Info Distancing us from another Network

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by SirWill, Jul 28, 2020.

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  1. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    7:17 AM
    Hello MineYourMind Community,

    Unfortunately we have no choice but to take the ban hammer again and use it on some long-standing members and former staff members. We want to have nothing to do with them, their actions, their behavior and their philosophy.

    There has been a group of former staff members who have been creating and spreading rumors with the goal to make the MyM Network and certain members look bad.
    They also have approached multiple MineYourMind players and staff members in attempt to recruit them to their network and Discord servers where one even has a dedicated channel to slander about MyM staff and community members. This goes against our rules of advertising other networks and the negative impact on our community.

    This decision was not taken lightly, and was made to protect MyM and the community.
  2. InsaniumIV

    InsaniumIV The Fourth

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    6:17 AM
    Knew something wasnt right with some ppl
    Isabelleatoi likes this.
  3. Willshaper

    Willshaper Well-Known Member

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    The first post here explains it pretty well...

    sp33draft and InsaniumIV like this.
  4. p5k

    p5k Well-Known Member

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    Few servers have rules this strict about advertising. Maybe you should think about why players consider leaving your network
  5. InsaniumIV

    InsaniumIV The Fourth

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  6. ElectricLemonade

    ElectricLemonade Well-Known Member

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    Did you know that this month is MYM's 7 year anniversary? And do you know how a community of this level of diversity survived the jungle that is the internet for 7 years? By not striving to be like others. MineYourMind is it's own entity and works to protect and nurture the community it has built for the better part of a decade. Libel, Slander, and Defamation of character have never and will never be tolerated here. Simply put. You are however, entitled to your own opinion and should you disagree with the decision made here today, you are welcome to take your leave as well. We want all those who chose MyM as their home to feel truly at home within this community and if that means we have to make hard decisions sometimes, then we gladly do so.
  7. BlazeFTB

    BlazeFTB Well-Known Member

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    Is this a separate incident because I remembered an incident one or two years ago that happened in a similar way where staff members were spreading rumors and then we sent the ban hammer after them
    Isabelleatoi likes this.
  8. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    It's the same situation but different group of people.
  9. p5k

    p5k Well-Known Member

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    Yes i know, since i have been here longer than most. I started playing here in 2013 and i might just be the only one left from back then, besides the founders and xfel. I have watched the network grow in size, but also decline in quality. My biggest problem with mym right now is that criticism is automatically shut down and suggestions are mostly ignored. The staff team isn't what it used to be. I wish i could call MyM my home, but i find it increasingly hard to do so.
  10. ElectricLemonade

    ElectricLemonade Well-Known Member

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    I'm sorry hear that you feel that way. As a staff team, we want to hear ways we can improve our community. In fact, this is the purpose of creating the Community Coordinator position. To bridge the gap between staff and player. I have tried to open the lines of communication with the community on multiple different occasions. There have been several people who have taken up that conversation with me and had their own issues resolved. But one must use the outlets that are available to them for that to be effective. As you well know, staff is only human. We have a lot on our plates yet we are only volunteers who love our community and want to give back. Offering criticism without valid alternatives rarely adds value to a conversation or resolves issues. So again, I'm going to offer to anyone, if you have an issue, please come to me. My job is to be the communities tool to be heard. I also know that any member of our Management team would say the same. They welcome feedback and work hard to resolve issues that arise. But they have to be aware for that to happen.
  11. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    I do pretty much agree with almost everything you said. But I don't agree with the methods of Greywolf and friends. Yes, I can use bonemeal.

    It doesn't change the fact that someone like Greywolf should have been removed from the network months ago. By letting this cancer spread we probably now have more collateral damage than we needed to have. Tonalom, Bigbluu, Ash, Roob, hihello, Matiepie, Peace, the list goes probably on.
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2020
  12. Cubelex_YT

    Cubelex_YT The steampunker Lord

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    We lost some good folks today on MyM :(
    sp33draft, Wise22wise and p5k like this.
  13. InsaniumIV

    InsaniumIV The Fourth

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    6:17 AM
    wait roob got banned?
    or did he just delete the comment
  14. Willshaper

    Willshaper Well-Known Member

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  15. InsaniumIV

    InsaniumIV The Fourth

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  16. IsHayden

    IsHayden Well-Known Member

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    11:17 PM
    Yikes again? How large of an incident was this?
  17. MrR20

    MrR20 Well-Known Member

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    As i always say and now its confirms. Sir Will always watch the server log before goes to bed. And now he did it to protect us :D
    Isabelleatoi and LunaBlossoms like this.
  18. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

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    And no1 ask me to join them? This is outRAGEous!

    Fine! I stay on MyM side... It's not like i wanted to join the revolution anyway, baka!
    Ubidibity and Isabelleatoi like this.
  19. Chemicalash

    Chemicalash One Block At A Time. Patron Tier 2

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    I joined back in Aug of 2014 and though I only put in 96 hours at the time and left for a handful of years. I came back because others had changed and the "norm" was in place. MyM is an amazing server and has in my experience amazing ppl. I will never join another server unless something happens to this one. I agree if you have one issue with this server it wont go away. It will Fester and rather intentional or not it will create animosity. If you are that person it is time to move on, no hard feelings.
    I always tell people "if you don't like it, go punch wood".
  20. FuzzyHarpyBug

    FuzzyHarpyBug A little bit Fuzzy

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    Skcraft was my first network back in 2012, MyM was my second after sk89q moved on to the bucket and sponge projects, like every community MyM has had it's occasional issues, but it is founded and maintained by good people, and the people that stick around for any length of time show good character. Some of those that were just removed were people I've talked to and played with for years now, but every one of them has shown they no longer fit with the attitude and integrity we hold throughout our staff and longterm playerbase. I hope they find a better fit for their gaming needs, and for our part, it's good to have some extra drama out of our way of what is supposed to be a community built around art and fun.
    LunaBlossoms and IsHayden like this.
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