Done humble request to disable my chunk-loaders

Discussion in 'Tekkit Legends' started by JohnBonDovy, Jun 16, 2019.

  1. JohnBonDovy

    JohnBonDovy Well-Known Member

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    since I been told recently, that my looped logistics pipes are cauzing the current block-lag-issues everybody (or mostly everbody, no idea) is dealing with, and the lag is so bad that I cannot even interact with anything for 2-3 days, I wanted to ask if any admin/mod wud be so kind, as to disable all my chunk loaders.

    I would like to test (while not being in any area where those chunk loaders are placed), if this kind of lag really goes away if my chunks are not loaded.

    tbh I still doubt this is on my end. I had this setup for ages, and responsiveness was fine in between. still, I dont want to ignore what I've been told, no matter what I personally think of it, taking logical aspects in mind.

    if u dont know what I mean, pls dont hesitate to ask. I hope my post doesnt sound rude in any kind of way, Im really just trying to look factical at things, aswell as I would love to give everybody on t-legends a good and lag-free gaming experience, like it is meant to be present.

    thanks and best regards
  2. HanoverFist69

    HanoverFist69 Administrator

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    Hello JohnBonDoby,

    I removed all your chunk loaders and placed them in chests. I didn't notice any lag in the area when I loaded it up and tps was stable.

    The only thing odd I noticed is you used a lot of chunk loaders set to 1x1 when you can just use one chunk loader set to 3x3 to load entire base. I'd suggest doing that instead of multiple loaders.

    Also, ignore people who think they're finding laggy bases by flying around. Any base will lag if someone comes in and loads only one chunk.

    Let us know if you need anything else.

    JohnBonDovy likes this.
  3. JohnBonDovy

    JohnBonDovy Well-Known Member

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    thanks Hanover!

    To quickly clear things up: The ppl I been told my logistics was the issue where mods, not some ppl just flying across my base.

    For the 1x1 chunkloaders. I can have max 9 chunks loaded. if I use 1 3x3 I have no chunks left to be loaded. since I have 2 other spots (far away from my main base) I would like to be loaded, the 3x3 variant isnt the best option for me.
    only 1 question regarding this: Can this cauz any lag issues if I use a number of 1x1 loaders instead one 3x3 loader?

    thanks again!
  4. HanoverFist69

    HanoverFist69 Administrator

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    There's only a few issues that using 1x1 loaders could cause. If you have pipes, etc going through unloaded areas they will create issues. The entire pipe should be loaded. Second, if things in different chunks are connected and they start up separately, because on different loaders, they can get buggy. Lastly, if one of those loaders glitches and stops working it will cause the same problems.

    Ultimately, it's not a big issue or concern, but better to just use a large chunk loader and avoid any issues. The ticket costs are based off the items in the area. So it costs the same if you use a bunch of 1x1 or one 3x3 chunk loader.

    As for LP pipes lagging there's one thing my experience with them has taught me...keep every intersection simple. Other pipes are fine if 2-3 things are going on at a pipe intersection or ending, but LP gets laggy if more than one thing going on. I always spread out my systems and made sure my intersections were as simple and clean as possible. It really helps.
    JohnBonDovy likes this.
  5. JohnBonDovy

    JohnBonDovy Well-Known Member

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    Hello again,
    no idea why, I cant stop playing this from time to time.. thus I would like to adress those lag issues a (potentially) final time.

    I still experience those lag issues.. even though I didnt change anything with my setup.. it seems like it doesnt matter if other players are online or not, nor how many others are online or what they are doing.. the next time I logon everything seems to be perfectly fine, every chest, machinery etc. is responding without any delay, next time everything seems to be non-responsive or with very big delay (sometimes like 3 seconds delay, sometimes 5 or a lot more)..

    if I do /tps the value mostly is 20 (as I been told best value it can be at), so this seems not to be any issue or at least non-related to the lag I described above.

    The only thing I was able to monitor was a spike in the server-status window, where the value "GC30" (7th column from the left) would rise to rather high values (see picture below, the value in the picture is "1461"). could that possibly be related to any lag issues? At times I dont have any lag at all, that value will mostly never go over 600ish, mostly even below 300.
    Can anybody tell me what GC30 means or what that value stands for?

    thanks again for your time

    Screenshot, 2020-01-15 22:58:49 - Paste.Pics
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2020
  6. jaari

    jaari Well-Known Member

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    Here you go: Custom Built — MyM-Wiki 0.0.1 documentation
    JohnBonDovy likes this.

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