Done Glitch- Repeated crashing

Discussion in 'B-Team' started by CommanderGuyson, Jun 6, 2020.

  1. CommanderGuyson

    CommanderGuyson Member

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    Local Time:
    8:52 AM
    Hey, Im CommanderGuyson and me and my friend soulcoffin have been playing in the server for a little while now and we had so much fun cuz the server is so good with most features enabled.

    But Today when building a section of the house
    *I put a bucket of tropicraft water into an openblocks tank* and immediately CRASHED back to the launcher screen.
    Since then everytime the tank loaded the game crashes within a second.

    I managed to get away from the house by repeated crashes moving inch by inch away from the tank ... but now our house is pretty much out of bounds with all our stuff... is there a way to fix this? Will any admin be able to like remove those tanks n fix these crashes. It would b awesome if we can get this fixed because we worked pretty hard on the house.
  2. jaari

    jaari Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    4:22 AM
    Hi, just wanting to know: Is it a single openblocks tank, or multiple?

    Also, add your technic/mym log. For Technic: Open Launcher Settings > Open Logs. Choose latest day you attempted to join. Use - #1 paste tool since 2002! to add the log here. The reason for the log requirement is because the log will state the location of the tank that needs to be removed.
    CommanderGuyson likes this.
  3. CommanderGuyson

    CommanderGuyson Member

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    Local Time:
    8:52 AM

    Hey Thank u so much for the reply , It was just ONE openblocks tank which I tried to put tropicraft water into.

    The full log was too big to post, So here is the crash-report, It should help I hope?

  4. jaari

    jaari Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    4:22 AM
    Yeah, crash-report is totally fine:

    -- Tile Entity Details --
    Name: openblocks_tank // openblocks.common.tileentity.TileEntityTank
    Block type: ID #2204 (tile.openblocks.tank // openblocks.common.block.BlockTank)
    Block data value: 0 / 0x0 / 0b0000
    Block location: World: (-690,70,-2440)
    CommanderGuyson likes this.
  5. HanoverFist69

    HanoverFist69 Administrator

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    Local Time:
    8:22 PM
    Hello COmmanderGuySon,

    I removed the block and it's safe to go to your base now. Let us know if you need anything else.

    CommanderGuyson likes this.
  6. CommanderGuyson

    CommanderGuyson Member

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    Local Time:
    8:52 AM
    OMG Thank you soo much HanoverFist69 ! , and thank u soo much jaari for ur help too.... I can log back in perfectly fine now without crashing, would've been a huge disappointment if had to abandon base becuz of that 1 block..
    Thanks again ! It was such a fast response!!

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