Done Chunkloader isue

Discussion in 'SevTech: Ages' started by JonEros, Mar 24, 2020.

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  1. JonEros

    JonEros Well-Known Member

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    5:19 PM
    daily voting is not enough to keep 1 (online) chunkloader 3x3 running.

    i put all my points into the chunkloader tickets, and its still not enough.

    i thought the chunkloader system was ment to keep it fair.

    i realy dislike the ticket system, i play a lot per day, and i get punished for it, i dont have a server heavy base, my main thing is building, so it is very anoying. you cant aspect me to pay even more to the server, i already bought 80 euro on claimblocks, becouse u dont get a lot for your money. (a lot of server perks too, but that was my own choise)

    it realy should be just 1 per person and thats done, if you are online to play, it should be able to load
  2. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    What is your upkeep for your chunkloader?
  3. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    12:19 PM
    Are you running a gold block? Are you loading just what you need? You should be getting more than enough tokens to run chunk loaders by even casually voting unless you are say using a gold block in maximum range or something
  4. JonEros

    JonEros Well-Known Member

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    no, iron. (but i am online at least 12 hours a day)
  5. Willshaper

    Willshaper Well-Known Member

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    What's the upkeep on it?

    With 60 tokens/day (What you'd get for voting daily) I'm very easily able to load 25+ chunks for 6-8 hours/day on a heavy endgame E2E base, and still end up with tons of leftover tokens for other stuff.
  6. JonEros

    JonEros Well-Known Member

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    and 2 off the vote sites are not working for me half the time, so i get 40 per day
  7. HanoverFist69

    HanoverFist69 Administrator

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  8. JonEros

    JonEros Well-Known Member

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    after another time when my chunkloader went off, i got annoyed, so ive done some calculating, 50 tickets, is enough for 8.3 hours.

    SO ITS AN UNFAIR SYSTEM, i play more then 8 hours a day.

    this is exactly what i meant with you dont get enough
  9. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    10:19 AM
    Wait how many tickets is your upkeep?
  10. Willshaper

    Willshaper Well-Known Member

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    According to a previous post, 2960 for a 3x3 loader, which seems extremely high.

    Currently my own E2E Endgame base costs 1230 tickets/min for 19 loaded chunks.
  11. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    If that is the case, JonEros, how many TileEntities do you have at your base? You must have an extreme amount in your base
  12. JonEros

    JonEros Well-Known Member

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    5:19 PM
    And again, its not enough.

    The only thing in the loaded chunks, is my house, with my simple storage

    Please change the system. Or give enouch tickets to last the day.
    [doublepost=1585794262][/doublepost]Its 1060 per minute now, but its still not even near being enough per day to keep that running
    [doublepost=1585794744,1585794196][/doublepost]By now i feel like the vote is something i have to do, but it doesnt deserve it from me anymore,,, becouse in my opinion its not good becouse of the system

    I like the perk system here, i donated for a couple of them, but when im done with the pack, i dont think i will continue here. I dont have work anymore, so i play 10-15 hours per day, and with an ticket loader system, its realy awefull to play half of the time
  13. HanoverFist69

    HanoverFist69 Administrator

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    9:19 AM
    Hello JonEros,
    I checked everything over and the problem here is your use of chisels and bits on nearly every block in the area. This increases the number of blocks in a chunk significantly which raises the costs.

    My suggestion: Don't load empty buildings built out of chiseled blocks and you will see costs drop dramatically. Drop a bunch of 1x1 loaders where you need them instead.


    p.s. I had to break a block in the roof to get to the chunk loader and couldn't figure out howto remake the block to replace it. Sorry for that. I did try to replace it. I don't use chisels n bits much. :(
  14. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    10:19 AM
    That is why I am trying to help. I am trying to evaluate the system and see if it needs to be increased. I am not putting this off, but do need to know the full situation before I can attempt a fix.
    We also usually don't have people that play 12 hours a day. You probably are the first. So it has never been an issue with the current system. So i am trying to brainstorm a way to fix this problem. So help me help you. Can you tell me what you think is fair?
  15. JonEros

    JonEros Well-Known Member

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    5:19 PM
    I did not realize chisel blocks were added to the load cost,

    Im going to find a work around
    (put my storage in an emty chunk)

    Sinds i prefer beauty over effectiveness, i gues i will look for maybe something like the pocket dimention thing, to keep stuff loaded thats a must,

    Sorry about the harsh reaction. I didnt know it was by my own chisel doings
  16. HanoverFist69

    HanoverFist69 Administrator

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    9:19 AM
    We're looking into reducing costs for chiseled blocks, but we have to consider server performance. I think your base is a good example of where we should find the balance. Its not too bad and should cost a reasonable amount.

    We'll get it sorted eventually. :)
  17. JonEros

    JonEros Well-Known Member

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    5:19 PM
    i just finished puting my storage in the compact machine dimention, the ticket upkeep went from 1060, to 10 tickets per minute,
    [doublepost=1585927810][/doublepost]and i dont mind that the buildings are not loaded all the time, i play becouse i want to have nice buildings in good styles build, so it doesnt matter if most of it is loaded at all, i had my factory with immersive machines build outside the loaded chunks, becouse i build so much in the area, i dont need anything to load, so in my original plan only things like my storage, would have to be loaded, and later on maybe inviromental tech, but my whole point of playing is building lots of nice looking buildings,

    so i dont mind if u have now only the compact machine dimention loaded
  18. HanoverFist69

    HanoverFist69 Administrator

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    9:19 AM
    Curious, what kind of storage was it?
  19. JonEros

    JonEros Well-Known Member

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    5:19 PM
    simple storage, so its chests, and the simple controler master,
  20. Hillgrove

    Hillgrove Active Member

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    I had the same issues when I was playing Regrowth (also for many hours a day). I had quite a few discussions online with staff, but I probably wasn't explaining it as good as JonEros.

    I'm not a good builder, by any means, but I like to build, and I like to spread out and not build 3x3 chunk towers with everything in it.

    My main gripe (as I remember it) was that before tesseracts (or alternatives) etc. you also had to chunkload all the chunks that had pipes/tubes/ducts etc between your machines or mini-bases.

    I don't know what the perfect solution is, but it does feel sometimes like I'm fighting the system instead of playing the game.
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