This Week on MYM #7

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ElectricLemonade, Jun 17, 2020.

  1. ElectricLemonade

    ElectricLemonade Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    5:28 AM
    Hello everyone!

    How was your week? Good I hope! This week we have had the chance to settle into our new servers and it seems so many of you are quite enjoying them! If you haven't checked out our new MCEternal and PO3 Kappa servers yet, I would definitely suggest trying them out!

    This week we have a new addition to our newsletter. Going forward, we are going to be announcing our Top 5 voters on the network for the week! Of the Top 5, the Top 3 voters will receive:

    1st Place: 400 Credits and 200 Tokens
    2nd Place: 150 Tokens
    3rd Place: 100 Tokens

    Credits can be spent on the server of your choice to purchase a variety of available kits. Tokens, of course, can be used to purchase things like MyMs, Claimblocks, and Chunkloader Tickets on our server.

    This week's winners are:

    1st Place: @Master_Of_Nerds
    2nd Place: @_WickedHunter_
    3rd Place: @DrDr9
    4th Place: @Briggzi
    5th Place: @Ahnlmal

    You will receive your credits/tokens shortly!

    In addition, at the end of each month, we will announce the Top 5 voters for the Month. Now here's where it gets interesting! The top 5 voters of the month will receive:

    1st Place: 1 Month FREE Patron Tier 3 and 1000 Credits
    2nd Place: 1 Month FREE Patron Tier 2 and 800 Credits
    3rd Place: 1 Month FREE Patron Tier 1 and 600 Credits
    4th Place: 600 Credits
    5th Place: 400 Credits

    Not too bad right?! So get out there and start voting! You could be a weekly or even MONTHLY winner!

    Now for some more BIG news. Our Management and Staff Team would like to offer a HUGE welcome to our newest Manager, @LadyRen13!! She has been an excellent asset to our Staff team and we have no doubt she will excel in her new role!

    Now from our Admin Team who's been hard at work this week!

    Global Changelogs:

    Patched SimpleStorageNetwork packet exploit

    Ice and Fire

    • Disabled dragon's world destruction.
    • Updated to latest release version
    • Fixed mutes not blocking commands such as /global /r /msg
    Entity Control
    • Added Ice and Fire Skulls to ignore list.
    Chance Cubes
    • Restricted placement of Chance Cubes in the Overworld
    Banned Creative Player Interface due to ability to access any player's inventory.

    Server Changelogs:

    • Reset The End
    • Added Spawn area and Admin claim
    • Added Sign requesting players not destroy main island.
    • Created new reset Template
    Project Ozone 3:
    • Old Project Ozone 3 server shutdown (12/06/2020)
    • Redirected all of the old server addresses to the new normal mode node
    Normal Mode
    • Fixed server upgrades not working
    • Reset & Updated Twilight Forest template so it now includes Final Boss
    MC Eternal:
    • Patched AtomicStryker's Battle Towers mod to stop spamming chat when the tower boss is defeated with the next server restart
    • Disabled Actually Additions easter egg which allowed spawning of creative items.

    Ok folks, that about sums it up! Heres to another great week on MyM!

    Last edited: Jun 17, 2020
    Elite82pt, _Cilo_, tonalom and 4 others like this.
  2. Gabezetrainboy4

    Gabezetrainboy4 Well-Known Member

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    2:28 AM
    Excellent work everyone!

    Glad to see you on the manager team, @LadyRen13! You attended my intake, so it was only a matter of time, eh?

    I'm sure many players will love the changes to the End dimension, with hopefully no more Swiss cheese.

    The rewards for top voters will certainly provide incentive for players to vote, benefiting both themselves and the servers.

    We should all keep close to our hearts that the players are the most important, and these wonderful developments are sure to make MYM the best network!
  3. Raptorpea4343

    Raptorpea4343 #1 World Famous Pea

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    Local Time:
    9:28 AM
    Pfft. Another week.
  4. Elite82pt

    Elite82pt Well-Known Member

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    9:28 AM
    What a week!! Let's get it going! :greedy::greedy:
  5. Shizucc

    Shizucc CEO of "Shizo+ Inc." Patron Tier 3

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    2:28 AM
    Those are some great incentives to start voting! Awesome!
    ElectricLemonade likes this.
  6. Raptorpea4343

    Raptorpea4343 #1 World Famous Pea

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    9:28 AM

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