Implemented Enabling /market for servers

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by CanadaBunny, Sep 5, 2020.


Should markets be added back?

  1. Yes

    34 vote(s)
  2. No

    7 vote(s)
  1. CanadaBunny

    CanadaBunny Well-Known Member

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    5:04 PM
    Hello MyM!

    Given the new rule changes and removal of the end game rule we feel the community should put it to a vote if they wish to bring back the market on all the servers.

    We ask that players give their opinion or suggestions on if we should bring it back or any concerns related to specific servers for it.

    Hope to see your guys opinions!
    sp33draft likes this.
  2. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    10:04 PM
    Voted No.

    Why: Simple, without the endgame items rule, there is no need for a market system since we can now publically share items for either ingame items, or just for free because some of us are nice sharing & caring people (not specifically talking about myself here).

    The only thing the market system will cause, is people selling stuff for ridiculous (low or high prices) which will cause you more staff work. It will also cause people to need MyM's again, which means more voting and less tickets for chunkloading.... and oh man, chunkloading has become really expensive... its like someone from staff artificially inflates the cost of those things...

    Im definitely gonna be one of those guys who will undercut everyone and sell stuff for crazy cheap.
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2020
    Gabezetrainboy4 likes this.
  3. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

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    Market can only work if there was END GAME rule and if no1 gives free stuff and we know that is impossible.
    The conclusion is that the market made no sense since beginning.
    Only way i used /market was for sending items from/to me, saving only few seconds to teleport and drop item.
    Considering recent changes there is no need for /market at all.
  4. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    Since they dropped the endgame items rule, ive handed out multiple items for free on Po3K and its nice. People skip some progression, but they also in turn cause a lot less server stress, because they can skip the tedious setups. Someone asks for a transmutation tablet? Sure! My price you ask? Free :D

    Markets wont contribute anything but stress/frustration for staff due to artificial inflation
  5. Willshaper

    Willshaper Well-Known Member

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    I prefer no market.

    If we are allowed to trade, i'd like the social interaction more than an auction house :p
  6. InsaniumIV

    InsaniumIV The Fourth

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    I perfer market

    Just find it useful for keeping beggars away
    Raptorpea4343 and Lachim_Heigrim like this.
  7. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    Give me my free market economy! Trading and generosity is nice, but I can't always count on someone being there to share.
  8. HanoverFist69

    HanoverFist69 Administrator

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    Market allows you to buy items when players are offline. So it's easier to acquire items from a fully stocked market than generous players in chat. It also takes a lot of the requests off chat reducing spam.

    Those would be my reasons for implementing it.
  9. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

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    10:04 PM
    Most of New Players dont know bout market and spam anyways...
  10. LunaBlossoms

    LunaBlossoms Well-Known Member

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    Would actually argue that they do get to know about it fairly quickly. Depending on the server of course.

    I do love the function of being able to send stuff to people without having to tpa (introverts dream). Plus what Hanover said about the offline ability :)
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2020
  11. InsaniumIV

    InsaniumIV The Fourth

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    9:04 PM
    ahem infinity trolls are watching, theyre learning how the server works
    Raptorpea4343 likes this.
  12. tictacton

    tictacton Well-Known Member

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    Been playing on B-Team (a server with /market) for a long time, and I honestly can't imagine what I'd do without it. Its a really great way to get steady income by creating farms and listing items in bulk. Its a great way of seeing whats currently in supply, and also gets players interested in buying something that they weren't originally looking for. (similar to the "put milk at the back of the grocery store so people have to walk through the whole store before buying it" strategy). Even with end-game items, I could totally see it working on other servers, provided no one messes up the economy by selling a rare item for very cheap. It also promotes farm-building and automation, as players will be more likely to automate difficult items to produce, and sell them in bulk. I personally produce Magmatic Dynamos and Lava Fabricators and sell them on the market. -its basically free money.

    Nothing is better than logging back on after a day to see your market mail filled with transaction logs.
  13. Shizucc

    Shizucc CEO of "Shizo+ Inc." Patron Tier 3

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    I would argue there are zero downsides to enabling the market on every server. Market does not prevent you from trading in-person (it promotes it even, since in personal trading does not get taxed!). If people refuse to use it, then no problem. It'll sit unused while players happily trade away in person.

    What im trying to say is that having the option to use it should always be welcomed, since there's no downside to having market enabled.

    (i hope im making sense lol, its 2 am and am running on caffeine. i'm having trouble finding the right words to form coherent sentences haha)
    LunaBlossoms and shifty3000 like this.
  14. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    Zero downside since ur not staff. For staff there are plenty of downsides. All the -extra- work!
  15. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    My thoughts are, with the market, you can prevent less scams. While it might be more work, it is easier to monitor markets rather than investigating scams
  16. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    Not trying to be a grammar-n**i here, but the way i read that, it says, you are trying to prevent people from scamming less? so more scamming is better? Im sure thats not how you meant it, but thats what it says tho...
  17. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    3:04 PM
  18. Zirgof

    Zirgof Well-Known Member

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    11:04 PM
    I think /market is dead on all servers because there is no value for MyM's other than the market. Whats the point selling stuff if only thing you can do with your profit is to buy stuff from the market? In skyblock servers its even worse because you cant buy claimblocks. Some new value should be implemented with MyM money or no-one will never sell anything. MyM's are pretty much useless.

    I suggest a rebuy vote tokens with a decreased value. If all the MyM's on a server are bought with tokens why not sell them back to those who have aquired some MyM's? Or maybe some other extra value for them? All suggestions welcome!
  19. TheeForgotten

    TheeForgotten Senior Moderator Build Team

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    personally i don't see a need for the market as it just uses more server resources even if it is a little and not to say with the end game rule gone its to easy to trade or just give away. If you want the market back that's like saying lets add the end game rule back to make the market a thing but that leads back to every one trading in private and then the market is still almost useless... no market would mean no myms would be needed and then thats less code the server has to process as well think of it more of making room for more resources for more pack that is how i would look at it

    i could see that being an issue in the long run but it would be a nice idea to do like if one token = 10 MYMs then maybe make the trade off of 50 MYMs could be one token in return but just an idea
  20. InsaniumIV

    InsaniumIV The Fourth

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    9:04 PM
    tbh people sell for profit so why give them more profit

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