Decided Against Change Rule Of No Trading "Endgame" Items on Infinity evolved

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by DatSwag, May 1, 2020.


Keep or remove rule

  1. Keep

  2. Remove

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  1. DatSwag

    DatSwag New Member

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    This thread is a debate about removing the rule of no trading "Endgame" items i believe players should be able to trade whatever they like such as draconic armor people would like to sell and buy that on market it would allow more fluency with myms and encourage more voting if you see that draconic staff of power on there in my opinion
  2. RuhRoo

    RuhRoo Well-Known Member

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    My opinion is why bother playing the game if your not willing to work for what you have.

    I can see if friends are sharing stuff with each other because hey they're friends, and if someone decides to be kind and toss others a bone once in awhile hey that's cool.

    But buying end game items on market seems to defeat the challenge earning it yourself.
    tictacton, chaseB2 and Willshaper like this.
  3. DatSwag

    DatSwag New Member

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    [doublepost=1588310636][/doublepost]Some people wanna just do and not have the experience
  4. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    I like this suggestion. Should remove it on all packs to be honest, because unless there are staff on the server actually playing, trading will be rampant and people ignore the no trading of endgame items rule on an hourly basis. Lets just get rid of it and let people do as they please and if someone doesnt like getting free stuff, they can toss them in the void.

    Most new members to the network are kids between the ages of 6 and 16. They dont have the "i want to do everything solo, so its more gratifying" feeling yet. They got the "I WANT EVERYTHING NOW AND I WANT IT FAST" feeling. And thats mostly i think why rules get ignored so much (also because people get away with it).

    The more veteran players obviously are more into punishing themselves because they used to be like this in the past and they dont like trading, but cant please everyone :)
    p5k, Sannukun and Sandstroem like this.
  5. Sengorn_Leopard

    Sengorn_Leopard Active Member

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    The "No Trading End Game Items" seems to just be enforcing a particular style of game-play. There's more than one way to play a game, for some players purchasing an item and owning it is just as satisfying as building up to it.

    I suggest if the rules want to take some sort of moral stance on "you gotta earn it" they could always enforce a particular market price.
    DatSwag likes this.
  6. tictacton

    tictacton Well-Known Member

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    An important thing to know is that you can trade end-game items with other end-game players, (at least a mod told me that once.) so as long as you can get an item, you can trade/purchase more.

    I think if MyM amends this rule, it will ruin the experience for new players and will just create an environment where experienced players are selling stupidly overpowered items to all the new players, and messing up the flow of the whole modpack.
  7. p5k

    p5k Well-Known Member

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    No one is forcing you to buy it
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  8. DatSwag

    DatSwag New Member

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    No one makes you buy it and they will need myms to get it which would encourage voting and only help the server out
    Sengorn_Leopard likes this.
  9. tictacton

    tictacton Well-Known Member

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    Yes but it will still encourage it.
    If you need lots of MyMs then you can just spend the time playing actually getting to end-game.
  10. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    I can see both sides of the argument, but I always end up in favor of keeping it. If you really want to trade things you can do it privately without the staff intervening. If you make trade open you end up with constant begging in chat, and like a pigeon if you feed it... it will come back over and over annoying you and the community.
    Sannukun and Willshaper like this.
  11. AdorableMystic

    AdorableMystic Well-Known Member

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    Honestly, I think it depends. If you have PVP I'd keep the rule. In PVE I'd drop it in favor of letting people get creative, stimulating player population growth, and the economy. If it is really that big a concern, I'd attach the ability to use those items to the rank system. Now you can trade the items but you're rank limited to their usage.
  12. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    What im about to write is something MyM has been trying to keep quiet for a very long time, but its always been around and time it got out.

    There are 2 unwritten rules for trades that allow trading on any server.

    1) You can only publically trade items, that both parties are able to make themselves.
    Thats for public trades. If you ask in chat for an item you can make, its technically allowed, however frowned upon because its public. If you are asking for stuff you cant make, you are likely breaking the no trading or no trading of endgame items rules.

    This is where the following comes in:

    2) You are allowed to trade whatever, to whom ever, whenever, BUT... You need to do it privately. No market. No asking in public chat for stuff, but you need to /msg someone and as long as the entire trade is done in /msg, then its "allowed", because private trades are not monitored.

    These are technicalities, but they have been around in this format for years now and i have done quite some private trades in my time here and never got in trouble. Fruit for thought.

    EDIT: Didnt read Wyndman's last post in here, he basically said the same, but with a little less detail.
    ElectricLemonade likes this.
  13. DatSwag

    DatSwag New Member

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    I still feel as though we should entirely remove it and leave it up to players it shouldnt be against the rules not everyone has to trade or buy on market only those who want to not everyone likes the aspect of playing to have a experience some players just play to play like me personally i have done these mods so many times over i wanna skip a few steps just to get to where or what i need such as terra steel i needed to make elven portal and i couldnt make it because i didnt have terra steel
  14. Willfon

    Willfon Well-Known Member

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    I am just so tired of people begging in chat for *something* - "aw come on, give me desh! desh! give me desh! give me diamonds! why wont you give me diamonds?"
  15. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    This exactly why the rule is in place..
    Sannukun and Sandstroem like this.
  16. Sengorn_Leopard

    Sengorn_Leopard Active Member

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    Then the rule is not effective; people beg in chat all of the time. Making certain items illegal to sell on the market is supposed to prevent begging? That makes no sense, how would that stop begging?
  17. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    Because in the event players actually read the riles they agreed to they would know they should not be begging at all. It also gives our staff the ability to then tell the offending players to knock it off. There's also a certain amount of psychology in play, you still see it with the rule in place, but that is a small percentage of players, a large percent follow the established rules. Similar to griefing there will still be players that do it, but nothing on the scale of what would happen if it was permitted.
    Dead_0nArrival likes this.
  18. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    Decided against. Community vote.
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