Done Twilight Forest Phamtoms

Discussion in 'Project Ozone 3' started by Shadow709, Aug 9, 2020.

  1. Shadow709

    Shadow709 New Member

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    7:57 PM
    (PO3 Kappa Mode)
    (My username on the server is currently ArcWolfy, not Shadow709 as the forum username might suggest. This is why I can't make a ticket.)
    After having gone into a TF tomb, defeated all the knight phantoms, and obtained the trophy, the advancement "Carminite Acclimation" wasn't completed and stayed at 2/3. I tried throwing the trophy and other loot on the ground then re-picking them up, but it didn't work. I was then suggested by another player who had the same issue to make a ticket. It seems that this is a recurring problem.
    I hope that a staff member can complete the advancement for me. Any help will be appreciated :)

  2. Dead_0nArrival

    Dead_0nArrival Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    7:57 AM
    I tried to complete the advancement for you, but it says you "ArcWolfy" can not be found. You may need to be on the server for me to run this command. I currently play on this server so if you see me around, just send me a msg.

  3. Dead_0nArrival

    Dead_0nArrival Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    7:57 AM
    You found me in game and the command worked. :) Marking this as done.

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