We have added the Tiquality mod to the Project Ozone 3 Kappa Server to test how much it improves the TPS and what issue it brings with it. If your machines stopped working you have to run /tq claim 50 once which sets you as the owner of all tile entities in a radius of 50 blocks. Newly placed tiles will be automatically be assigned to you. The mod keeps track of the load each player causes to the server and reduces the tick time of tile entities of players who's tiles cause performance issues. Tldr; the mod makes the TPS to be per player and not server. Tiquality is not a magic fix for 20 TPS but it might improve it enough and run well enough that there is no reason to not use it. The mod only affects tasks during tile entity tick, some tile entities like item conduits and me systems run their heavy tasks during world tick, which makes unaffected from this. If you notice any issues, please report them below.
When a player dies in another dim and a grave is placed, they can not access it without running the ./tq claim 1 command.
Would like to report an issue Tiquality is causing with my mobfarm. Somehow it stops my item conduits, which means the buffer chests clogs, then the item collector also is stopped from collecting drops resulting in a massive drops overflow. Eventually disabling -EVERYTHING- in the claim. Maybe prevent item collectors and conduits from getting shutdown alltogether?
They should be whitelisted now. When does this happen? Always or only when you are around it? Are they claimed to you?
It appears that everything does stop after a while. I was afk and came back to nothing working. I saw others complaining as well. It appears the world tick is still good, but everything else slows to almost a complete stop. What I mean about the world, is that usually when I see lag, I see the stars in the sky jump around or the time in the top left of the screen skip around. Right now, I am not seeing that. Everything seems to be running correctly except our machines. I can say that my island is still very much a beginners island as I don't have but one thing automated so I am not sure if that would have a effect. I don't know a lot about the tiquality mod, so I hope this explanation helps a little.
@Dead_0nArrival next time this occurs poke an admin, or at least get us a timestamp, so we can check and see if anything is happening in the backend.
Ive discovered another issue. Players who have been using the /tq claim command in location in the nether, twilight forest and other dimension, dont allow other players to run this same command in the same area. Resulting in the inability to activate certain blocks and getting credit for kills. Also we are able to claim an area, but we are unable to unclaim or release a claimed area to someone else.
hmm i just looked at the perms for TiQuality and in order to allow players to use the /tq unclaim command we have to give players admin perms for TiQuality. That is very dumb coding.... Code: /tq unclaim [radius] Unclaims an area, useful for admins. tiquality.admin We'll have to make a workaround for this. Which will take some time.
can u also please do something about all these dead entities ticking away my tiquality? I've checked all over, i have got -zero- mobfarms, spawners, setups that involve mobs nor any living mobs or dead corpses anywhere. Where do they keep coming from and why are they nibbling away at my islands allotment?
@HanoverFist69 Can you perhaps unclaim all my tiquality for me then please? i just want to be taxed for my own island please and i think i got spots in the nether, end, erebus, twilight and huntingdimension which are assigned to me and i cant unclaim. Ill just claim my island afterwards and ill try to stay away from claiming areas anywhere else unless absolutely neccesary.
Can you also please whitelist this? because this makes totally no sense that im being charged tps for this one:
Are the same showing after a server restart? They should be unclaimed with this now: Project Ozone 3 | Page 4 | MineYourMind Community
The Extra Planets galacticraft bosses for tiers 4+ still require you to claim the area they spawn in the space dungeons to spawn. Regular Galacticraft bosses are working without claiming.