Implemented Undefeated1010 and I lost our island due to a sync shell error

Discussion in 'Crash Landing' started by BUCKEYE61, Sep 30, 2014.

  1. BUCKEYE61

    BUCKEYE61 Member

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    Hi! I'm BUCKEYE61 and a friend and I have been working on the Crash Landing server for quite some bit of time now. We are fairly advanced completing the first book and almost all of the 2nd,3rd, and 4th book in the quest book. At about 9:15 PM EST on September 29th, we logged back on after the reset and when i was killed, it booted my partner and I to the lobby since we had lost. But, we both had sync shells,as we had power and PCB systems, and food, and water etc. We were very advanced and truly put in a lot of work to get to the point we were at because of a sync shell error. Another staff member suggested it could have to do with not going through the lobby after the reset, messing with the sync shell. Either way, it would be great if we could get our place back because of the countless hours we spent on it which ended due to a bug. Please update me and hopefully this can be resolved the in the best way possible!
  2. julio1237878

    julio1237878 Game enthusiastic

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    BUCKEYE61 i am sorry to hear that but sometimes Sync mod can be buggy

    it has happen to other players too
  3. Caitiii

    Caitiii Active Member

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    Sorry to hear! Just wanted to link you to this thread here ("Lost island due to Sync problem.") because in there you'll find some tips that should at least help to prevent this in the future, like:
    They are also discussing changing the system to prevent these errors, maybe you'd like to pitch in.
  4. BUCKEYE61

    BUCKEYE61 Member

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    I understand that now but I would like it if I could have my progress back, considering it was not "my fault" that it happened. I worked hours and hours and don't want to lose them due to a bug. Can i get it back or have compensations for what was lost?
  5. Caitiii

    Caitiii Active Member

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    I'm terribly sorry, but there is a no-refund policy for numerous reasons so there is nothing we can do.
    I do hope the tips will help prevent the same thing happening in the future. If you have suggestions on how we can change it around, you can comment in that thread I linked earlier.

    Good luck to you and your friend!
  6. BUCKEYE61

    BUCKEYE61 Member

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    Not trying to be mean, but can you please explain those numerous reasons why my stuff cannot be refunded? I think that if anything, the reason that my belongings were lost do to a server issue they should be refunded inevitably.
  7. Caitiii

    Caitiii Active Member

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    That's why I linked you the thread (the blue words are a hyperlink), because it's all explained very thoroughly in there.

    Another link: Info - Refunds on lost items | MineYourMind Community

    Also, the reason for you losing your island seems to be a mod issue, for it's to do with the bugs within the sync mod. Not that it makes a difference to the outcome, but maybe it'll make a difference to how you see this situation.

    And don't worry about sounding mean, I can totally understand your frustration here and your desire to solve it.
  8. BUCKEYE61

    BUCKEYE61 Member

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    I saw that, I'm talking about an explanation to why my belongings cannot be refunded. None of the reasons to why my island was ruined was included in the list. It would have been a sufficient excuse if it was put in the list for mod errors with an example or sufficient warning, this would be explainable, but it wasn't and i deserve my items back. It was simply a server error which I am not responsible for, nor am i responsible for spending another month trying to re-obtain my materials lost.[DOUBLEPOST=1412108818,1412108689][/DOUBLEPOST]Also, I would like to pitch in that a broadcast should be made to schedule every 10 minutes or so saying "after reboot, go to hub and login" or something, similar to the clear lag.
  9. Caitiii

    Caitiii Active Member

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    You said yourself it was an issue with your sync shell making it a mod error, meaning that it falls under this:
    Also note that it says "especially", meaning the situations aren't limited to the list itself. The thread explains why we do not refund any items in any situation so I don't understand what kind of explanation you're asking of me.

    As for the broadcast suggestion, that's something for @Slind14 and @SirWilli to look at and possibly comment on, that's completely out of my hands and "range of expertise."
    julio1237878 likes this.
  10. kriss0612

    kriss0612 Ex-Staff Member

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    Well, In the second link that Caitiii had posted there clearky says the we DO NOT refund items especially for several reasons, including mod glitches. You have to understand this, and that we really have no choice, and there is absolutely no discussion about it, you were made to accept the rules when you joined the server, and whether you just accepted them, or you understood them and have been following them are two completely different things. Im sorry if Ive been too harsh here, but there is just an absolute mass of players that have read the rules and understood that there will be no refunding under any circumstance, and they still want to argument why they shiuld be the one exception to not follow the guidelines and rules. I understand that you are upset about your island, but the best you can do is to complain to the mod developers of the sync mod, or the modpack creator himself, Iskandar

    I think that there should be no discussion about it anymore, 3 mods have told you the same thing, and the next 10 would too.Atleast we told you it in a explanatory way, and not just saying "Tough luck"
  11. BUCKEYE61

    BUCKEYE61 Member

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    Like I said, this was an error of the server, not the mod. By having a hub MyM unintentionally set this up to happen. There should be some sort of compensation, because clearly I cannot get my place back, but there should be something that can happen. If not, quite frankly to you guys one person isn't a lot, but I think it is very unreasonable not to refund and very reasonable for me to leave. It is truly a shame because I enjoyed the server but I'm not here to spend hours upon hours and lose it all due to a server issue by the fault of MyM.
  12. julio1237878

    julio1237878 Game enthusiastic

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    Buckeye understand and think of this what would happen if we would give you a refund and players start to see this thread ?

    Players asking for refund and even players that did't loss anything would be too
  13. kriss0612

    kriss0612 Ex-Staff Member

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    First of all, a player does mean much to us, everytime i see complaints about things like this i always put myself in their situation and think that i would be quite darn mad about it. However, rules are rules, and if we started making exceptions, people would notice it and start asking why an exception wasnt made for them. You arent the first person to have lost a lot of progress due to a bug that is beyond anyones power on this server to be able to fix, and you definetaly wont be the last. All I can say is, maybe you always can see it from the bright side? Its a great moment to start something fresh ;)

    Proof you arent alone with your problem: Open - Lost island due to Sync problem. | MineYourMind Community
    Caitiii likes this.
  14. BUCKEYE61

    BUCKEYE61 Member

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    The problem is that I dont want to start something fresh that has the risk of being lost again.
  15. Caitiii

    Caitiii Active Member

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    Following those steps, should prevent it from being lost again. There are also people working on fixing/tweeking the system so that it'll be improved and the chance of it happening even smaller.

    Those will be my final words on this matter, I think we've covered all of it.
    Again, sorry to hear it happened and gl to you and your friend!
    kriss0612 likes this.
  16. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    Then you are playing the wrong modpack...

    I could get your island back but if you think like this there is no reason that I take the time to get your island back as the chance to loose your island again is heigh.
    Caitiii, kriss0612 and julio1237878 like this.
  17. kriss0612

    kriss0612 Ex-Staff Member

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    Well, gonna tell you this. That is not something you want to follow in your irl life. Imagine being sacked from a job and when your friend asks why you dont start searching for a new one, you give him that reply...
    Regarding thr original question, we have been saying this, and wont stop sating it, we do not refund items under any circumstance and there is nothing that can change it.
  18. BUCKEYE61

    BUCKEYE61 Member

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    This is a video game. Also, ofcourse im going to try again, crash landing is a great modpack, im just deciding whether i want to take my chances on this server or a different one.
  19. kriss0612

    kriss0612 Ex-Staff Member

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    I really dont understand why we still are having this discussion, but the problem with the sync shell are going to be the same on any serevr as on MyM. Whether you want to stay on this lovely server, or go to a different one is completely up to you.
    julio1237878 and sk_ like this.

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