Hello MYM community! Has everyone had a fabulous week?! I sure hope so! I apologize that this is a little late but the real life front has been crazytown! First off I'd like to remind everyone that we have the Scavenger Hunt going on right now! If you haven't gotten your answer in, you still have a week left! The top 3 winners get some pretty great prizes so don't miss out! You can find the details here Our Management Team would like to welcome @tonalom, @Gabezetrainboy4 and @benj4919 to the moderator team! They have all worked very hard to reach the Moderator rank and we know they will all continue to do a wonderful job! Give them a big Congratz! We have a big voter announcement this week! As you guys know, every month we will hand out prizes for the top voters of MONTH. And the winners are..... 1st Place: @Master_Of_Nerds 2nd Place: @Briggzi 3rd Place: @_WickedHunter_ 4th Place: @Aglarnir 5th Place: @CreepersScareMe5 These gusy deserve a big Congratz!! You all will receive your prizes very shortly! Admin Corner: Changelogs: PO3: Kappa & Normal Removed Imaginary Time quest from the Theta chapter Removed both Dimension Builder and Dimension Enscriber from the Sigma chapter With the removal of Dimension Builder Quest, we changed the requirements of a couple other quests that needed it to require the Machine Frame instead Credit to @Dead_0nArrival for the help! Regrowth: Disabled CreeperCollateral as it's causing issues with plugins Crash Landing: Fixed Tools, Toolsplus, Resource, and Resourceplus kits not having the correct items SevTech Ages: Disabled Geolosys generator because it causes huge memory usage Infinity Skyblock: Removed world border in DIM-37 to fix brew of sleeping. MC Eternal: Updated to 1.3.6 ( Changelog ) Ok guys that about sums up this week! Quite eventful if you ask me! Here's to another great week on MYM! EL