Done PO3K : Still more finetuning required for amount of singularities

Discussion in 'Project Ozone 3' started by neurocid, Sep 21, 2020.

  1. neurocid

    neurocid Well-Known Member

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    PO3K endgame has basically few hard blockers that could be made somewhat less dramatic. Basically people are giving up the server after getting infity ingots and few singularities/infinity catalysts.

    They are basically quitting after hitting hard by amount of items required for singularities.

    This is Kappa mode, so it shouldn't be easy, but there are three factors to consider on shared server.

    For each singularity you will need 901 blocks (this was 9001) of specific item compressed. All of those EXCEPT 11 have EMC. Those 11 you either need to spawn as blocks with mob duplicator or harvest from mystical agriculture seeds + process essence + create blocks with factorizer.

    Player is basically expected in endgame to either go crazy with void dimension mob spawner farms (but with this approach in MYM you will hit Entity control limits of 3x3 chunk quite fast). There seems to be certain limit of mobs you can spawn and this will make end game intolerably slow. Some of this can be overcome by spreading spawner farms to void dimension, but at some point it definitely would count as overdoing.

    As there are 11 types of singularities that don't have EMC you will need to spawn 11* 901 * 1760 = 17.4Million mobs to get enough for these singularities.

    Also for endgame Creative chest ingredient final star shards requires so much EMC that you on top of singularities need to spawn 19.6Million 8x compressed obsidian, which are best EMC source in game. This is for those shards alone, not even covering other EMC requirements.

    If you hit Entity control with spawner method, mystical agriculture is no better, you will hit hard by Tiquality if you try generate those singularities with Mystical agriculture seed + plant gatherer + crafter to create ingots from seed essence + factorizer to actually make blocks.

    Third way to automatize few of these ingots would be using creative tank + ingot former / smelteru to make blocks even with maximum upgrades this will take several seconds and would need factorizers mentioned above to make blocks if gone with ingot former. This will be severely penalized by Tiquality.

    Now player would have singularities covered, would the player then just craft creative chest? NO, there you will hit another hard cap as each chaos catalysts will need neutral steel of tenth degree ingot and you will need 1760 of those. After all this "easement" you still need to make 34.6Million neutral steel of first degree to be converted to later tiers. with couple of hundred fluid transposers + creative tank supplying ingredients this will still take closer to two weeks of 24h chunk loading. In future update this should have EMC according to pack maker so this part should became tolerable too. Currently neutral steels dont have EMC or liquid form so they cannot be any way made faster, just by adding more machines.

    Combined these efforts will require closer than month of AFKing to gather resources.

    My suggestion is to lower requirement for these 11 singularities from 901 to 101 or something. This would make getting singularities somewhat tolerable and player would be able to switch mob spawner farm(s) to EMC generation for final star shards etc.

    I wouldn't at this point change anything regarding neutral steels as that's something that seems to be upcoming in pack update.
  2. neurocid

    neurocid Well-Known Member

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    Attaching my super unclear calculations regarding all this :D

    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 21, 2020
  3. Cantiel

    Cantiel Well-Known Member

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    yeah, i'm one of those players. many modpacks i played had this kind of endgame quest tab, where all that was left is to collect millions of materials just for bragging rights, usually in afk setups that don't even require me to actively play the pack, at which point it just becomes boring to play, so i move on to another pack/game
  4. neurocid

    neurocid Well-Known Member

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    Just to point out that it really seems impossible to get decent amount of spawns to somehow accumulate 901 x 1800 x 11 blocks, even if you spread spawners to own 3x3 chunks to minimize overlap and chunkload them with iron chunk loader. Spawn rates are somewhere around one per second in spawner blocks. So this will take ages on limited server. Here i have tested couple of ideas, on corners spawn one heart mobs on iron spikes to die immediately on spawn chunk and another idea with draconic portals on middle to move them to killbox on yellow chunk. It doesnt much make difference on spawn rate.

  5. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    Yea, agreed, endgame to the point of making the creative chest is just nothing other than 1 massive grind, not designed for multiplayer servers. The grind to get there, would indeed take months and it would not even be fun. Just be online and afk while doing something else. MyM Should consider changing that.

    Heck im tempted to do a world/base download and finish it in single player where im not affected by Tiquality and can just let my pc do all the work, but the sense of achievement of having done it on a MyM server all the way is gone then...
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2020
  6. ReiDaTecnologia

    ReiDaTecnologia Well-Known Member

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    Make it 69 blocks for the singularity and add emc for the ingots/blocks that don't have it and should be ez pz
  7. neurocid

    neurocid Well-Known Member

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    Yet more stopwatch timings + calculations of speed of spawning mobs with setup on above screenshot.

  8. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    And that is assuming, we get 20 TPS all the time, for those 350 days. Now im helping neurocid to complete this goal, so its probably going to be slightly faster, but with Tiquality constantly cutting our TPS down under 8 or less, its going to take considerably more time. I dont mind making the server and with it, the TPS, totally unplayable for others, because Tiquality alledgedly divides tps evenly amongst all players. Meaning me and Neuro at least, will be lagging the server, on a daily basis to 8tps or less, for the coming 350 days... Does not sound like a great plan to be honest.

    Can we instead either raise the EMC value of the 8x compr. obsidian? or can we lower the EMC required for the Final Star Shard?
    Tagging @HanoverFist69 because he has helped with stuff like this in the recent past.
  9. HanoverFist69

    HanoverFist69 Administrator

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    I ran this by @Aidoneus and @SirWill when neurocid first approached me and the general consensus was It's kappa mode we shouldn't make it any easier.

    If you want to convince them, I think it's going to take a better argument than This is gonna take foreeeveeeer. Cause that's kinda the point of the pack.
  10. neurocid

    neurocid Well-Known Member

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    Alrighty, i guess its just matter of trying to figure new ways if optimizing things and go through every mod abuse available to figure these problems out.
  11. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    Here is my thought on it.
    At what point are we nerfing the pack so much that it now isn't kappa anymore? I see YouTubers that have spent 400+ episodes trying to get to full endgame. I was even skeptical of the singularity nerf. But I also have to think of the server.

    Not sure where or what the next route should be on this.
  12. neurocid

    neurocid Well-Known Member

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    And as an update for this, challenge was accepted... we did figure out to highly reduce spawning time. Creative chest done. Pack finished. Huge thanks for deepcage for final rush.

    Gabezetrainboy4 and deepcage like this.
  13. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    It was a team effort. But thnx for thanking me, thanks back right atcha :)
    Gabezetrainboy4 likes this.

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