Decided Against Add A Better Daily Claims System

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by Sengorn_Leopard, May 4, 2020.

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  1. Sengorn_Leopard

    Sengorn_Leopard Active Member

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    11:09 PM
    I suggest adding a system to earn claims on a time played basis or a daily login basis.

    1.) Tokens are the main source of earning claims
    2.) Voting is severely broken, it doesn't reward tokens reliably.
    3.) Staff cannot fix voting.
    4.) My base has been griefed multiple times to varying levels of severeness.
    5.) Purchasing claims with Real Life Currency is not possible to me, and not feasible for many.
    6.) Builders, people who enjoy base creation are either at risk or curtailed by lack of protection.
    7.) Market is not a reliable way to earn MYM's for claims.

    I am supposed to earn 700 claim blocks a day from voting; I vote consistantly.
    I am down to 200 claims blocks a day.

    I want to protect my base.
    1.) Bases expand x^2, it's area.
    2.) Vote tokens are awarded in a linear fashion, x^1.
    This already creates diminishing returns on tokens earned. With a malfunctioning vote system being the only way to earn daily claims, the task is impossible.
  2. jaari

    jaari Well-Known Member

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    Or expand your base after claiming it.
  3. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    I can probably adjust the amount of claimblocks that you get for each vote token. Since quite a few votes site are "not always working." This is an idea?
    Sengorn_Leopard likes this.
  4. Sengorn_Leopard

    Sengorn_Leopard Active Member

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    Point #6 Builders, people who enjoy base creation are either at risk or curtailed by lack of protection.

    I find it problematic that the ever decreasing amount of tokens earned are preventing me from expanding, if I follow your advice I would be unable to expand. At my current rate I can expand 1 block in radius every several days.

    If as the trend suggests, even more vote sites stop working, I'll be unable to build at all inside a protected area.
  5. jaari

    jaari Well-Known Member

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    This would mean you would either have to increase the cost/sell of claimblocks as well, or increase the money obtained from vote tokens as well. The first option would devalue any claimblocks already in possession by players.
    I just voted and got 4 sites out of 6. The 7th site is indeed borked. While sub-optimal, this does not follow your trend.
  6. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    This is for vote tokens to claimblocks. Not MyMs to claimblocks. If I were to change MyM values, then this would be the case no?
  7. jaari

    jaari Well-Known Member

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    On bteam, you can sell claimblocks back to myms and vice versa. We would prefer to keep being able to buy/sell claimblocks, however.

    Regardless, voting is our only real source of income on the server, so lowered voting also impacts the amount of money entering the economy.
  8. Sengorn_Leopard

    Sengorn_Leopard Active Member

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    I don't know what to say when others tell me that the vote sites are working for them. I have gone to great lengths to ensure I spell my username correctly, I complete the captcha, and I have checked to make sure the sites register that I have voted. I do '/vote forceupdate' multiple times after each vote submission also.

    Over time, I have been receiving fewer and fewer tokens after having voted. I have spoken with others who've received varying amounts of tokens after voting- I could not explain why only some players are affected. I can find a way to submit evidence that I do vote correctly and that I do not receive tokens if required.

    At first I did get 50 tokens, then after a couple days I only got 30 each day. My current gain is 20 tokens after voting, this is the trend to which I refer
  9. Zyrade

    Zyrade Well-Known Member

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    There has been an increase in the amount of players having issues with getting tokens from voting, so its certainly not just you, Sengorn.
  10. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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  11. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    On which voting sites is this issue?
  12. Kronnn

    Kronnn Well-Known Member

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    The worst two offenders are:

    Link 7 ( has been throwing a 500 | Server Error for a while now with the page not even loading.
    Link 6 ( almost never gives vote tokens and sometimes leads to a 404 error (Also gives a warning about an expired security cert for the site as a whole.)

    The rest usually give vote tokens but intermittently will not. These are just from my observations, I haven't been able to test more than 6 and 7 in detail.
    wyndman and Sengorn_Leopard like this.
  13. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    I'm wonder if we shouldn't approach this as a loyalty type reward, think of it as the way we handle prestige points in SF4, you get x amount of tokens per hour we can combine that with standard voting to ensure there is never a complete gap in token gathering.
  14. Sengorn_Leopard

    Sengorn_Leopard Active Member

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    In addition to the links posted by Kronn, the following also refuse to give vote tokens the majority of the time for me:

    I've found a list of "More vote links" in the forum, it was quite an extensive list! Unfortunately none of them work and multiple people have suggested searching the forum for extra vote links.
  15. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    They deleted the entry for some unknown reason. I created a new one.

    All working fine.
    wyndman likes this.
  16. tictacton

    tictacton Well-Known Member

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    I personally disagree with changing the claim system. I've never spent tokens, nor have I ever spent IRL money on claim blocks, and I have more than I'll ever need. Just create farms that produce high demand items and sell them on the market. You can make a few hundred MyMs a day doing it.
  17. jaari

    jaari Well-Known Member

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    The problem to that is that if voting doesn't work as intended, much less money comes into the economy, thus making it hard for people to buy stuff.
  18. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    9:09 PM
    If you find anymore voting sites not working let us know. SirWill has resolved the ones reported.
    Raptorpea4343 and GreyWolf11 like this.
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