running spawners, the problem I think is with offline chunk loaders. Mym have a mob limit, this we all know, and the offline chunk loaders are eating into this limit and making people that are actually online have no mobs spawn.

    Here are some possible solutions:
    1) Make it so spawners in offline chunk loaders don't count towards the limit.
    2) Stop spawners in offline loaders working at all if the player is offline.
    3) Nerf spawners in offline loaders so u get less than if you were online.
    4) Make it so online player loaded spawners have a higher priority over offline loaded spawners.
    5) Increase the mob limit.

    I have no idea if any of the above solutions are possible or not. That is for staff to figure out and see if it can be implemented or not as I have no idea how Myms mob limit / chunk loaders work.

    I'm sure there are other solutions, and I know that many staff members will know about this issue, will probably have read several posts like this before and are thinking "not again" but it is a well known issue that may have had someone look into fixing it, but is not fixed.

    I hope that staff will try / try again to find an agreeable solution to this problem that benefits all players.

    P.S. I am playing on Revelation but this applies to most if not all Mym servers.
  2. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    1:30 AM
    The mob limit is in a 3x3 radius, other players won't affect the spawning if they are not in your base.
  3. Gherkin

    Gherkin Oliver (Wobby)

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    Local Time:
    12:30 AM
    So why do spawners randomly stop spawning then? I have 2x2 chunks with only 4 spawners total and they stop working all the time. And I am in the area loading them myself. As I type this they are not working. Nothing spawns. Some form of limit or cap is preventing them from spawning.
  4. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    1:30 AM
    I don't know. If you create a ticket at the spawners we can check if we can find the issue.
  5. Sayith

    Sayith Well-Known Member

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    1:30 AM
    Did you light your sourroundings or placed a magnum torch to prevent hostile mobs from spawning in the area? (make sure to check below your base)

    Also check your spawner, maybe there are some mobs where they should not be. sometimes they spawned below my spawner and where not killed by the grinder

    I'm not sure about the exact numbers on the mob limit, but i think it was a total of 50 mobs shared for hostile and passive mobs with a cap for hostile mobs at 30 and passive at 40, but these numbers could be wrong.
  6. Gherkin

    Gherkin Oliver (Wobby)

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    12:30 AM
    But it's not just mine. It's everyone's. It's a bug that I have seen happening for years. It did this when I used to play on Infinity Evolved too.

    I do have mega torches as they are on revelation below it but these don't matter as I have had them for about a week and the spawners still sometimes work. So this obviously means the torches don't change spawner spawn rates only natural spawn rates.

    Below my spawner is about 2 blocks then a hole cos my base is under neath and I have never seen any mobs falling...the mob grinder kills them instantly.
  7. Sayith

    Sayith Well-Known Member

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    1:30 AM
    Im also playing on revelation and the only time my spawner stopped working, was when you used it to farm souls, the reason it stopped working was, bacause there where a few mobs below the spawner and they raised the limit so it would not spawn more.

    Yeah sorry, meant the mega torch, and yes it's not affecting any spawner, only the natural spawning of mobs. But without natural spawning, you get more capacity for mob spawners.

    What spawners are you using?
    Mine is working fine, but i use Soulshards and Mob dublicators from intustrial foregoing.
    Are you using the Draconic stabilized spawners?, i know that one other player got an issue with them on revelations
  8. Gherkin

    Gherkin Oliver (Wobby)

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    12:30 AM
    I am yes. I was going to use powered spawners until I realised how much power they actually needed.
  9. Sayith

    Sayith Well-Known Member

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    1:30 AM
    Ok, so about the Draconic spawners, what i heard from KyanG7, that they spanw invisible enteties and the grinder can not kill them, so they fill up your mob cap.
    I dont know if other methods of killing them would work, as example the draconic grinder or Metal spikes.

    Alternativly you could use other spawner mods, and i recommend you the soulshards mod.
  10. Gherkin

    Gherkin Oliver (Wobby)

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    Local Time:
    12:30 AM time i see them not spawning anything ill chuck down a draconic grinder and see if it starts it back up again. Thanks.
  11. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    6:30 PM
    Closing Thread.
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