Decided Against Claiming abandoned buildings.

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by Basian_, Oct 9, 2020.


would you like to see this exception added to the rule?

  1. Yes

    8 vote(s)
  2. No

    22 vote(s)
  1. Basian_

    Basian_ Patron Tier 2

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    5:53 PM
    There is this rule that says its not allowed to claim anything thtas not yours, whether its partially claimed, unclaimed,...
    tho, i think there should be an exception to the rule:
    i think that unclaimed and clearly abandoned buildings (no loot/valuable blocks or items) that have no activity for over 2 weeks (cause thats as far as staff can check from what i heard) and without anyone knowing who might possibly be the builder should be allowed to be claimed with permission of staff. maybe even with an application here on the forums. it is imo more polite to keep the buildings to show respect for the hard work and time they put in it rather than deleting the building. if you build something nice and wont be able to come back, wouldnt you want your building to be used by others s othey can enjoy it too rather than that it just gets deleted and all your hard work goes down the drain?

    when answering no, pls state in comments why exactly... so its not just a random no with a "just because" reason...
    also, feel free to add more suggestions for the exception below.

    as i said, pls react below with your reason for voting No... cause else il be considering it as a random "just because" No... which has no value imo.
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2020
    EBTHOS likes this.
  2. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

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    No, there is a rule that summarize all the anti-grief in this network, I think SirWill/wyndman said that once:

    If you dont build it, dont break it,
    if you dont make it, dont take it.
  3. Basian_

    Basian_ Patron Tier 2

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    5:53 PM
    ok... but this is a suggestion to add an exception to that rule. you are just quoting what the network owner once said. still, ty for atleast commenting why you voted no, unlike those 3 people who cant seem to read...
  4. Lachim_Heigrim

    Lachim_Heigrim Well-Known Member

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    As you asked for the "no" vote explanation...

    My reason is two-fold:

    1. When I come after 2 weeks of business travel or dealing with IRL issues and find my base (that I've been building for months) has been damaged by a forceful reset I had to learn to accept it, suck it up and move on. But about the last thing I want to see at that moment is another player living in it.

    2. If you like what other people built, get an inspiration, understand *why* you like it and go try to build something similar yourself. That is the path of becoming a better builder and evolving as a minecraft player.
    EBTHOS and Basian_ like this.
  5. Basian_

    Basian_ Patron Tier 2

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    5:53 PM
    thanks for giving a proper reason.
  6. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

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    Im kinda boomer here so i know cases when ppl dont claim their builds just bc they knew, they will make break from minecraft for over 2 weeks, so their build dont get deleted(it happens mostly on older modpacks).

    They return eventually, now imagine the guy or las coming back and seeing some1 claim their hard work just bc "it was unclaimed", that would be more than unfair.

    If they dont come back - ruins make additional vibe to the modpack, feeling there was some1 before us.

    Last but not least - if you like the area with build you can ask for restore land so you can build for yourself.
  7. Basian_

    Basian_ Patron Tier 2

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    if staff had to give permission first, it would have to be unclaimed, inactive and without any loot for over a month (which imo makes it very unlikely that they will just return cause a month is quite a long time for inactivity) and only IF the builder of the claim can not be found at all, then would you consider it reasonable?
  8. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

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    How reasonable will be allowing to "steal"(I dont know more fitting word) others work?
    If staff dont allow grief why allow that?

    I'd say it would be possible ONLY, and ONLY IF you get personal perrmision form the owner. ONLY THEN!
  9. Basian_

    Basian_ Patron Tier 2

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    but what if the owner of the build left the server?
  10. Pseudonycat

    Pseudonycat Well-Known Member

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  11. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

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    Then no, just no.

    If you like the build re-create it. DONT BE LAZY!
  12. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

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    5:53 PM
    Thank you very much for sharing with us why.
  13. CanadaBunny

    CanadaBunny Well-Known Member

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    12:53 PM
    My vote is no.

    Adding an exception like this adds in too much room for arguement and misinterpretation. MyM has always been adamant about this rule. If you didnt build/craft/make it then you dont get to destroy or use it. Its a very simple rule and honestly not hard to follow.

    I seriously dont see this getting approved but we will see what the higher ups think.
    sp33draft likes this.
  14. Gabezetrainboy4

    Gabezetrainboy4 Well-Known Member

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    The way I see this is that it's a violation of the rules. We all know the rule, so why should we make exceptions for one to occupy a base built by another? There are alternate actions you can take, like rebuilding the base in another location without touching the original, then asking for a reset to keep the overworld clean.
  15. Pseudonycat

    Pseudonycat Well-Known Member

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    10:53 AM
    This sounds like a really niche thing that only got suggested because you found something "abandoned" And want to claim it for yourself, no?

    Claiming means taking ownership of the area. You didn't aquire the materials to build the base nor spent the time building it. All the work and resources still belongs to another player. You wanting to claim this area and claiming everything as your own directly violates the rule stating that you cannot steal something even if it's unclaimed.

    It's basically griefing with extra steps.

    This rule contradicts many pillars of the MyM Rule list and I don't see why it should be added.
    LordEreh likes this.
  16. p5k

    p5k Well-Known Member

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    5:53 PM
    Voting no because recently someone claimed one of my old builds and then left the server, so it was automatically reset.
  17. ProperChilli

    ProperChilli Retired Staff

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    4:53 PM
    There is no need to change a solid rule, its been in since I joined back in 2015, changing it would cause chaos on ALL servers and then some people would just start serial griefing rather than claiming it (because if you were to claim it you'd be stealing all the loot anyways, wouldn't you?) and then the victim would start whining saying "but I didn't know the rule was changed" because not everyone uses the forums and some people don't even read the rules at all, it would put extra weight load on the staff who are already very busy as it is and would cause a lot of people to quit MyM.

    Look at it this way, you wouldn't just go into a shop and start stealing then say "but the laws were changed" when you get caught, it doesn't work like that. Perpetrators have to be punished for their actions, changing the rule would mean more people would get off scot-free for something they would have been banned for. (Sorry if part of this doesn't make sense, I'm really tired today lol)

    I cant find a reason to vote yes, sorry.
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2020
    Willshaper likes this.
  18. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    5:53 PM
    Voted no cuz... Just NO. If its not yours dont touch it. period.

    Edit: Also voting no cuz furry-avatar.
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2020
  19. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    If you didn't build it, make it, place it, create it, buy it, you just don't get to break it, take it, destroy it or otherwise molest it. You can't imagine the hell you would inflict on moderators if this suddenly became ok. Players don't always claim their bases, or miss sections it happens to the best of us. How does a player actually know a spot is abandoned? You don't we have tools to check that and even then there is the occasional head scratching that follows which is why we encourage you to claim your base.
  20. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    5:53 PM
    Actually, i dont think you have tools anymore, ur not rly staff anymore, but a mere consultant :D

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