This Week on MYM #17

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ElectricLemonade, Sep 14, 2020.

  1. ElectricLemonade

    ElectricLemonade Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    4:03 AM
    Helloooo everyone!

    How ya been?! Good I hope! Did you guys have another great week here on MYM? What do you think of all the shenanigans that staff has been up to? We've been so hard at work and we hope you guys are enjoying all the updates and changes that we have put so much time into!

    First things first, we want to give a HUGE shout out and CONGRATULATIONS to


    They are the winner of the Attack of the B-Team build contest!! Give it up for Wyvern_! I won't spoil their build here. You'll just have to come on over to the new B-Team server shortly to check it out ;).

    There is a couple posts I'd like for you guys to keep an eye on and give your opinions on in the near future. Come check these out!

    Allow Restricted PVP
    Modpack Suggestions
    New Title Suggestions

    Let's also give it up for our top voters of the week! Here they are:

    1st Place: @Moomers
    2nd Place: @TheeForgotten
    3rd Place: @XYofLight
    4th Place: @_WickedHunter_
    5th Place: @Xaverle

    Congrats guys and great job! Your weekly rewards will be given out shortly!

    Our management team would like to announce some big promotions within the staff team this week! Please give a big congrats to

    @LunaLavender6 and @NotSoProG on their promotion to Moderator!
    @benj4919 on their promotion to Sr Moderator!
    @Dead_0nArrival on their promotion to Adminstrator!

    We know you all will do a wonderful jobs in your positions and we all look forward to working more with you!

    Admin Corner:
    Global Changelog:
    • Added joinable german channel
    Entity Control
    • Add Ice and Fire Dragon Eggs to the whitelist.
    • Changed the permission check to allow the usage of /entitycontrol list-near by players
    • Added cooldown to /entitycontrol list-near for players

    • Added tip when placing AE2 or RS controllers which links to the performance guide (Applied Energistics — MyM-Wiki 0.0.1 documentation to make more people aware of it
    • Added chat triggered tips like we have on 1.7
    • Changed formatting of AE2 lag meter and added link to performance guide
    • The AE2 lag meter message will now only show up if there are laggy grids
    • Fixed the ability to create Galacticraft space stations across the network
    • Re-enabled /market on all servers by popular vote with the next restart
    • Adjusted AE2 profiler frequency color values as it was showing every system at 12000 as red

    • Added join/leave messages to server channels like party channels already have
    • Updated to version 7.2.2
    • Added a check to prevent base resets if the last login time is unrealistic (which was caused by data corruption)
    • Fixed date "1970-01-01 01:00:00" failing to be inserted into the database resulting in no deletion logs
    1.12 AE2 Profiler
    • Removed frequency from comparator
    The amount of times a grid updates seems to rarely impact the performance and the result message is being shown too often. The frequency will still show for the information but only if the grid update time is high enough.

    • Created patch to prevent the setting of the location with the Charm of Dislocation inside protections
    • Removed Charm of Dislocation from ProtectEx
    • Reenabled DraconicEvolution's item placing and created a patch to prevent the placing inside protections
    • Changed /vote stats command to show the votes of the current week and month instead of the last 7 and 30 days
    Server Changelogs:
    • Changed Cobalt Ingots in the Resource and Resource Plus kits to Gregtech versions.
    • Disabled MobGriefing in Overworld.
    • Fixed MyM Portal for real this time. All portals now unlock and teleport. (There was a second line hidden in another file adding the Nether gamestage we disabled earlier.)
    • Keeping UniversalMarket disabled on this server because you literally can't see/use items that you do not have the stage for. This is to prevent issues ahead of time.
    • Updated to version 3.1.7 (Changelog & Changelog)
    • Fixed a couple errors in the Crafttweaker scripts
    • Fixed MYM Portal
    Crash Landing:
    • Created patch to potentially fix PneumaticCraft crash
    • Restored World Borders from backups to fix Random Teleport issues.
    • Restored 2 bases which were deleted because of data corruption
    • Reduced cost of Singularities from 9001 items to 901. This should reduce the burden endgame places on the server. NOTE: In-game recipes will not reflect this change.
    • Fixed where the Nether & End cakes teleport you in their respective worlds with the next server restart
    • Moved Omothol and The Dark Realm to weekly resets as they are suppose to be.
    • Reduced cost of Custom singularities to 901 items.
    • Removed the Rod of the Molten Core from a quest as it is currently a banned item
    • Patched Sanguimancy to fix Soul Transporter teleporting the player to the overworld instead of soul network dimension when being used in the island world
    • Updated pack version to 4.2.2 (Changelogs here here here)
    • Updated Forge
    • Added matter overdrive android reset commands to island reset
    Enigmatica 6:
    • Modified and added automatic farmworld reset for the end
    • Removed cooldown from commands
    • Increased home points to 8
    • Adjusted spawn point for The End and built a bedrock platform.
    • Updated Weekly reset template for The End.
    • Updated to 3.0.21
    MC Eternal:
    • Added permissions for /rtp farmworld1
    • Added Farmworld1 to MyM Multiplex Portal
    • Removed "Death Inventory List" quest from the questbook since we had to patch out the list due to client crashes
    • Fixed an issue with RTP not working in the new farmworld
    • Added The Aurorian and Atum to the Monthly reset template.
    • Patched LevelUp2 mod to disable an event method which was calling a client side only method resulting in server crashes
    • Tracked down the mod breaking the tile entity profiler by comparing the mods of multiple modpacks and disabling one mod after the other on a test server
    • Applied modifications to Farseek to make the mod compatible
    • Disabled natural mob spawning in the overworld to see how much it helps with the performance

    Well there ya have it guys. Was it long enough for you? That might be a record. Here's to another great week!

    sp33draft, _Cilo_, InsaniumIV and 4 others like this.
  2. InsaniumIV

    InsaniumIV The Fourth

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    Local Time:
    8:03 AM
    Ah what a 2 WEEKS
    Shizucc and LadyRen13 like this.
  3. Wyvern__

    Wyvern__ Well-Known Member

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    9:03 AM
    Wohoo! Thank ye ^^ Hope the people of bteam like it as well, hehe~ Was fun building it
  4. ElectricLemonade

    ElectricLemonade Well-Known Member

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    4:03 AM
    Made it extra long though just for you and LordEreh ;)
    LadyRen13 and InsaniumIV like this.
  5. ElectricLemonade

    ElectricLemonade Well-Known Member

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    4:03 AM
    You did a fantastic job! I'm sure everyone will love it!
    sp33draft and Wyvern__ like this.
  6. sp33draft

    sp33draft Member

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    10:03 AM
    Congratulations LunaLavender6 and NotSoProG for their promotion Moderator!
    Benj4949 on their promotion to Sr Moderator!
    and Dead_0nArrival on their promotion to Adminstrator!
  7. BenjiTheViking

    BenjiTheViking Well-Known Member

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    9:03 AM
    Also, oh my have the Admins been some busy little bees!
    Gabezetrainboy4 likes this.
  8. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

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    9:03 AM
  9. Shizucc

    Shizucc CEO of "Shizo+ Inc." Patron Tier 3

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    1:03 AM
    Great stuff @Wyvern__ ! I couldn't have built it better myself!
  10. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    9:03 AM
    Now im curious, but not curious enough to install B-team on my drive and potentially risk the drive crashing... Cuz Bteam...
    LordEreh likes this.

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