This Week on MYM #4

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ElectricLemonade, Apr 27, 2020.

  1. ElectricLemonade

    ElectricLemonade Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    1:14 AM
    Hello everyone!

    I hope everyone has had a wonderful week! It's been a busy week here at MYM but somehow really slow as well. Anyone else feel that way? Just me? Life has gotten me all out of whack lately. I hope everyone is just taking it one day at a time and enjoying some down time while the world recovers. We're all in this craziness together!

    This week we announced the winner of our April Build Contest, KevinTheFox! All the entries were wonderful and we truly enjoyed getting the chance to look at all the beautiful things you guys created! It was such a close contest, I love it. This week KevinTheFox's build will be featured on our social media sites, so don't forget to check those out and give him some love! And if you didn't win this time around or didn't get a chance to enter, we have another build contest coming very soon!

    As you guys probably noticed, SirWill has moved our database and proxy to a new server to provide more resources and consolidate applications that are being run on the server, which reduces the overall upkeep costs. Doing so required the forum and servers to be taken offline completely while maintenance was completed and of course, he did so flawlessly! Let's all give him a HUGE thank you for working so tirelessly to keep the servers running as smoothly as possible so that we can all enjoy our community here together!

    Admin Corner:

    Global Changelogs:

    Website & Forum:
    • Replaced "Chat" with "Discord" in the navigation
    • Replaced "Stats" with "Status" and removed stats links in the navigation
    • Rewrote Votifier in nodejs
    • Added Name to UUID conversation
    • Updated MyMVote to lookup votes by UUID and not name
    • Fixed an issue which caused an exception instead of using the local fallback storage when the api key is invalid
    Infinity Skyblock:
    • Enabled regeneration of Thaumcraft Aura Nodes.
    • Updated to 1.2.2
    Enigmatica 2 Expert:
    • Updated to 1.80

    Thank you all again for your continued patience and understanding with our staff team during this time. We truly appreciate you! Here's to another great week on MYM!

    saabnoxe, LadyRen13, _Cilo_ and 3 others like this.
  2. roobarb2

    roobarb2 Bah, life is over rated

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    Local Time:
    5:14 AM
    ElectricLemonade likes this.
  3. Relaxinglemon13

    Relaxinglemon13 Relaxinglemon13

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    5:14 AM
    10/10 would read Week 5
    ElectricLemonade likes this.
  4. LadyRen13

    LadyRen13 Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    1:14 AM
    Woot! Congratz to KevinTheFox for the build contest win! And thank you as always to SirWill for all of his hard work keeping this crazy train on the tracks!

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