Infinity Ideas

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by jordanbr13, Jul 30, 2020.


Agreed Ideas

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  1. jordanbr13

    jordanbr13 Patron Tier 2

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    8:23 PM
    Please take these items in consideration for Infinity Evolved.

    • 1 Auto AFK (For people that dont get kicked.)
    • 2 Disable wait time and cool down for all patrons.
    • 3 Delete claims in a certain radius.
    • 4 Allow more than 1 ender quarry. ( more of a rule change)
    • 5 Have ender reset twice a week. (This would also help new players.)
    • 6 World Map on website.
    • 7 Add more options for starter kits, possibly buying them off of market with MYMs. (This would help new players.)
    • 8 Make deep dark border larger.
    • 9 Allow /PM across servers, AKA I can see when Gabe gets online on Etheral and I can pm him from infinity and say "Hey when you getting on infinity." (Not everyone uses discord.)
    • 10 Turn off the ender dragon killing noise all together.
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2020
    Gabezetrainboy4 likes this.
  2. AyeItsKatieMC

    AyeItsKatieMC Well-Known Member

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    8:23 PM
    I'm going to give my opinion on your suggestions from a non-Patron's POV

    1. How hard is it to type 4 characters
    2. The one quarry per player/team rule was made in regards to minimizing lag and how much of the world is just empty craters
    3. Disabling cooldowns for Patron's only would give them a edge over non patrons thus violating the Mojang ELUA
    4. Pretty sure there used to be a world map but was removed
    5. End used to reset once a month don't know why you're complaining about it resting once a week
    6. Deep Dark border is limited for a reason I just don't remember the reasoning
    7. There's a mod you can install client side that disables the ender dragon death noise if it bothers you that much
    Gabezetrainboy4 likes this.
  3. LunaBlossoms

    LunaBlossoms Well-Known Member

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    7:23 PM
    To be fair sometimes we go afk without thinking about typing it out and people end up thinking you're ignoring them. But that's about the only scenario where having to type out /afk can be annoying.

    And the end resetting more often would be a decent idea if the player pool was 15-20 players daily but there isnt that many of us on and by the time a new player gets to the point where they go there the reset probs already happened.

    A lot of these ideas are nice but if they were implemented they'd probably would need to be implemented in all servers and with the way some work that would possibly mean more work for staff or similar.

    Overall I agree on the AFK idea but it isn't quite necessary~
    jordanbr13 likes this.
  4. Shizucc

    Shizucc CEO of "Shizo+ Inc." Patron Tier 3

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    5:23 PM
    Please do note that cross-server messaging is already a thing.

    /msg [name] [message] will work regardless of which server the player is on
  5. jordanbr13

    jordanbr13 Patron Tier 2

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    8:23 PM
    I am not sure, but to me you came off really hostile...
    1. Its not at all, but sometimes you just walk away and people think you ingore them. It happens alot to me..
    2. I would understand for the lag, on the note of craters... Ender quarry only creates craters if you use the upgrade it turns everything into dirt by default. On top of that deep dark and Farm world gets reset.
    3. I would have to respectfully disagree with it giving an edge.
    4. It would be nice to have one :)
    5. I am not complaining about it at all, as noted it would help new players.
    6. I wonder what the reasoning is... Can an admin give this reason? (I am curious)
    7. It doesn't bother me at all, but when someone is spawning and killing automatically a lot of the people in the server (usually new players) complain non stop. (I myself just turn off hostile sounds lol)
    Really.. Last time I tried it didn't work... I will have to try again..
  6. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    6:23 PM
    OK. Let me try to answer the suggestions the best I can. Let me know if i need to clarify more.

    • Not sure what you mean by auto-afk. Can you elaborate? I think we have this already?
    • We did this during our legacy tier times but Mojang EULA didn't like this so we couldn't give this as a perk anymore.
    • Delete claims in a certain radius? Not sure what you mean.
    • This is to minimize lag. When playing on a public modded minecraft server, we put these types of rules in place to protect other player's playing experience. More or a server performance issue.
    • Could you elaborate on why this would help new players? Most packs have ways to respawn the ender dragon?
    • I have actually thought about this in the past but I know a lot of players on the network want their privacy. Could be something we discuss?
    • Maybe?
    • There a reason you need the border larger? The dim resets every month. We limit the border to not use up to much disk space.
    • As @Shizucc said, you can already do this.
    • This wasn't possible on Minecraft versions 1.7 and below server-side. We do patch the MyM launcher to do this for you though. I think there is also 1.7 mods that can help with this for your client as well. We automatically do this for our players server-side on 1.10+ as this is possible
    Sorry, this might sound like I am shooting down a lot of your suggestions, but I am really not trying to. Does this help?
    LunaBlossoms likes this.
  7. jordanbr13

    jordanbr13 Patron Tier 2

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    8:23 PM

    I dont feel as if you are just shooting them down, you are proving valid points.

    1. So if you are afk 10+ mins it just does the /afk for you. (This is not a think on infinity but is on other servers...)
    2. :(
    3. So, what I mean is lets say I want to do /abandonclaim radius 10 (any claims I own in a 10 block radius would be deleted) Instead of using a stick to make sure you have deleted all the claims, I would have loved this a while back lol
    4. Understandable.
    5. People grief the end like its nothing, some weeks its fine, some weeks it is a nightmare. (Next time I see it I will enter a ticket) Plus more ender dragons without having to have mid game items for players.
    6. Possibly something players could opt out on?
    7. It would be pretty cool.
    8. When a lot of people get on the deep dark can be hard to find a big spot to ender quarry... Maybe even reset more rather than making border bigger?
    9. Right...
    10. I do use the MYM launcher, just never noticed as I have hostiles muted.. This one is mainly for new players that complain about it.
    LunaBlossoms likes this.
  8. AyeItsKatieMC

    AyeItsKatieMC Well-Known Member

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    8:23 PM
    I apologize if I came off as hostile it wasn't my intention, guess quarantine is getting to me then again it's making us all a little mad in the head

    Pretty sure the Bad Wither No Cookie Mod neutralizes the Ender Dragon Death Sound could be wrong
  9. jordanbr13

    jordanbr13 Patron Tier 2

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    8:23 PM
    Just as a cool thing, I have added a poll so you can agree with the ones you think.

    Its all good man, I didnt realize it but the above post from Aidoneus said it is in the MYM launcher. :D
    LunaBlossoms likes this.
  10. Gabezetrainboy4

    Gabezetrainboy4 Well-Known Member

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    5:23 PM
    Additionally for cross-server communication you can make a party.
    jordanbr13 likes this.
  11. InsaniumIV

    InsaniumIV The Fourth

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    12:23 AM

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