Done I'm desperate

Discussion in 'SevTech: Ages' started by thescum, Feb 16, 2020.

  1. thescum

    thescum Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    9:59 AM
    I'm desperate
    I have been patient to a certain point but if after 1 hour there is still no progress, I lose my lust.
    I have tried several times to play sevtechages in multiplayer mode, but I always encounter the same problems.
    I am in the 1st age and in the farm world I do not find any mobs that drop darkstones for me although I have already been to several biomes where they should actually be.
    That's exactly how I don't find any parrots I need for the Quest Spooky boss battle. I don't find any cows in the construction world. I'm starting to feel that the server doesn't like me.

    It's a shame now that my tombstone is in the between world and I can't use my key because the spawn is protected: D
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2020
  2. HanoverFist69

    HanoverFist69 Administrator

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    1:59 AM
    Hello thescum,

    I moved your grave to your base. You should be able to retrieve your items now. As for the mob drops you just need to keep looking. Everything should be available.

    Let us know if you need anything else.

    LadyRen13 likes this.
  3. thescum

    thescum Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    9:59 AM
    As for the mob drops you just need to keep looking. lol and how long? 1 week?

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