Done Cancelling Patron subscription

Discussion in 'Other' started by ShyLyn99, Feb 15, 2020.

  1. ShyLyn99

    ShyLyn99 Active Member

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    6:20 AM
    I have been absent from the server for a while and though I am glad for the work done here I am unable to support Patron at the moment. I searched for a minute to find a place to request the cancellation and decided to post it here. To prevent any misunderstanding I will be cancelling the subscription on my Paypal so that further payments will not be made from there and just wanted to let you know so that the lack of payment would not create an issue if in the future I become able to play again.

    I will wait a week to cancel the subscription on my Paypal unless I hear from here sooner. If you need any information to verify which account I am speaking of I will be happy to provide it so please let me know. Thank you
  2. Willshaper

    Willshaper Well-Known Member

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    You can cancel your subscription without worries, and there will be no problems in the future if you'd like to have Patron again.

    Cancelling it via paypal is the correct way, as they are the ones that handle the transactions.

    Staff does not need to be notified of this or anything.
  3. ShyLyn99

    ShyLyn99 Active Member

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    6:20 AM
    Ah. I was thinking of something I read in the shop windows. I thought I had read something about being banned if payments failed to post correctly or something of that matter. Thank you for the quick reply
  4. jaari

    jaari Well-Known Member

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    "The attempt of bypassing the refund policy (e.g. none authorized disputes with your credit card institute or PayPal) result in a permanent ban from the mineyourmind network. In a case of abuse, this can also lead to a police investigation."
    This tends to refer to something called "Chargeback" in which goods/services are provided, but in which the money is forcefully returned (chargeback) to the customer. This system exists to protect the customer, but its also easily abused.
  5. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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  6. LadyRen13

    LadyRen13 Well-Known Member

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    I am going to mark this as done due to inactivity. Please feel free to comment here if you should have further issues.

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