Implemented Add village tinkerer to shop in bteam

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by Nanninininin, Jun 7, 2020.

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  1. Nanninininin

    Nanninininin Well-Known Member

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    Villages on bteam are disabled for the most part, and I've never seen a village tinkerer spawn naturally, or coming from a spawn egg. They have pretty good trades, and It would be nice to have them added to the shop at spawn.
  2. tictacton

    tictacton Well-Known Member

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    +1 To my knowledge there is no possible way to obtain this mob on MyM, but it is quite useful.
  3. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    Might be because of

    "worldgen disabler" {
    B:"Add Village Generation"=false
  4. Nanninininin

    Nanninininin Well-Known Member

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    that’s why I suggested a way to obtain this mob through the spawn shop
  5. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    Can you help me out here? What is the purpose of the mob?
  6. Nanninininin

    Nanninininin Well-Known Member

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    It acts like just a normal villager, but they have special trades. Instead of using emeralds, you use pistons and other things in order to buy things such as oreberry bushes from them
  7. jaari

    jaari Well-Known Member

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    Oreberry bushes are very hard to obtain, as they only spawn in the building overworld. They do not spawn in the farmworld, due to certain reasons we're not going into here, look on the other thread for that.

    This villager can be made auto-spawner-able by setting "B:"Add Village Generation"=false" in the TinkersWorkshop config file to "true". I certainly imagine that would extend to villager spawn eggs as well. Bteam has it by default to false, and the spawning of these villagers seems to be tied to this.
  8. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    Not sure why this is disabled by the pack. I will do some digging and see if there is a valid reason
  9. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    I looked around and couldn't find a good reason for it, I found a single thread suggesting another mod was conflicting with the generation with it enabled, but there wasn't any real traction there. The BOP Village generation might also be turned off by default on b-team too for which I couldn't find any reasoning either.
  10. LadyRen13

    LadyRen13 Well-Known Member

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    Just an update, Electriclemonade was able to add the ore berry bushes to spawn for purchase using myms.
    wyndman likes this.
  11. jaari

    jaari Well-Known Member

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    The reasoning the BOP village generation is off is because of a crash issue during world generation. I logically assume that this is caused by a specific BOP biome, but I've only come across like 2-3 of these crashes in 3 years time. Tbf, you need to reenable villages to even see the crash.
  12. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    I'm wondering if they generate normally in the farmworld. I know I have seem them before, but I couldn't tell you if it was in the overworld or farmworld.
  13. Nanninininin

    Nanninininin Well-Known Member

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    Most villages ive seen have been in the overworld. The farmworld doesn't even spawn slime islands
  14. tictacton

    tictacton Well-Known Member

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    Yeah, as mentioned in another forum post, it seems that a lot of natural generation isn't enabled in the farmworld. I have seen villages but they are usually super empty/"dry". (Still wondering if MyM will add wickerman and stone circles to the farmworld gen o_O)
  15. jaari

    jaari Well-Known Member

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    Based on a discussion in the other thread ( and based on personal experience, I was able to deduce that when the farmworld is reset, it is just "wiped" and "replaced" with the same seed as before. However, a lot of specific worldgen is tied to Dimension 0, as per the config file:

     TinkersWorkshop.cfg, aka the TConstruct config:
    # dimblacklist
    dimblacklist {
    	# True: slime islands wont generate in any ages other than overworld(if enabled); False: will generate in all non-blackisted ages
    	# Add dimension ID's to prevent slime islands from generating in them
    	I:SlimeIslandDimBlacklist <
    	# Generate slime islands in flat worlds
    	# True: slime islands generate in overworld; False they do not generate
    Based on these config options, it is very unlikely that Slime Islands spawn in Dim3 Farmworld, as they are limited to Dim0. The problem this creates, though, is that I do not know if setting the first option to false causes slime islands to spawn in hard-t0-blacklist dimensions, like space stations. Based on a quick google, this is indeed an issue: Blacklisting Advanced Rocketry dimensions : feedthebeast
    Enabling slime islands outside Dim0 has resulted in me finding a slime island in a spacestation dimension on a singleplayer testworld.

    Part 1 of discovery process.
    [doublepost=1591829289,1591824156][/doublepost]Part 2 of discovery process:

    Based on the DimensionBlacklist.class in tconstruct/util/config/, Slime islands are not spawned at all if the Dimension ID is below zero. This means that enabling slime islands outside Dim0 will never spawn them in dimensions like the Tropicraft one, the Torment dimension (Witchery) or the Nether (Dim-1). Twilight Forest (not included in the modpack) dimension gets auto-blacklisted. Promised Lands (disabled, but supposedly not unreachable, unfortunately), if not set to the apparantely default dimID of -100, gets automatically added to some "nopool" array. Can't find what that's about. PL is Dim21 on Bteam.

    Galacticraft Moon/Mars are fine, as the DimID of the Moon is -28, while the DimID of Mars is -29.

    Long story short, the "only" dimensions affected by changing this setting are:
    • Dim2. An overworld dimension. Unsure what this is, unreachable by normal means.
    • Dim3. Farmworld. Also called Farmworld1.
    • Dim9. Spirit World, witchery. It's supposed to be a clone of Dim0, with the addition of special plants, a mob and some mechanics.
    • Dim21. Promised Lands. Unsure. Irrelevant, because this dimension should be unreachable.
    • Any Space Station dimension, which seem to take up any positive dimension ID that's unused.
    End of Part 2.
    [doublepost=1591829743][/doublepost]Part 3:

    Based on earlier experience with Tinkerer Villagers and how those spawn, it is very likely that Oreberry bushes are tied to slime island generation. This is actually hard to test, as I cannot easily create a second overworld in singleplayer. Also, unlike the nice and easy to read DimensionBlacklist.class, the OreberryBush.class is almost unreadable for me.

    End of Part 3, as I'm going to bed now.
    tictacton likes this.
  16. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    I will think about this. We could put up Oreberry bushes on the market for x number of MyMs. Is there anything else they trade that you might want if I go this route?
  17. Nanninininin

    Nanninininin Well-Known Member

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    @Aidoneus Lemonade already put up the prices and everything in the market at spawn.
  18. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    So this isn't really needed anymore?
  19. Nanninininin

    Nanninininin Well-Known Member

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    yeah, you can close this thread if you need to.
  20. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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