Better voting

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by Nanninininin, May 3, 2020.

  1. Nanninininin

    Nanninininin Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    8:09 PM
    Link 7 doesn't even work, half the time the votes don't even go through and you get left with half the amount of tokens you should, and doing /vote forceupdate seems unnecessary. Can we get a fix or a rework on the voting system that mym has?
  2. Sengorn_Leopard

    Sengorn_Leopard Active Member

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    11:09 PM
    I second this; at first I got 60 tokens a day, then is dropped to 30 tokens for a while and now I get only 20 tokens a day. The voting system is making it impossible to protect my base with claims.

    I have attempted to use vote lists found on the forum but they do not work either. I made sure to spell my name correctly, nobody else on my network even plays minecraft, and the websites do say my vote goes through.

    If the votes cannot be fixed, then we need a new way to earn claims. Selling on the market for claims isn't working out. I'm supposed to be able to afford 700 claim blocks a day, and I've already experienced grief. The voting system malfunctioning is not a small problem

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