Implemented End Game Items Rule Update

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by ElectricLemonade, Aug 24, 2020.


What do you prefer?

Poll closed Aug 30, 2020.
  1. Keep the Rule as it is

    9 vote(s)
  2. Make the suggested change

    29 vote(s)
  3. Remove the rule all together

    43 vote(s)
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  1. ElectricLemonade

    ElectricLemonade Well-Known Member

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    6:07 PM
    Hello Everyone!

    Recently, our Management Team has been hard at work making changes and updates behind the scenes to help our staff team work better and more efficiently together. As a part of this progress, we have discussed at length our End Game Item rule and how it partains to our community going forward. As you know, the rule is in place to help ensure that new players get the full experience of each pack and reinforce the progression of the modpack.

    We have heard and discussed several suggestions on how to update this rule, but we would like to hear some feedback from the Community! Here's what it would look like going forward:
    • End game items will be freely tradeable on *MOST* modpacks offered by MYM.
    • The rule will remain in place for Expert packs or heavy progression based packs (up to the discretion of the staff team).
    • No dropping items at spawns, no drop parties, or no giving away items without player consent.
    • Players are encouraged to use the ingame Market (if available) with consideration for inflated/deflated pricing to protect the ingame economy.
    • No chat spam, no begging for items in chat.
    So let's hear what you guys have to say! Take the poll above and let us know!

  2. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    11:07 PM
    Remove the rule alltogether. Players will be lazy, they will trade or beg anyways and staff doesnt rly do anything except on occasion load discord, get into the channel and be like "you cant do that, bad person you" or something along those lines. Staff person buggers off and ofc people start begging again.

    Let people decide on their own if they want the full hardcore experience or if they want to take shortcuts. Let everyone be free to play their way, as long as it doesnt impinge on the other rules like no griefing and all those.

    And if someone decides to start dropping endgame stuff in peoples bases, those people just toss those items away if they dont want them. Thats what the void and trashcans are for.
  3. BlazeFTB

    BlazeFTB Well-Known Member

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    6:07 PM
    Get rid of the rule. Let people play how they want to play as long as it doesn’t hurt another players progression or adversely affect server performance. For example if someone wants to dump a bunch of awakened draconiaum in someone’s base and they don’t want it they can either give it back or give it to someone else or just throw it in the void. The only thing I would draw the line at would be stuff that adversely affects server performance or causes issues with other players such as setting up an open crate high above someone’s base and then going on vacation for a week and leaving the thing running unattended.
  4. Kazeodori

    Kazeodori Well-Known Member

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    3:07 PM
    I can see keeping the rule on quest packs and progression locked (like infinity expert). But for most packs... I don't see it mattering.
  5. Willshaper

    Willshaper Well-Known Member

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    11:07 PM
    Personally i voted for changing the rule. But i would not be averse to almost remove it, so long as very endgame items (Draconic/Infinity/whatever) is still not allowed to be traded.

    I really don't want endgame players going around giving out creative items to new players.

    Oh.. And no begging allowed.. Please, let us keep our sanity.
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2020
  6. Lauralou444

    Lauralou444 Well-Known Member

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    9:07 AM
    Remove the rule.
    If a player wants to have the full experience - its their choice - they dont have to use end stage items until they are up to them.
    Unless of course it is on a server where it is a detriment to other players for new players to have end game stuff - then the rule as is should go.
    I remember playing Agrarian when it was decided that everything but cobble was an end game item - and that server died.
    If it means a market on servers, a market there should be.
    I do agree that begging should not be allowed.
    deepcage and Gabezetrainboy4 like this.
  7. Kazeodori

    Kazeodori Well-Known Member

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    3:07 PM
    I would like to make one exception. Even on ordinary packs, any creative item should still count as something not to be traded.
  8. Fireforce

    Fireforce Patron Tier 3

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    Iam all for keeping them them but whit alterations it makes it good whit Rules.
  9. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

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    Im mostly against the rule - humans are lazy if they can skip the work they usually do this. I often ask some ppl for "boost" like genes for my bees, sume essentia/machines for thaumcraft, Silwirri tank and x64 lava gen to forget bout power forever etc.

    You cant ever stop ppl asking for stuff everyday on server o see at least 1 person asking for stuff BUT if im going to give stuff i usually do that only if that person im gonna bestow had already crafted that stuff or is at the capability to make/get that stuff - like i see some1 is into bees i give them tamplate for bee breeding or give some balanced shards for crafting centrifuge/crystalizer.

    Skyblock and quest driven packs are different story - i think giving some dirt or cobble should be avaiable but rest of stuff not untill that person can craft stuff we are gonna to give.
    Gabezetrainboy4 likes this.
  10. mauri567

    mauri567 Patron Tier 2

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    I think it should be removed alltogheter, as it will give a sense of freedom and everyone can play their own way, and no reason to be afraid to get the markets running on servers, as u might get banned if u dont know what admins like at this time.

    I belive removing the rule will bring more activity to the servers and people that feel like they want to trade and start buying/selling items more often, but also ask people if they can take it into consideration that not everyone wanna buy crazy cheap stuff, inflation is bound to happend, so no selling creative items on the market maybe, but being allowed to sell certain teir items? Like starter kits and Reactor kits on servers, as it will make endgame people stay and feel like they contribute to a ongoing community.
    Gabezetrainboy4 and Lauralou444 like this.
  11. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    6:07 PM
    I'm all for the removal of the rule, because it is a time consuming task to keep handling reports of players doing it, and the moment you log off it continues so you are shoveling sand against the tide. I also strongly suspect with the rule removed we're inviting flocks of pigeons, but for once maybe I will be wrong about human nature.
  12. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    11:07 PM
    I'm guessing Wyndman has seen the movie The Birds by Alfred Hitchclock (yea that last name is spelled wrong intentionally for obvious reasons). Why did it have to be pigeons?
  13. GGothicRide

    GGothicRide The Destroyer

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    5:07 PM
    for the 5 ish years i have been on the network i will have to agree with deepcage on this, the rule has never mattered, not even on expert packs, cause people do one of the following,

    - buy their shortcuts with MyM kits
    - group up and abuse the questing system
    - trade with other players who share like 5 or 6 bases together (DDSS was the biggest example of this)

    this rule doesnt exist on any network i have played on due to the sheer fact that theres no real way to enforce it cause no matter what its gonna happen
  14. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    I am all in favor of removing it. Only thing I will say is that I would like to make sure players going to people's bases dropping creative items for example. That is about it from me.

    Maybe another concern is with markets opening back up, what does each item cost or how much should something cost in terms of MYMs ingame.
    Gabezetrainboy4 and LadyRen13 like this.
  15. shifty3000

    shifty3000 Well-Known Member

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    10:07 PM
    In my opinion it should be pack specific but that would be too much work.
    Basically baby packs like infinity should be free range just do what ya want with items the pack can be done in a few days where as expert packs Like interactions should be restricted on what items can be traded.
    I just don't like working my ass off for 2-3 months to get something (say creative item) and billy nobody that's been on the server 2 days has the same....and then they flex in chat about it,boils my blood.
  16. GGothicRide

    GGothicRide The Destroyer

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    This is what im talking about, i have seen it happen too, expert packs dont even enforce the rule either, cause people always find a way around the progression, either thier friend has exploited the pack, thier friend has creative mode items and just dupes them with another creative item, or some random joe quitting the pack gives them a creative item out of boredom, theres just too many ways this can happen and has happened
    shifty3000 likes this.
  17. Xanaxsy

    Xanaxsy Patron Tier 2

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    6:07 PM
    Yeah i dont know what server you play on but on Infinity - Most people dont need to get the full play through to get end game. As soon as you can vote your "What i consider to be endgame"
  18. ThanasiShadoW

    ThanasiShadoW Well-Known Member

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    (Talking about infinity evolved normal mode, since it's the only pack I play these days)

    I think loosening up the rule would be a nice change. Specifically because the market has become a bit too competitive because only a few specific types of items are selling. But removing the rule entirely could be a bit too chaotic.

    Personally I'd like to suggesting a few things to allow in the market regardless of their position in any progression line:
    Decorative items/blocks (stuff like super builder's wands, exchangers, rods of the shifting crust, shimmerock, starfields, etc) - They don't speed up progression at all.
    Forestry saplings - They do require breeding but they don't offer anything essential for forestry's progression.
    Gene (samples) - I think flower genes should be allowed in the market because flowers are exclusively decorative, also sapling genes (same reasoning as above).
    Vampirism - Becoming a vampire requires some glass, redstone, string, a chicken, a nether portal, and killing a boss which is easier than the wither. So if nether stars are allowed in the market, I don't see why vampirism shouldn't. Besides that, being a low level vampire (<4) is mostly a hindrance rather than a buff.
    Lycanthropy - (I am not sure if a single item can do this but just in case). Becoming a werewolf need only a bear trap (just iron), a wolf altar (wolf drops, stone, and a plant which drops from tall grass), and a sheep. This is even easier than becoming a vampire, and once again, it makes things more difficult during the early stages.
    Nitor - Requires research but it is just a fancy light source.

    Also just a reminder that fully charged wyvern armor sets (along with tools), complete big reactors' turbines, complete AE2 setups, and resonant machines are allowed in the market.
    SparedPumpkins likes this.
  19. SparedPumpkins

    SparedPumpkins Senior Moderator

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    10:07 PM
    Drop the rule.

    Leave it up to the individual player to decide if they want to play the game or just jump to the end.

    The endgames items list was always a bit odd. You can't trade certain items but the components to make the items were tradeable.

    If you want to play properly you will, if you don't want to, you'll find a way to skip progression.
    Lauralou444 likes this.
  20. Gabezetrainboy4

    Gabezetrainboy4 Well-Known Member

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    3:07 PM
    I originally thought that making the suggested change was for the best, but after reading through this thread and talking with some players I changed my mind.
    The best route to go is to give freedom to the player. If they want to reach endgame in a snap, so be it. Let the player decide for themselves whether they want to play the game the way it was meant to be played. Not everybody sees the appeal of the challenge of making an item for themselves.
    Even with the current rule in place, begging still exists. The players that beg are usually unaware of the rule anyway. Now, we could use the existing rule to enforce reason to stop the beggars in chat, but overall the benefits outweigh the detriments.
    Shizucc and shifty3000 like this.
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