I couldn't answer that question until I get the implementation done. I assume you are talking like playtime titles. Who said I was only adding playtime titles?
I do like that there are new titles coming, my only issue with some of the ones suggested in this thread would be that it would probably be best to avoid adding many/any of the ones that would come from specific religions (God [Not specific to any one religion I know, but might still ruffel some feathers], archangel etc) just to avoid stepping on anybody's toes /alienating anyone. Other than that great idea
Yea agreed, lets not try to offend anyone with religious or politically based ranks. There is so much offending going around today... cant even call it "smoking a fag" anymore when going for a cigarette or some gay person might feel offended. There's even a discussion happening here in the Netherlands about why so many traffic signs contain only white or black people icons. I am not kidding on this. The image below means, no pedestrians allowed. Yet some people of certain color depicted on the sign, are actually calling this racism because it could also be interpreted as "no black people allowed" (ye sorry for saying it). Spoiler: Image Inside People are way to easily offended these days!
*Laughs in Prophet, Saint, Demigod titles* Im not staff or anything but i never saw any complaints about them.
Implementing the titles will take some time. As you're aware it's all based off an algorithm. If we just slap on new titles that will change time needed for titles like Immortal and screw up everything. So, we have to sort out SW's code/math and figure out howto redo the algorithm. Not fun. That's the major holdup at the moment. Once that gets sorted it's fairly easy. HanoverFist69
Bumpity bump bump! Update by staff would be nice. You guys still untangling SirWill's alledged algorithm? Any news?
something "blah blah blah next update on december but hoping every1 will forget about this meanwhile"
Ah, didn't see it was mentioned there. I don't read all of them Updates in the actual thread about the content would be neat though, so we don't have to search through the entire forum for whatever we're looking for. Here's the quote from This Week on MyM #20 for anyone that don't wanna find it manually: This Week on MYM #20 | MineYourMind Community