Vintage Story - TerraFirmaCraft inspired game, interested?

Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by SirWill, Feb 24, 2020.


Are you interested in buying the game and playing it on MyM?

  1. Yes

    21 vote(s)
  2. No

    7 vote(s)
  3. Unsure

    10 vote(s)
  1. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    11:37 AM
    I recently discovered the game Vintage Story which heavily looks like Minecraft and seems to be inspired by the TerraFirmaCraft mod. It's basically a more complex and difficult minecraft.
    The game was created by Tyron the creator of the minecraft mod Butterfly Mania and Vintagecraft.

    Is there any interest in a MyM server for this game? Please vote above.

    Website: Home - Vintage Story | Price: €15 / $17
  2. vikingghost11

    vikingghost11 Well-Known Member

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    7:37 AM
    Ahah, I also just found out about the game recently. It's been pretty fun so far. There are some cool differences, but I feel conflicted because, at times, it feels like an uncompleted version of TerraFirmaCraft.
    Regardless, +1 from me.
  3. Eifekk

    Eifekk Well-Known Member

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    10:37 AM
    The animal behaviours and beekeeping interest me and I know _Lenaa would love that aspect of it. It certainly looks like something I'd give a go. I usually just stay away from other survival games(though it's my favourite genre) due to lack of people to play with. A MyM server would definitely solve that :)
  4. XxDiggidyxX

    XxDiggidyxX Well-Known Member

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    5:37 AM
    Looks like a lot of fun I will be getting it as soon as possible.
    PhishTahkoh likes this.
  5. Cantiel

    Cantiel Well-Known Member

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    11:37 AM
    i saw a stream of it, and it does look quite interesting. but i'll wait for it to be fully released, before i make my decision. i had too much bad experience with early access games
  6. Eifekk

    Eifekk Well-Known Member

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    10:37 AM
    I bought it last night, didnt play a whole lot tho coz it was late. Struggled to find clay lol.

    It's the price of a couple movie tickets... I can promise you that you'd get more than two movies(5 hours?) worth of entertainment out of it.
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2020
    SanndyTheManndy likes this.
  7. Cantiel

    Cantiel Well-Known Member

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    1st of all, even that can be a lot for some people. i personally grew up quite poor and had to save up half a year to afford buying a new game.

    2nd: i can count the times i went to the cinema in the last 4 years on 1 hand, so that comparison is pointless to me. besides, there are other things i could buy for that money that are more appealing to me right now.

    in the end it comes down to personal preferences & priorities, and right now, i simply have no interest in buying it, but will keep an eye out in the future
  8. Eifekk

    Eifekk Well-Known Member

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    10:37 AM
    I meant no offence. It just frustrates me that most people always complain about the price of games when they're actually really cheap in comparison to other forms of media. Not to mention everyone always complaining about companies using the loot box models, or charging for expansions... over recent years the price of most big studio games has remained around £50. While the cost of development has increased, when you factor in inflation, more competition with the likes of the switch and console gaming popularity. Studios put more money into games, and leave the price the same. And people complain about them making the extra money in other ways. Not to mention people complaining about indie games being expensive for what they are. Even though the people behind them have spent alot and put alot of time into them. When you compare them to big games you think they're super expensive. But they dont have the initial capital that the big studios do. Not to mention big studios can almost guarantee sales so they are able to spend more on development. And if they dont do well it's not as massive a hit.

    Anyways besides the point. Vintage story is fun, though the timing of it being considered on mym isnt great what with genesis map just releasing for Ark.
  9. XoCynner

    XoCynner Manager

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    I bought it immediately after it was mentioned to us staff members and have been playing it every day since. I love it and hope we do bring it to mym, I think it will be very popular at first and may die off but i also think there will be players like me who enjoy the grind and stick around for the long haul.
    Eifekk likes this.
  10. XoCynner

    XoCynner Manager

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    If you and lena want to play with a few other players until/if it comes to mym let me know, making a server its super simple and doesnt cost a dime. I play with 2 other people aswell so could be fun to have a bunch of us running around.
  11. PhishTahkoh

    PhishTahkoh Patron Tier 3

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    5:37 AM
    I'm down to buy it and play it, on or off a MyM server. Looks really interesting.
  12. PhishTahkoh

    PhishTahkoh Patron Tier 3

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    If you end up getting it, let me know on Discord or something. I'm down to buy it and try it out with you until they decide on a MyM server.
  13. Pandragoon

    Pandragoon Well-Known Member

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    5:37 AM
    This looks nice, I haven't even heard of it. I have been waiting for Hytale though to come out. This game doesn't look like it's made with Java as far as I can tell, which gives me hope for it. :p
  14. Eifekk

    Eifekk Well-Known Member

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    10:37 AM
    The world is waiting for hytale lol. Its gunna be dope. But yh vintage story is written in c# if I recall?
  15. Pandragoon

    Pandragoon Well-Known Member

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    So is Hytale. VS is only 15, I think I'll get it. I enjoyed Terrafirmacraft and Dont Starve and what not. Especially since it's moddable. Just need some awesome mods to come out. :D
  16. dragon87tamer

    dragon87tamer Well-Known Member

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    10:37 AM
    Hows the game coming along ppl? I havent bought yet, working on it tho! :D
  17. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    11:37 AM

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