Bot Command to remember u to vote?

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by ReiDaTecnologia, Sep 18, 2020.

  1. ReiDaTecnologia

    ReiDaTecnologia Well-Known Member

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    I was thinking in ways to remember to vote and a bot could be useful for that imo
    U run a command like !VoteTimer and the bot would count 24H and ping u saying like "24 hours has passed! time to vote! Vote - MineYourMind 5.0"
    As the MyM discord server don't have a bot spam channel, the ping could be in the dms.
  2. CanadaBunny

    CanadaBunny Well-Known Member

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    I love this idea!

    Im going to bring it up with my fellow staff and see what they think and if its plausable. A suggestion id have is to have an option for maybe a 1 time reminder. Or a every 24hour type thing
    LunaBlossoms and Gabezetrainboy4 like this.
  3. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    Hang on a sec, but there is already some kind of functionality like this is there not? There's an ingame setting where you can toggle the vote reminders on and off. Granted its not timed, but it will only popup unless you have voted, so when you see that, you know its been 24h at least.
    (if im wrong tell me).
    Gabezetrainboy4 likes this.
  4. CanadaBunny

    CanadaBunny Well-Known Member

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    Ingame yes. The suggestion is to add it to the discord bot so people remember to login to vote
  5. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    As long as we also get an option to turn it off or not turn it on in the first place, im in favor :D
    LordEreh likes this.
  6. CanadaBunny

    CanadaBunny Well-Known Member

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    Thats why i mentioned the thing above with usage of a command to enable it. To have a command to enable it. Would mean it would also need to disable
  7. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

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    Make it disabled by deafault pretty please, after adding "join/leave messages to server channels like party channels already have" bot which is worst addon ever I really dont want to blocking another bot...
  8. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    Just making sure, because like on Po3K, with for example Tiquality. A player can /claim an area. However unclaiming, is only possible to admins. So its not always something thats possible both ways.
  9. Shizucc

    Shizucc CEO of "Shizo+ Inc." Patron Tier 3

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    Just as a small aside, why do you think this a bad addition to the server channels? Isn't continuously !list-ing a little annoying?
  10. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

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    I prefer !list because I USE THIS COMMAND if i need/want it, bot works all the time so we have this little monstrocities
    If i wouldn't block the bot I would have tons of this useless and meaningless messagess all over the server channel - image now checking what happened on server while you have many of this messages?

    And thats why I say this bot should be removed because imo it dont give any usefull informations and makes the trash over the channel if you dont block it, besides you can use !list... so why we need this bot anyway?
  11. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    I don't think there will be enough people who would use it that it would be worth to add.

    This was added to be able to tell when a player can't see your message anymore because he disconnected. I can see this being annoying for people who want to read all messages on a server.
  12. CanadaBunny

    CanadaBunny Well-Known Member

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    Is it possible to add a function for users to disable it?
  13. ReiDaTecnologia

    ReiDaTecnologia Well-Known Member

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    5:16 AM
    Ah that is pretty sad but ok. Guess I will continue to use Carl Bot from my private server.
  14. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    No, because messages in channels are always visible to everyone who have access to the Discord channel.
  15. Akago

    Akago Well-Known Member

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    What about a function with the bot that private messages the user? That way the bot can do the job of reminding the user without spamming the public channels.

    EDIT: Just saw that was part of the original post. To add to the idea, the bot could delete the command to activate the timer so the spam of activation doesn't cause trouble either. But that's only if SirWill sees a point to adding it. To complicate the idea more, if there's an optin notion that you only have to activate once and it tells you when its time to vote based on the status of the vote rather than a timer, it might be more useful. (Basically, in the same way the in game message tells you if you've voted today or not.)
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2020

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