MLT (Minecraft-Lagg Tips)

Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by Kissqt, Jun 22, 2020.

  1. Kissqt

    Kissqt Patron Tier 2

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    I have just read Hannover's post about singleplayer vs multiplayer and something occurred to me, people can lack knowledge. If you go past the obvious thing like don't do "5000 Sag Mil". People may not realize what they do is bad (Everything causes lag, but some can cause more), and I am sure even here, people may not know everything, so it could be interesting.

    So I was thinking about a little game where we could give tips one after another. (Might edit the main post to have easy references in case it really blows up)

    Guess, I will start:

    Don't go full loop with your cable and yes that means you can't make your floor out of Cryo-stabilized flux duct


    General Behavior
    • Don't leave stacks of items in the ground
    • Avoid having huge chunk of lava flowing

    Base Organisation
    • Spread things out, No 1 chunk base
    • No 1 chunk system with Steve Factory Manager
    • Avoid too much interaction with one stuff like ME interface
    • Interaction between block from different mods can be clunky (sometimes even in the same mod)
    Set-up Optimisation
    • No conduit loop for power/fluid/items/gas, Just no Loop
    • Conduits are here to connect, don't leave them with no destination

    ME optimisation
    • Don't full your ME with non-stackable items like durability-spent items
    • Too much sprinklers will have the opposite effect by reducing server performance and thus slowing your crops growth (Be reasonable, for your FPS aswell)
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2020
  2. Qintsal

    Qintsal Well-Known Member

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    upgrade your pc to have more then 8gb ram :D worked wonder for me ;=)
  3. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

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    • DO NOT make 16x16 blocks(1 chunk) sieve system using Steve Factory Manager with autohammering, sorting and transporting to smelting and then to storage system.
    • DO NOT make ur base in single chunk, besides is mostly bannable from what i know.
  4. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    I would even argue upgrading to at least 16GB. Win10 uses about 4-5GB by default. so 8GB is on the low side, because it only leaves 3GB to work with. For most 1.12 packs, 3GB is not enough. You want between 4-6 GB Ram for modded packs. And its always nice to have some wiggle-room with your RAM in case you wanna do other stuff next to minecraft and running windows.

    Fruit for thought.
    Single chunk bases are not really banable straight away. As long as they don't cause performance issues, they are allowed. As soon as they start causing performance issues, staff will usually investigate and warn the owner of the problem. After not complying several times, staff either remove the problem, or they might ban. But they only ban straight away if you are a repeat offender i think.
    [doublepost=1592835712,1592835160][/doublepost]Oh and also VERY important to keep server performance intact! Do not loop things. Especially fluxducts, conduits and Ender IO Conduits. Always configure them so items, liquids and power can not loop back on themselves.
  5. HanoverFist69

    HanoverFist69 Administrator

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    • Spread things out. Most glitches are due to things being next to each other and interacting poorly. Or just too much stuff interacting with one thing. i.e 15 setups all mashed into one giant mess of cables ,chests, and machines all using same cable and feeding same interface. This will cause something to get buggy at some point.
  6. tonalom

    tonalom Well-Known Member

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    • Avoid using more than one agricraft sprinkler per 7x7 crops or so, grouping them up might help with speed in singleplayer, but factor in their effect on tps, that advantage could be negated.
    • Avoid keeping unstackable items in ME systems (i.e tools with durability spent), the server will constantly check the items to see if they can stack (as IDs match), which can cause sagnificant strain on the server and land you on the "laggy ME systems" list.
    • Try not to leave cables without any destination as some cables (openblock I believe) will simply drop the items that flow through on the ground, causing massive entity lag. In other more extreme cases, breaking drawers with thousands upon thousands of items in them will also drop those items on the ground. Not only lagging out the server when that chunk is loaded, but also most likely crashing the player loading the chunks.
  7. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    Agricraft sprinkler effects do actually also stack in Multiplayer! The more of them you use, the faster your crops grow. But yea, there should be a limit on them. more than 16 in a chunk is already pretty bad. FPS wise as well, even with particles turned off, its a true FPS killer.
  8. tonalom

    tonalom Well-Known Member

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    That is exactly what I was trying to say in my post, the formulation was just a little off ;) They do speed things up when there are more of them, but more sprinklers = more lag = less tps = less sprinkler effect.
  9. Kissqt

    Kissqt Patron Tier 2

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    Don't put storage item into storage item into storage item like put a ME driveS with items into a ME
  10. jaari

    jaari Well-Known Member

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    Nah, that's fun. Especially when you pack up your whole base that way, all into a golden bag of holding. Can't imagine what could go wrong. player.dat > 32kb.
  11. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    While i can appreciate the joke & sarcasm, a warning to new(er) players: Do not do that. It will corrupt your player savefile on the server side, you won't be able to login until someone from staff fixes it and you are very likely to lose all the items you move in that particular manner.
  12. BlazeFTB

    BlazeFTB Well-Known Member

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    Use void upgrades when possible with barrels and drawers as some barrels when they fill up they will spill the items onto the ground in front of them. Millions of Cobble stone sitting on the ground will definitely crash the server and any player unlucky enough to go near the area. Learned that one the hard way on my own infinity normal server. Actually was so bad I had to use MC edit to fix it
  13. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    Also dont leave your spawners running unattended. A while back, i loaded a pack which i was playing and as soon as i entered the server, TPS plummeted. When i got within 5 chunks of my spawners... FPS also plummeted. Apparently my spawners had been continuously spawned mobs that didnt count toward the MyM mobcap limits and there were 10's of thousands of mobs in 1 chunk. Ye... not a good thing :D Server crashed like 5 times in a row and disconnected anyone who tried to connect. Solved the issue by mining the platform and waited for everything to fall into the void... Bad choice... when i mined the platform, it was like an explosion of mobs, literally spreading out all over the area like a firework going off. So ye... dont do that :D
  14. Kissqt

    Kissqt Patron Tier 2

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    Oh yeah same goes for tree farm. Usually, don't produce more than you can handle.
  15. ElectricLemonade

    ElectricLemonade Well-Known Member

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    This is good stuff guys. Keep it coming! I stickied this thread to the top of the community talk forum for now so it's easy for players to find.
  16. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    lol @ElectricLemonade stickies the topic. Topic dies cuz nobody can find it in the sticky posts at the top of the page between all the old stickies that nobody reads. GG!
    ElectricLemonade likes this.
  17. Raptorpea4343

    Raptorpea4343 #1 World Famous Pea

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    Use OPTIFINE if ur pc trash
    [doublepost=1593607054][/doublepost]Also become a patron (the server pays taxes)

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