Enigmatica 6 Patron Server Launch (Minecraft 1.16.1)

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by SirWill, Sep 9, 2020.

  1. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    11:40 AM
    Dont staff get patron anymore just for being staff? or have they changed that?
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 13, 2020
  2. Mantwo

    Mantwo Well-Known Member

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    11:40 AM
    Staff don't mean patreon ! :) If i want to play with patreon on patreon's server i have to be a patreon :D
    At least for Jr.mod. :D
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2020
  3. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    11:40 AM
    where did i say patreon?

    i did say patron, which is something entirely different. And last time i was staff, yea that was a while ago, all staff members got patron tier 2 just for being staff. For free... Did they finally remove that unfair perk?
  4. Moettke

    Moettke Well-Known Member

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    1:40 PM
    [QUOTE="Why not? its up to each patron themselves what they do with their friend passes and since i got no friends, i might as well give em out to 2 strangers. What you do with yours is up to you, but please dont force your values on others. If someone i friendpass griefs the bejeebus out of the server, thats outta my hands.[/QUOTE]
    Because if he hurts someone, you will be responsible for him.
  5. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    11:40 AM
    @Mantwo you've been friendpassed. Have fun playing Enigmatica6 for the next 30 days :)
  6. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    It's not called a friend pass without a reason, the intended usage is to give people you know or trust access to patron only servers. We don't have an issue with giving people access who are not friends but if you or anyone else invites random people without a thought, and they are causing issues we will not hesitate to remove the option to invite people from your account.
    If you are unable to take any responsibility for the person you give access then you shouldn't use it.
  7. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    11:40 AM
    Ok so thank you for clarifying that. Good thing i friendpassed 2 longtime and upstanding members of the community then.

    Why is this the first time i see or hear anything about this? It surely doesn't seem to be mentioned anywhere in the rules or anywhere else on this forum (not that i could find at least). I mean you cant hold it against me for not knowing something that wasn't mentioned anywhere.
  8. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

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    11:40 AM
    really never heard bout "my teammate robbed me and leaves the island/claim and play alone or with some1 else" complains earlier?
    You hid under the bedrock?
    As those things was mostly person-2-person issues staff never engaged in those, like "its your fault you trusted him, it's not our buisness" staff credo in those cases
  9. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

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    11:40 AM
    Oh and i forgot bout the best part - "Ignorantia legis non excusat" or in MyM rules language -Ignorance of the rules is no excuse!
    Also common sense is the best thing humanity have, shame nowdays people forgot how to use it nor their brains.

  10. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    11:40 AM
    Aside from us going majorly offtopic, ignorance may be no excuse, but if its written nor mentioned anywhere, its not ignorance, its a lack of rules/clarity and it has nothing to do with ignorance. I put the ball back in your court.

    Also your insinuation that i did not use my brain is offensive and i would like you to remove it.
  11. Mantwo

    Mantwo Well-Known Member

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    Guys we should keep calm. Nobody know all the rules even staff members have to check for rules some times. And we can make mistakes (and i'm the first to make mistakes). Just it is useless to argue with that. And please stay gentle ! SirWill make it clear on that so now we all have the answer.
  12. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

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    example: nowdays producers of blenders MUST put "dont stick your hand into blender bc it can cut your fingers off", back in may days it was bloody hell obvious, self preservation instinct tells you "its dangerous to do that" but now? It wasnt written so i can do that? dude... thats lack of common sense. Its like the taboo - its not written anywhere, you know inside certain group of ppl to just not perfrom certain actions.

    I found your insinuation that I insinuate you did not use your brain highly offensive and i would like you to remove it.
  13. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    11:40 AM
    Just one more and then i leave it, since we are majorly offtopic here.

    Found that one on the shop. It does say you can give a friendpass to ANY player, so there is some conflicting information there...
  14. Ubidibity

    Ubidibity Well-Known Member

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    Am I the only one having an issue with the launcher link at the top of the thread erroring out? I still can't get the twitch launcher link to work...is there an alternate download link I'm just missing?
  15. RuhRoo

    RuhRoo Well-Known Member

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    Have you tried going to twitch.tv/downloads > install app for your system > download enigmatica 6 modpack > put enigmatica6.mineyourmind.net as server address when game launches ?

    Just a thought I don't have patron so haven't tried myself.
  16. dailypeanut

    dailypeanut Well-Known Member

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    11:40 AM
    This is like having a hall pass, a pass that gives you acces to use ALL the hallways. Yet there is one hallway that is off limits (signs everywhere saying so). No no deepcage says, i have a hall pass that gives me acces to ALL the hallways !

    It's all about common sense here really. You have a high experimental server, not many protection mods. So you make this server for people that contribute to the network and in general are well knowing in what NOT to do. And here come the players that can't understand the concept of a "FRIEND" pass ... because it states you can give it to ANY player (that is your friend). And now to top it off, claims they can not be held responsible for whatever this random person does on this server, that you so randomly invite by throwing your friend passes up for grabs (in this case, at least you gave it to 2 longtime and upstanding members of the community so i figure no harm done).

    You are obviously responsible if you friend pass a griever ... why ? You invited the troublemaker ...
    All you are causing now is people doubting allowing friend pass on the server was a good idea ... and the victims will be the friends that got invited that do behave. All for the "political correctness" and finding a way to backdoor the whole issue to make you feel all good inside like you didn't do anything wrong here. In the end you probably didn't (because of a good choice if invites) but i do think you have touched the issue that some people are not responsible with certain privileges they have.
  17. dailypeanut

    dailypeanut Well-Known Member

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    11:40 AM
    It's called common sense, like i last started my post :p Something called a friend pass (what's in a name) is used to invite a friend ? Heresy !

    If you invite someone that griefs the server into oblivion, both you and him should get punished imo. Not the same punishment obviously, his by a ban and you losing your privilege for friend passing someone for a certain time sounds like a good and fair punishment.

    That is my opinion, and it's not up to me to decide the punishment/actions taken by the staff.

    Your house = private property. Unless this was an intruder, the police can't help you at all and neither can a judge. You trusted this person, he betrayed your trust, you feel the burn. Of course burning a house down does complicate the matter, but in general, if your friend decides to trash your house ... your problem.

    That whole previous post had nothing in it about you, so i have no idea where you get that i presume to know you. Also was it a general message/rant if you wish besides some added notes from your case in brackets. Same for this post btw, "you" does not equal Deepcage.

  18. LadyRen13

    LadyRen13 Well-Known Member

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    6:40 AM
    Hi guys! :) I know we are all super excited that Enigmatic 6 is out:wideyed::watching:, let's keep this thread to posts about the server launch please.

    I would also like to add that the pop up over the friend pass found in the shop was updated to better reflect the intended purpose of the friend pass. :bookworm: Thanks SirWill for clearing that up for everyone! :joyful:
    Screenshot - 64178f91967946e4093224d1eea5989e - Gyazo
  19. Manowarra

    Manowarra Well-Known Member

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    Is there a farmworld set up for this server yet? - Can't seem to find any info about it if so.
  20. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    There is no farmworld at the moment but we are looking into a way to add one.
    Manowarra likes this.

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