Info Testing of Tiquality Mod

Discussion in 'Project Ozone 3' started by SirWill, Aug 3, 2020.

  1. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    9:38 AM
    Can you press F3 + H and then write down the name id of the spawner? It should show it on the Waila.
  2. ItsTyrone

    ItsTyrone Patron Tier 2

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    There is no visible spawner, the fights trigger (or are supposed to trigger) when you enter the dungeon - I'm not sure if there's an invisible spawner somewhere in the dungeons, nothing I could find. As a side note, the Galacticraft core bosses also function this way. JEI also has spawn eggs listed, if those are what you're looking for:
    "Spawn Evolved Magma Cube Boss (#0383)", "Spawn Evolved Fire Bat Boss (#0383)", "Spawn Evolved Ghast Boss (#0383)" "Spawn Evolved Slime Boss (#0383)" "Spawn Evolved Snowman Boss (#0383)" "Spawn Evolved Space Man Boss (#0383)" "Spawn Evolved Giant Zombie Boss(#0383)" - not sure if that helps at all.
  3. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    9:38 AM
    Should be working without claiming after the next restart.
  4. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    There seems to be an issue with chunkloading now. Not sure its related to Tiquality, but its annoying as heck since players are no longer able to load the chunks they are in. We now need to use iron blocks to even load chunks the player is in. Can this please be investigated?
  5. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    9:38 AM
    When did the issue start?
    Nothing really changed recently.
  6. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    @SirWill Its been around for a while now, we just havent mentioned it yet because it was work-around-able by placing an iron block to load the chunk. But its definately NOT the way its supposed to be. We used to be able to just afk in a chunk and save on the heaviest of chunkloading costs. Now we pay for everything.

    And something else even, which i just confirmed today. I was watching the burn rate of my LEB-248 Nuclearcraft fuel. It was going down steadily and dropped with 1% about every second. Which was fine. Then suddenly... @IsHayden comes online and BLAMMO! Now fuel usage went down by 1% every 2 minutes... Then he logged briefly, back to 1% per second and he returned and again... 1% every 2 minutes. Can you please explain this? How is him coming online affecting something in my base where Tiquality should be keeping the tps equal? Would be nice if we didnt have to do the testing ourselves and someone with staff powers could help investigate.
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2020
  7. IsHayden

    IsHayden Well-Known Member

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    I can confirm several examples of incorrect chunkloading by the player, and been experiencing it throughout the pack. It seems to occur randomly and, as @deepcage stated is often fixed by chunkloading with an iron block for a bit.

    To elaborate on the tps issue, I cannot figure out what the source of it is anymore. I've checked tq for large impact sources and have been actively trying to reduce them and it still tanks.
  8. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    It seems like TQ measures each persons impact on the server and then divides the tps between those players, but not on an individual level, as it should be... because when a laggy base person comes online (no offense IsHayden), then the entire server suffers, not just the 1 player... Not sure thats how TQ was intended to work. But its the same when Demoniacplayer22 or ItsTyrone rear their heads. They come on, no tiquality warnings about tps, but it drops like a brick and everything slows down.
  9. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    Are you sure it's only specific players? It shouldn't matter who joins.
    As far as I know the mod splits the tick time across all players and if more people are online then there is less that can be divided across all players.
  10. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    9:38 AM
    If you give more resources to the players with fast tick times then you have the issue that it's not fair that people who just started get more resources than the ones in end game.
  11. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    9:38 AM
    Apart from tick times and what not, you keep ignoring our complaints about the chunkloading not working around the player. Many machines, including botania setups, lordcraft, pneumaticcraft and embers rekindled, refuse to work unless we place down an iron chunkloader, even if the player is right along those setups in the same chunk.

    Chunkloading is still borked and keeps being ignored/overlooked. Wether this is intentional or not i leave up to you. But i also mentioned it now in a ticket to make sure it gets some extra attention.

    By the way, im guessing ur not the most social person on this network, but instead of working thru constant forum posts, it might actual be constructive/helpfull if you were like available to talk to on discord or TS once in a while, so we could actually provide you with direct answers to your questions and not have to work with days and days in between forum posts, ya know, do some actual hands-on testing for a change... just saying.
  12. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    9:38 AM
    deepcage, it's not that simple as you might think it is.
    So far only two people reported this issue, it was reported in this thread with other issues being discussed at the same time and it wasn't mentioned again.
    It still has not been confirmed if the issue only exists with Tiquality, the modpack or if it is a global 1.12 issue. It has been stated that the issue occurs randomly which means there is no way to reproduce it consistently. Without being able to reproduce the issue it's close to impossible to find what exactly is causing it.

    Also, please explain the issue more clear, you are saying the chunks around the player are not being loaded which would mean that they wouldn't even render on the client and just be empty chunks.
    What I assume you mean is that the machines stop working/ticking in the chunks around the player. The question is do they start working again if you get closer to them or even stand on them? How many blocks are you away from the machines which are not working and how far away are you from a working machine which is the closest to the not working one?
    Are all machines in the same chunk not working or are there few machines in the same chunk which are working?
  13. IsHayden

    IsHayden Well-Known Member

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    I can add that this issue predates the addition of tq, as I've seen it firsthand before it's addition and that several people on po3k were still experiencing issues with tile entities not working correctly since I've last played.

    To clarify, the issue is that, seemingly randomly, all tile entities within a chunk will cease to operate with the presence of the player any distance away, although I've had one case where someone else being there fixed the loading issue, temporarily until they had left. The issue is almost always fixable by chunkloading the chunk with a mym chunkloader.

    For example, I chunkloaded the majority of my base, a 3x3 area, and have never had this issue occur, but outside this area I've had mana spreaders, elven portals, bm rituals, containment chalices, lightwells, and many other tile entities stop ticking until I chunkloaded it manually.
  14. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    9:38 AM
    So it was already happening before Tiquality was added? Is it happening on any other server?
  15. IsHayden

    IsHayden Well-Known Member

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    Not that I know of.
  16. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    Distance to the machines that dont work doesnt seem to matter, only way to get them to work, is to put an iron loader down and then instantly they work. I also never stated the issue occurs randomly, i never did, Ishayden has perhaps said that, but Ishayden is online equally randomly, so then that would make sense.

    I am experiencing it as a constantly present issue. Like earlier today, i setup a mobfarm in an empty and un-iron-loaded chunk. The farm started to run, while i was in the same chunk, but really extremely choppy and slow. Then i put down an iron chunkloader and blammo. Full speed, no stuttering. While i am STILL in the SAME chunk. Which is what i have mentioned twice before at least.

    If this is not clear enough, ask more specifically. And as for "do all machines stop working or only a few" all i can say on that i havent checked ALL my machines, since there are a considerable few. However i have noticed that anything i build in an unloaded chunk, works stuttery at best, if it works at all.

    As for this part, you know just as well, that most people dont report issues. They just work around them because they either cant be arsed to make a forum account to make tickets, or they are just accepting the bugs as bugs and dont pay further attention. The fact that 2 seperate players on the same server are reporting this to you should work in our favor, not being cause for the "only 2 people reported it" excuse and get ignored or put on the low prio list or whatever it is that you do to avoid adressing the issue.

    As for "it wasnt mentioned again" the same could be said for you, because you didnt give it a 2nd look either. It took us several messages to get your attention again on the subject. No offense, but why dont you let Hanover/Aido assist you on the matter? Earlier today Hanover tried to help me on the server and he had no idea to for example unclaim my tiquality in other dimensions... might help if ur not the only one who can be of assistance.
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2020
  17. IsHayden

    IsHayden Well-Known Member

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    Well it's not like it happens at exactly 4:39pm PST daily. The only consistent issue I've had is with blood magic rituals and will crystals. All in the same chunk and would *randomly* stop working, and I had to drop an iron loader to stop it from *randomly* ceasing to operate, as it was well within the 48 block range to be working at the lower tickrate at the very least.
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2020
  18. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    9:38 AM
    I changed a config which might help with the issue, please report back.

    You reported this issue and other issues. I have looked into all the issues and replied to your concerns. At the time you reported the issue about the machines not working without a chunk loader the information provided was vague, it was stated that there is a workaround and it is happening randomly. So I decided to wait until there are more reports and information from other players because it's not reasonable to look into this for 12+ hours (and most likely not finding what's causing it because it was stated it happens randomly) when there are other issues and tasks which don't have a workaround and effect a lot more people.

    Now 3 weeks later you post these rudely phrased messages and say "you keep ignoring our complaints" when there weren't any new complaints or mentions of the issue. This how you will make people ignore your message and not wanting to help you instead of getting the attention for the issue.
    Writing "Is there an update on the issue with machines stop working?" would have done the job.
    IsHayden likes this.
  19. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    I am sorry you considered my message rude, that was not my intent. However i am not going to debate emotions of a written message. If you interpret it as hostile or rude, thats your choice, no matter how i formulate my message, if you read it with negative emotion, thats what its gonna sound like to you. If you were on discord or teamspeak once in a while, so people could actually talk to you, you would discover im not as rude as you think i am. You would find out i actually care about the network and that i want to improve things, not just for myself. Yes im mainly complaining about Po3K things, but other issues have been taken care off by LadyRen and Cilo because its apparently above you to socialise with network members. This is how i percieve your actions. You may not agree with this vision, but the same can be said of your vision of me and my actions.
    Seriously SirWill, hang out on Discord or TS for a while once in a while, im sure people will engage you instead of tremble in fear when SirWill is here. You are like an Albino Black Rhino. We know one must exist somewhere, we just haven't found on yet. Seem to have met all staff on discord at some point, with exception of Wyndman and Aido, who are as elusive as yourself. Why dont you socialise as well?

    As for you changing some unknown setting in some config, we will look out for changes, but honestly no idea what to look for. Can you point us in the right direction perhaps?
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2020
  20. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    9:38 AM
    Whatever you changed, it's not yet showing as an improvement. Unless i place down chunkloaders, machines in chunks that im in still dont work properly.

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