Implemented Add a German Channel to Discord

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by Pseudonycat, Feb 15, 2020.

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  1. Pseudonycat

    Pseudonycat Well-Known Member

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    As Sandstroem put it, that's not a valid argument. If you wish to have a channel for norwegian make a suggestion for it, but don't boycott another one's suggestion, nor try to shoot it down because you don't have a channel with a language you want. That's a crab in a bucket mentality and we aren't here to deny a suggestion out of jealousy.
    If you don't know what the crab mentality is.
    LadyRen13, p5k and Sandstroem like this.
  2. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

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  3. Eifekk

    Eifekk Well-Known Member

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    Voting against, not because of lack of staff to moderate but the fact that the point of everyone sticking to english is so that everyone can be involved in the community. I know it's unlikely to happen but if we had chats for different languages people may just stick to the language they're usually most comfortable with, in this case german.

    And could lead to people who dont speak that language feeling like they are unable to get involved in some things.

    This may not seem like a big issue but in terms of being a community segregation isnt good lol. I feel it's much better to stick to english, which is taught pretty much worldwide, for things on the official discord. As mentioned above, there's plenty of options for players who wish to occasionally use another language via private chats/calls or team speak.
    LordEreh likes this.
  4. p5k

    p5k Well-Known Member

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    The only difference between having a German channel and using private chats is that the people who don't speak German know that there is something they are missing out on. I think it's rather selfish to say that other languages shouldn't have channels just because you don't understand them.
    You are right about English being taught pretty much everywhere in the world, but that doesn't mean that people actually know English. I have encountered many players who only knew German, despite English being taught starting around 3rd grade in Germany. Your argument also works the other way around: Those who don't know English might feel left out from participating in the community at all.
    Honestly I think the Founders have already answered the question whether it is ok to have German only channels, by making ones in the TS way back when the network switched from German only to German on some servers, English on others and then to English only. Let's not forget that this is a German network and unless both the Founders as well as 2 of the Consultants resign, there will always be German staff members.
    Pseudonycat likes this.
  5. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

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    If someone using German or any non-english, I'd say - I miss everything.

    IF someone wants to participate in the community and dont know english too well can use many avaiable translators even google one and past translation here. IF someone is too lazy to do even that - is that person really good addition to community? We can argue if using english is fair for non-english people but thats the price we pay for using the world wide web and global networks.
    Besides rules are in english so you must have minimal english understading to accept them to even start playin. Some poeple probably just type anything after "/" but those are often reported for breaking 1st rule "English only in global chat" because they abuse their native language in chat.

    So... Network founded in Germany mandatory requires german channel in any communicator? Let's not forget many of staff and players isn't from Germany nor speak german and I assume most times they communicate by english between each other.
    Let's not forget MyM is global network where any player from any country can play so we use english - the language almost everyone uses cross-culturally to communicate with each other.

    I really dont care less if any "language" channel will be created but as deepcage said earlier - if you make 1 channel you will be forced to make the other because if dont, that language users can felt the stigma of "less/least used native language on network not worth making a channel"

    If it works don't touch it.
    LadyRen13 and Eifekk like this.
  6. p5k

    p5k Well-Known Member

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    Not sure if you've ever used google translator, but what it spits out is usually even worse than what you've written here.
    Then why did you respond?
    This is a purely hypothetical argument. If someone thinks there should be a channel for a specific language, then they should suggest it. German is the only language that this has been suggested for as far as I can tell and there seem to be quite a lot of people who speak German on MyM (I'd even claim that it's probably the most spoken native language within the community besides English).
    The German TS channels seem to be working just fine, so surely making ones in discord shouldn't be a problem.

    I'm also quite tired of the resistance to change within MyM, especially in the staff team. Why can't we just try something new and if it doesn't work, we change it again.
  7. Eifekk

    Eifekk Well-Known Member

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    Not sure why you feel the need to debate everything lol. The original post was made presumably to see peoples opinions on the topic. You've stated that you support it, I'm not sure why you feel the need to debate everyone else's opinion on it when it differs from your own.

    Regardless, if you want something to change/happen your best bet is in numbers. If there's really such a demand for a german channel outside the few people who have agreed already your best approach to obtaining it is the get the other people who want it to post their support rather than just claiming that there's alot of people who want it.
    LordEreh likes this.
  8. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

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    Better something than nothing - and I admit my english is rather weak but I can describe my point of view.

    I'm enjoying the discussion. You cant forbid me sharing my opinion.

    Maybe most think that since it's network made in Germany there is no need for native channel on Discord? Myself when i'm playing with friends im using private channel or use /tell which is not so hard to make/use.

    If channel seems to working fine why suggesting the Discord? Probably less and less using TS so.. it's not working fine anymore? Ofc making the new channel is few clicks but read what most staff members said - no moderation on that channel might be a problem because it's family friendly network and you cant promise everyone will behave.

    Few question:
    1. If german channel was so needed why it's not created at the very begginig of MyM Discord in the first place?
    2. Why are you ask for making that channel so badly? It's really necessary? Why no1 suggest it earlier then?
    3. Why are we still here?
    4. Pythagorean trigonometric identity is correct?
  9. p5k

    p5k Well-Known Member

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    A few answers:
    1. I am not sure, you'd probably have to ask SirWill about that one. It's not that we think it is needed, but rather that we think it would be a nice thing to have.
    2. In part because I think it would be nice to have, but also because I am tired of MyM ignoring suggestions from the community and even their own staff members. They have done so for a long time now and it is part of why I resigned.
    3. Just to suffer
    4. Yes:
    In a right-angle triangle with a as the opposite and b as the adjacent, the following is true:
    a = sin(α) * c
    b = cos(α) * c
    If we then apply the pythagorean theorem a^2 + b^2 =c^2, we get:
    (sin(α)^2 + cos(α)^2) * c^2 = c^2
    We then divide by c^2 and get:
    sin(α)^2 + cos(α)^2 = 1
    Eifekk likes this.
  10. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

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    4.WRONG! Jerzy Pietraszko in his doctorate he refuted the theorem of Pythagorean trigonometric identity and no errors were found in his reasoning. However, the work was rejected because, according to the Commission of Institute of Mathematics, agreeing with Pietraszko would destroy the basics of all number-based sciences.

    It was in specific case but still he refuted the one of basic and common used theory in science, but i dont think you even heard about him or his work.
    Eifekk likes this.
  11. Eifekk

    Eifekk Well-Known Member

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    Sounds like it was a trick question to begin with....
  12. p5k

    p5k Well-Known Member

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    Looks like i have found what you mean. The pythagorean theorem is only true within euclidian geometry. So for example, it doesn't apply when you draw a triangle on a sphere. However, the pythagorean theorem is still true, as it is defined within euclidian geometry. Non-euclidian geometry was not invented by Jerzy Pietraszko and i can't find any reference for him "disproving" the pythagorean theorem. Just so you know: If you say that the pythagorean theorem or the pythagorean trignometric identity is wrong, then you are also saying that parallel lines can intersect or diverge, as well as that a triangle can have more or less than 180° of internal angles, as you are arguing in non-euclidian geometry.
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2020
  13. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    The suggestion was actually made by someone who is not German, but learning German if I understand it correctly.

    Speaking of other languages. (pun intended)
    I don't speak UwU, but I have to suffer through it every day on global, lol.
  14. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

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    UwU channel...

    Just the very thought of existence such channel.

    That's a chilling thought.
  15. TrashGothAoife

    TrashGothAoife Consultant

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    I personally don't mind if we add a German language channel on discord, IF we have staff members who can regularly monitor it. We, as staff, still need the ability to monitor public channels, as they do conform to rules of the network, even if the language rule is set aside for that specific one.
  16. p5k

    p5k Well-Known Member

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    I was probably the only staff member that would have come into question for that, as I doubt that the Founders or Consultants would like to do that. I left in part because suggestions like these are often ignored and forgotten, even if there are many people who would want it. Honestly, if we can get a confirmation by higher-ups that this would be possible, then I'd be fine with applying again, so you guys have someone to monitor that chat.
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2020
    TomboyEnthusiast likes this.
  17. HanoverFist69

    HanoverFist69 Administrator

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    Ok after discussing this we keep coming back to our English Only rule. It's just easier to ask everyone to speak English so the mods can monitor everything.

    You are able to make party chats and such to talk with friends in whatever language you want though. So you should have no problem gathering like-minded friends together to speak in your native languages out of the public channels.

    This threads gotten a bit toxic so I'm going to close it.
    LadyRen13 likes this.
  18. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    We have decided to revisit this idea and decided to implement a german channel which can be joined via the #registration channel. We are also willing to add channels for other languages as long as we have someone who can moderate it in that language.
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