Info Distancing us from another Network

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by SirWill, Jul 28, 2020.

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  1. LunaBlossoms

    LunaBlossoms Well-Known Member

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    This sums up my feeling about this situation pretty dang well. I was thoroughly disappointed to see people I helped out become staff and/or worked along with do this. Not to mention one or two of those people were here when this same thing happened. I'll never understand why, but I'm glad you guys delt with this rather than let it fester further.

    And one thing that's bothered me is everyone says it's silly... the advertising thing. I will say that's just a broad word that fits well to the situation and in the ban command. A lot more goes into it. As someone mentioned in a post above and as Sir Will said in the original post... a lot more than just advertising got them into this trouble.

    Last note, a *lot* of servers have this advertising rule. Not just modded, but vanilla. Not even just minecraft but other servers! (Notably discord servers). So it really isn't that out of place that MYM has one.

    Hopefully the current staff can take comfort in that this issue is now in the past and I can't wait to see what new things are ahead.

    P.s. big thumbs up and thank you for being transparent with what happened!
  2. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

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    Still dont know who gets banned tho.... I hoped i dont msg with any of traitors bc i dont want get ban 2 for any connections
  3. Willfon

    Willfon Well-Known Member

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    We do not ban people for fraternizing. That would have gotten us all in trouble ;)

    I can talk with whomever I choose, but even if my facebook friend say something incredibly stupid on facebook, I do not have to repeat it. If I do not say something incredibly stupid, my father do not have to come and tell me off. Same thing here. Don't worry about who you talk to. Just don't go around saying incredibly stupid things and you will be just fine.
    harryarne and InsaniumIV like this.
  4. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    I have been reading this thread with mixed feelings. A lot of praise for mym, which is fine, but also a lot of onesidedness.

    We don't know the whole story.
    I believe even most of the banned people don't know why they are banned. And I am also sure that there was no conversation between staff and all of the banned.

    At least 8 people that I am aware of got removed from the network.
    I listed them on page 1. Not just banned from the servers. I mean surgically removed. Which means, banned from forums , banned from discord. Which means that there are no appeals. At least no easy ones.

    I got messaged by matiepie yesterday, the poor guy asked me what this slander channel is that sw is talking about because he wants to clean it up. The poor guy has always been nothing else than a friend and helper to the network. He is listed as a dev in their network. Did he participate in any bad activity? Most likely not. He is banned because he is staff there. That is it.

    So everyone here who is blindly "fanboying" should get a reality check and understand that this was a clean cut from anyone related to the staff of that network with a lot of collateral damage.

    I said it in discord before. On a logical level I understand the bans, but I don't agree with all of them. Especially not the fact that collateral damage doesn't get an easy way to appeal.
    We had a similar situation a few years back with Sirstudmuffin. Different people, same shit.

    I don't care about Grey and peace. But some of the others at least deserve a chance to defend themselves and I don't see that happening.

    So I am sorry to burst everyones fantasy bubble here that thinks everyone of the banned got a fair trial. They did not.
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2020
    cbrozak, Sannukun, Shizucc and 11 others like this.
  5. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    I am not defending or fighting against those bans. The only reason for my last post was to give people a reality check. To wake those up that have been very naive over the last pages.

    To give a made up example. Let's assume @MrR20 would have played a pack we don't have here on that network 4 months ago for a week, and he would have attained mod status in that time and been listed as staff there. Let's also assume he had logged off and never come back there after a week but not removed from their staff page.
    He would most likely be removed now as well here without chance for appeal. Just by being associated with that network.

    Is this system wrong? I don't necessarily think so. I just want to make everyone aware that mym isn't a democracy. It doesn't have perfect jurisdiction or in this case any at all.
  6. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

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    9:09 PM
    I thought staff work(at least moderators) ale purely volontary job help so if some1 have time to moderate on other servers too, they would get banned because they help other networks? Bruh...

    I play on MyM for more than 4y now maybe im not most active player, mostly i stick on older packs and dont care about newest ones bc i donlt like new versions of mods or another kitchen sinks which are most of new modpacks are, post something of forum/DC time to time, but even I, mostly casual player that want only to play MC noticed that all matter really affects whole network. I think staff do great work keeping network alive for 7 years but, there always must be that "but" right?

    If that work is so great (imho) then why this whole situation comes up? I hope this will make staff reflect upon their actions and what was bad and what to do to fix problems and make network better place fo us all.

    Godspeed, have a nice day.
    many words,WOW,Doge writer, such statement,WOW, bark bark at bad ppl, MyM forever best WOW
  7. InsaniumIV

    InsaniumIV The Fourth

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    aye just know my comments r jokes, i have never sided with anyone. Im neutral i dont hate whoever got banned just because of this post, i mostly agree with my self and only MySelf, so im not really the person to take sides but the people who got banned should have the oppurtuinity to appeal am i wrong? Because it seems that its a 1 warning thing if u join another server and "recruit people" against you. They 100% should have the chance to become better and one day appeal to their mistake.

    - This is an oppinion i don't side with anyone
  8. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    When you apply for staff, you have to state whether you work on another network. Usually if you do, you don't get hired in the first place.
    Mym doesn't ban people for playing or being staff on another network. They ban for being staff on this particular network.
    Tona handed in his resignation but got banned anyway.

    @LordEreh want your personal made up story to illustrate things? Here it is.

    Made up conversation.
    Five months ago.
    Greywolf: hey, lord, wanna be a dev here?
    Lord: I think about it
    Grey: lists lord as dev on staff page without lord ever noticing.
    Lord today: removed from mym without any chance for appeal.

    THAT is the situation we are in and that is what I want everyone that posted all those naive posts in here to understand.
    Probably a majority of those bans were "innocent" bystanders banned for being staff there. We do not have all the facts and won't get them.

    Honestly I wish mym would make an exception in those cases and make ban reports publicly accessible.
  9. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

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    And I now wonder why so many ppl leaving MyM recently, if you can't even appeal or straighten up the situation...
    It's like be framed (without knowing) into something and cant even hope for fair judgement...

    That's so evil and bad... I dont even know how to compare this to anything, at least nothing i wont be banned for comparing MyM to it.
  10. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    Usually people get the chance to appeal. This is a special case and has only happened a few times in the history of Mym. We had the whole SirStudMuffin sitation a while ago which was similar. And probably a few single incidents here and there that had no chance for an appeal. So this is not the norm. Usually people can put in ban appeals which get answered eventually. (Although they are pretty low on the priority list)
    FuzzyHarpyBug likes this.
  11. FuzzyHarpyBug

    FuzzyHarpyBug A little bit Fuzzy

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    Thank you, sand. With the thoroughness of screenshot proof required for mods to collect before a ban on this network, I certainly hope the same standards were maintained for this very serious situation. If not, that is very troubling.
  12. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    I am sure there are screenshots and proof. To proof that a few of the involved did something wrong.

    Here is probably how it went down, based on what i learnt so far, my experience as staff on the network and some speculation:

    • Something happened that triggered those bans. Probably a higher staff got messaged by someone who was approached by one of the banned people.
    • Slander Channel: Might even be an overstatement. I got invited by Grey to his Discord a few months ago and left 12 hours later, because it was a bunch of ex MyM players bathing in self-pity. Was my main reason to come back to staff, because i thought that sitting in a group called "Circle Je**ing" (that was the actual name of the group) and talking about each others problems don't solve the issues raised. As far as I have heard this discord does not exist anymore in this form. As long as I don't see hard evidence this "slander channel" is something that happened months ago and is totally overstatement.
    • Whatever happened in 1 made a bunch of higher ups come together in Teamspeak.
    • They removed everyone from MyM who is listed on that network as staff. End of story.
    I would like to see that ban report. It will probably have something similar to what I said above in the description. What it definitely not has is evidence for every single banned person listing what they did wrong. What they did wrong is being staff on that network. That is all. I would be surprised if more than 2 or 3 of the banned people were actively involved in the activities that triggered the bans.
    p5k and FuzzyHarpyBug like this.
  13. Cubelex_YT

    Cubelex_YT The steampunker Lord

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    I think I know how it might have went up:

    1. One Player advertised for the network making it seem official (at least some people Dm'd me that it went up like that as they were getting the advertisement)
    2. MyM got notified
    3. MyM banned all the staff because they didnt stop their users from advertising.
    (the slander channel was probably a part of the justification for the punishment.
    Same goes with ongoing insults against MyM members/staff within the server)
  14. MrR20

    MrR20 Well-Known Member

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    I don't get it. How can it be a conflict of interest to be a Staff on a server and a player on a another, i know few people who are that. I cant see anything in the mym rules telling me i cant be a staff member in another server. Or does the staff in MyM have other rules to follow that we don't know of? If what Sandstrom is true that people who have been banned haven't get any fair trail i would be very disappointed and concerned, I my world MyM is a place where people get a far chance when they do something wrong. A place you play with other and have fun or become good friends.

    I honestly want an explanation if what Sandstrome say is truth. People deserve second chances and an explantation.
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2020
    FuzzyHarpyBug likes this.
  15. InsaniumIV

    InsaniumIV The Fourth

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    8:09 PM
    bruh this turned into a MYM rant post real quick
  16. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    You can be staff on another server. As long as you don't advertize it here. This is a special case for this particular network.

    And to comment on your last sentence, here is a conversation I had with matiepie in Discord.

    FuzzyHarpyBug likes this.
  17. InsaniumIV

    InsaniumIV The Fourth

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    eh imma unwatch this thread before i say something dumb
  18. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    It was never said that you can't appeal. Just because you can't login to the forum anymore doesn't mean you can't get in contact with us anymore.
    There is a "Contact Us" in the footer which everyone can access. If someone is serious with their appeal than that person would also find the way to contact us.

    Reading the previous posts about ban appeals shows exactly what happens if previously known staff members share wrong information or create rumors.

    We have been aware of this group of people for months and not just the day we decided to finally distance us from them. I was hoping it wouldn't need to come to this which is why it happened so late.
  19. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    I'm betting there isn't even an actual ban report... And even if there were, they will just hide behind: "Ban reports are private and cannot be shared with non-staff members".
    TomboyEnthusiast and p5k like this.
  20. Shizucc

    Shizucc CEO of "Shizo+ Inc." Patron Tier 3

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    I can't disagree with the actions taken by the staff team. With all the info i've been able to gather yet, it seems to me that this was an ultimately necessary step towards the betterment of our community as a whole. What i've noticed however, is a lack of transparency from the staff.

    When an event on this scale happens, it will not go unnoticed by the community and in this case has sparked a wave of distrust in the playerbase. I can see this eventually leading to more damage to the community than if these actions had not been taken. This is a dangerous situation, that if not handled properly could cause our community to fracture. While i myself do not doubt the good intentions of Will and his staff team, i cannot deny the fact that other people do have their doubts.
    While it is difficult to be transparent and open in these situations due to the privacy of the banned, i believe the only thing that can put us as a community at ease will be to provide some sort of proof that all other options have been considered, and that in the end this was the only appropriate action to take. In this case "Just believe us, we've considered everything" is decidedly not enough.

    In an ironic twist of things, just like how the banned players had been trialed and sentenced by the staff team, so will the staff be trialed and "sentenced" by the community.

    These have been my thoughts. I don't like to meddle with our local drama as i come here to relax and have fun, but i can't ignore it this time. I'll be watching this unfold from the sidelines. Good luck to everyone involved
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