Decided Against FTB Infinity Evolved: Adding Tainted Magic to Infinity

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by DanteDarkus, Aug 1, 2020.

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  1. DanteDarkus

    DanteDarkus Well-Known Member

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    4:20 PM
    After doing a bit of research i found out there are a few add-on mods to Thaumcraft 4.2, and one that stuck out to me was Tainted Magic. It has some really nice gadgets for thaumaturges to use before they get to the KAMI mod, which can be tedious to get to. A few of the items and things that stood out to me in the add-on:

    • Craftable Crimson Cult armor / weapon pieces
    • Boots of the Voidwalker (and Voidwalker's Sash of Runic Shielding)
    • Warpwood Staff Core, which holds 500 vis (half of Ichorium Wand)
    • Thaumic Disassembler (OP Pickaxe)
    • Shadowmetal, and its' armor / weapon variants
    • Primordial Nodules (something else to do with Primordial Pearls)
    • Lots of new wand foci (one that turns your wand into a true melee weapon)
    Now, after some more digging, I found 2 wand foci that can manipulate the world.

    • Meteorology: Can start and stop rain
    • Time: Can swap from sunset to sunrise
    My best guess as to the solution for these 2 foci on the server would be to just disallow players from being able to create / have them in their inventory or hotbar, as the focus could possibly be equipped to the wand somehow. Hopefully there would be a way to ban these 2 from use on the server.

    Is anyone else interested in this add-on? Let's get it added on to the modpack!

  2. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    We don't change modpacks unless there is something in there that is going to break the server or the pack itself. Adding even something small such as an addon will cause a host of issues with other players connecting to the server, not everyone uses the MyM launcher. If you want a change you would need to petition the mod author directly.
  3. DanteDarkus

    DanteDarkus Well-Known Member

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    4:20 PM
    That's a fair point.
  4. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    2:20 PM
    Decided against. @wyndman summed up why we do not add mods. Sorry.
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