Implemented End Game Items Rule Update

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by ElectricLemonade, Aug 24, 2020.


What do you prefer?

Poll closed Aug 30, 2020.
  1. Keep the Rule as it is

    9 vote(s)
  2. Make the suggested change

    29 vote(s)
  3. Remove the rule all together

    43 vote(s)
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  1. caniplayzz

    caniplayzz Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    9:10 AM
    whats the rule like right now?
  2. Gabezetrainboy4

    Gabezetrainboy4 Well-Known Member

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    2:10 AM

    Official Rules:
    On the market and in chat, you are allowed to sell only the items which are not considered endgame items.
    You are allowed to sell endgame items under one condition:
    That the other player is equipped and able (progressed into the mod at least 75%) to produce this item on their own.

    Unspoken Rule:
    The PUBLIC selling/trading of end game items is prohibited, BUT what you do in private is your own business.
  3. caniplayzz

    caniplayzz Well-Known Member

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    9:10 AM
  4. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    10:10 AM
    You mean Alfred Hitchcock?

    I voted to remove the rule, although I would not allow the trading of creative items?
    Willshaper likes this.
  5. IsHayden

    IsHayden Well-Known Member

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    I kinda had the same line of thought. I'm all for the modification of the rule to make more sense and be easier to enforce, but now that I've thought about it, it makes it significantly easier for the player and staff to drop the rule together. Most people on expert packs are progressing observing the rule anyway as such is the nature of expert/progression based packs.

    Dropping the rule also allows players to trade to avoid large unnecessary time sinks that eventually lead to an overuse of server resources when scaled upward to save on time. *coughs in mob duplicators*
    Gabezetrainboy4 likes this.
  6. GGothicRide

    GGothicRide The Destroyer

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    4:10 AM
    *coughs in 20 machine assemblies for 1 item*
    Gabezetrainboy4 likes this.
  7. ItsTyrone

    ItsTyrone Patron Tier 2

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    Not a huge fan of the idea of removing the rule altogether, mainly of the potential to have chat spammed with requests for items/trades. I like the idea of having in-game marketplaces, such as the pneumaticraft amadron network, for trades.
    Shizucc and Fireforce like this.
  8. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    if people beg too much for your taste, /ignore is a functioning work-around.
  9. Dead_0nArrival

    Dead_0nArrival Well-Known Member

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    I voted to modify the rule, but in all honesty, I could be on board with getting rid of the rule all together. Just because someone asks for endgame items doesn't mean everyone has to give it to them. I would trade items for something of value to me. Also, if the player wants to ruin progression for themselves, they will find a way with or without the rule. I do not agree with giving/trading creative items and I would think most players would refrain from doing so.
    Willshaper and LunaBlossoms like this.
  10. Moettke

    Moettke Well-Known Member

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    12:10 PM
    I have never seen someone buying or selling something. This rule is most likely relevant for skyblocks.
    Trade between levels must be allowed. What's the point of selling or buying final items. I am in favor of removing the rule
  11. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    Not for staff sadly we need to listen to everyone even the pigeons.
    Willshaper likes this.
  12. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    If you want to witness endless begging trading etc spend a few minutes on galactic science phew..
  13. Moettke

    Moettke Well-Known Member

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    Begging and bartering are different things
  14. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    They do both, I think they even managed to chase Deepcage off of there.
  15. Moettke

    Moettke Well-Known Member

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    12:10 PM
    I did not read the topic carefully or mixed it up with another (similar sentence). So I'm against canceling the rule
  16. Mooomsy

    Mooomsy Moomsy <3 Booster

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    10:10 AM
    My Statement on this is : Since People trade and sell Endgame items anyway via Private Chat, i'd say

    Take away the current Endgame Lists and make a new smaller one with certain Items that are hard to access

    For me playing on Infinity i would like to see somthing like this

    Draconic Evolution :
    All Craftable Items

    Bloodmagic :

    Thaumcraft : (i think the rule regarding not selling anything locked behind research should be dropped)
    Ichor Items
    Void Armor
    Primordial Pearl

    werewolf transformation

    only Gaia spirit (so u have to do Gaia at least once)

    Forestry/Gendustry Bees:

    and thats it.

    Those are in my opinion the only few Items that would get someone Endgame by voting

    Ex.: Vote 9 times get 900 Mym - Buy a set of Wyvern Armor and Sword , get urself a Aw.Ichor Pickaxe a Phantasmel Bee and u can Farm the Enderdragon a few times without a problem get Aw.Draconium and are Endgame.

    Its just a suggestion since im totally fine with the current situation(except the Thaumcraft rule)

    Greets Moomers :3

    Edit: In Direwolf Yrs ago players decided what would be on the market , so maybe it could also work today we will see
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2020
  17. Gabezetrainboy4

    Gabezetrainboy4 Well-Known Member

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    2:10 AM
    You have a good point there. Even with the current rules in place a player can easily obtain the means to easily get endgame items. But once again I must say: Why should we control the way the player wants to progress? If they want to reach endgame without gong through the early and intermediate stages, so be it.
    Additionally, I notice that you posted a new list. Do you suggest that we keep the same rules with that list or enforce a different set of rules?
    I agree with the idea that the market will be player controlled. Let us decide absurd prices for Endgame items and grow server economies.
    Mooomsy likes this.
  18. Mooomsy

    Mooomsy Moomsy <3 Booster

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    10:10 AM
    So i would say keep the rules mostly as they are with a little twist, so let me say it like this :

    Some people specify on on or two mods and want only a single item from a mod like thaum , lets say theres a player rly into Botania and wants the Everfull urn which is a Thaumcraft item locked behind a wall of research so he needs to go through the world and scan stuff to even be able to ..... u get my point.

    The items i listed in my opinion are the most overpowered items in most of the Packs because : beeing close to invulnerable , breaking bedrock , generating resources out of nothing is something that only Endgame players should be allowed/able to do.

    Also i dont think we tell people how fast to progress by telling them *no i cant sell u a draconic reactor on day 1* , its more like *if you want to play creative hop on your singleplayer world* I know exactly what you mean but by sayin ok do what you want we push players in the wrong direction. For my part i want to see servers keep growing , having active people on there actually doing something , creating an economy themselves but with a small set of rules to not let things get out of control instead of giving everyone the Permission to say *okay i have 300 tokens left from voting on Agrarian skies now lets get op on Eternal within 5 minutes*

    I think giving Players freedom is important but only those few items i listed as an example would make a difference ,mi strongly believe in that.

    For the last thing i totally agree on you, selling hard to access items at prices that noone really could afford (or player that play for a long time and dont even care about the price anymore) Like the Server side Primordial Pearl for 8k MYM on Infinity.
    And i think keeping items at a high but reasonable Price we will get many Players to first try to get it by themselves before using the market .

    Sorry for the Book i wrote here but i think its quite the important Topic and there has to go actual thought into it to get the best outcome for everyone New players and Longtime crafter.

    Greetlingerino , Moomers :3
    Gabezetrainboy4 likes this.
  19. Shizucc

    Shizucc CEO of "Shizo+ Inc." Patron Tier 3

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    2:10 AM
    All points i'd have liked to make, have already been made. All theres left to say is: Drop it!
  20. Alinston

    Alinston Well-Known Member

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    6:40 AM
    Remove the rule. Never has it actually mattered since a majority of individuals would trade in the background via PMs, etc.
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